The excitement of the group had fallen when Geth explained the situation. It became even worse once they'd led the party to the two-headed wolf.
The once lively conversations died, and a morose aura surrounded the party. Even the Mana wilted and was moving slower than normal.
He knew that it would be a blow to their morale, but this was depressing.
Geth watched Zolis approach the creature, which surprisingly didn't growl nor whimper once she'd walked near it. She summoned her own Direwolf, which prompted a similar response from the Sub-Boss as Kane had.
Both of the enormous heads leaned down, pressing their foreheads toward Zolis' wolf. Geth was surprised.
'Should it be this easy?'
'The others sensed the interaction between myself and their comrade. They are probably already expecting us.'
Geth nodded.