
Redemption 1: Discoveries

[warning: the following may be triggering to some people. Proceed with caution] --------- Book 1 in the Redemption series --------- (WIP) UNDER COMPLETE OVERHAUL ----------- Moving to a new city is hard. Moving to a new city after witnessing a tragic event is even harder, and it's something Zeke Slater knows too well. Though he has new friends by his side, Zeke feels so alone. Especially with the stress of school and parents whose minds are elsewhere. What is there to do? ------ This book is dedicated to my best friend for attempting to help me to become an overall better person. Special thx to Paige for the tips you have given!

BDKirsk · Politique et sciences sociales
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30 Chs

-Chapter 8: What the Clock Read-


11:47 pm is what my clock read when I last looked at it. I can't sleep, but I tried. I turn over and try yet again to sleep when I hear my phone buzz. I turn back over to see it was a message from one of my old friends, Lydia.




C: hey lyds

C: whats up?

L: nothing, I'm just checking to see how you're doing, seeing as ur in a new city and all

C: I'm fine so far

L: good fine or bad fine?

C: ok fine

L: you'll be ok Cass, at least you'll be away from her

C: she's never home anymore anyways

C: shes usually drunk out of her mind somewhere

L: you'll be ok Cass, I believe in you


L: anytime

L: I gtg my parents woke up



I put my phone in my sweats pocket and gave up on trying to sleep. I grabbed a jacket and snuck out my window.

"Where to go." I think to myself once I reach the sidewalk.

I don't know where I'm going, but I start walking in a random direction which, eventually led me to a familiar park. I walked to a grassy area and lay down to look at the quiet dark sky. Nights are my favorite, the stars and silence help me relax, and that's what I do for the next hour, just lay on the grass, looking at the night sky and thinking about dead hopes and crushed dreams.


1:45 am is what my clock read when I looked at it. I think It's about time I head home. It was getting cold anyway. I somehow found my way to the house in record time for my speed, but my heart dropped when I saw the lights on.

"Oh shit." I think.

I mentally brace myself for what was to come and reluctantly, go inside to find my mother waiting for me.

"Well, well, where were you?" My mother asked in a sickly sweet tone.

"T-the park," I respond.

"Why were you at a park, huh?!" My mom's voice started to escalate. "Were you there to fuck another boy!?"

I'm in complete shock.

"What?! No, mom, it wasn't like that at all!" I said in an attempt to defend myself. "I don't even have any frie-"


Everything went black.


I woke up to my sister KC, wrapping bandages around my head.

"What happened?" I wince.

"Mom hit you over the head with a beer bottle," KC said sadly. "I tried to help you as best I could, but this is the best I could do."

"Cassandra Rose! Get to school now!" Our mom yelled.

"I suggest you wear a hoodie or something." My sister whispered, throwing me a baggy hoodie.

I somehow manage to sit up and slowly put on the hoodie and my backpack, and with KC's help, I get up and walk out the door. I force myself to walk. I can't stop. But ironically, after I got to that park that caused this mess, that's exactly what I do. I stop and sit at the base of a tree. The pain was almost too much. It was to the point where I close my eyes and, for a moment, consider skipping to rest.

"My mom would kill me." I think fearfully to myself.

Skipping wasn't an option.

"Hurry the fuck up, beanie boy!" A voice screamed.

I recognize it as Jessie's voice and attempt to make a run for the school. I can't let them see me like this. They'll start to ask questions.