
Redemption | Drarry

Harry had just had a creature inheritance, and realized he had been betrayed by the people he thought he could call his friends. What if it was all a lie? What if his parents were alive? What if Draco Malfoy, his former rival, dies? What if Hadrian was in love with him? What if Voldemort kills Dumbledore instead? What if Snape was not actually Snape? What if...

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003: Inheritance pt.2 (Draco)

July 31st, 11:50am

Draco sat in his room over by his desk, putting the finishing touches on his Flitwick's assignment that he decided to do last since it was not as much as the rest. He put a full stop on his last sentence before setting the quill down gently next to the parchment.

Why would they give them assignments as much as this if the summer holiday was meant to be for relaxation? Didn't they think they needed some type of rest after that had happened during the school year? That school was absolutely ridiculous.

He stretched his stiff limbs and let out a yawn before glancing at the wall clock and seeing that it was 11:51am. "That's my queue." He muttered to himself. He packed his supplies and brushed his teeth. He was far too tired to take a bath so he went to bed after changed into his night attire.

As he was making his way up to his bed, a wave of pain had crashed on him. It felt as though a dozen Crucio's had been cast upon him. A feeling all too familiar. It felt the same as when Dumbledore had once used it on him; Unbearable.

His voice stuck in his throat, as his eyes watered. He grabbed unto his bed post and the blacked out. When he woke up the next day, he was in his bed, hair sticking on his forehead due to sweat. The door creaked open gently, only to reveal his mother, Narcissa, walking in with his breakfast.

"Draco dear!! You're awake!!" She exclaimed as she placed the tray down on the desk beside his bed. "W-what happened?" He managed to croak out of his dry throat. Narcissa handed him a glass of water, "I heard a noise come from your room late at night, so I came to check on you. When I knocked, you didn't answer so I walked in and found you on the floor." Narcissa narrated, her voice expressing her worry.

Draco drank the water as he tried to wrap his head around what had happened. It could have been exhaustion but that was unlikely. He had a healthy sleeping schedule as far as he knew. "You went into your inheritance dear." Narcissa explained.

Draco just looked at her with confusion, "My Inheritance?"

She let out a sigh and explained, "I'm sure you know all about inheritances since Lucious wouldn't shut up about it. But as to what you could be I have no idea. Either a Veela like me and your dad or a Neko like you Grandmother since those two are more in family-line."

"Then there is a matter of Submissive or Dominant-"Draco had cut her off, "I have to be a Dominant, that's what father always said."

"Yes, but your scent says otherwise. Don't let your father overtake your life and way of thinking. I will support you no matter your position." Draco's mood have been soured at the prospect of him being a Submissive.

He always thought of himself as a Dominant, no matter the circumstances. He was happy that his mother was supportive but that did not change the fact that he was helpless in terms of power.

He released distressing Hormones that was obviously scaring Narcissa. She was about to speak but was interrupted by the sudden opening of the door. "A sub in danger!" It was clear that Lucious was not in control, but his inner Dom, Levi.

Levi exclaimed with worry as he let out immense waves of Hormones. Draco whimpered and snuggled up beside Narcissa to seek comfort from the clearly harmful Dom.

"Levi Stop!! You're scaring him!! I tell you later, leave!!" Levi stood in place, shocked, for a moment beside scurrying away from the livid Narcissa. If anyone could calm Draco down it was her inner Veela, Flora.

Narcissa gave Flora control and left it to her, "Honey, look at me, it's okay. He's gone, it's just us. He wouldn't hurt you, okay? He just cares, like any other Dom. They tend to get feisty when a sub is in distress." Flora reassured him calmly as she stroked his hair gently.

Draco peered up, showing only one of his bright silver eyes, as he looked at the fellow sub, his mother, his family.

He seemed to have calmed significantly, his scent was in check, he stopped shivering and he took steady breaths, "Now, eat up. When you're done, get dressed and come down so we can talk." Flora said before giving Narcissa back control. 'He's such a darling' Flora said to Narcissa from the inside, to which Narcissa agreed.

She went out to give him some space, which left Draco to his thoughts, 'I really am a Sub!!' His thoughts roamed to what the others at school would say. Would they help him? Ridicule him? Or just ignore that he had changed? All of these thoughts and more roamed his thoughts, that he wasn't hungry anymore.

'You should eat, you are already so thin. What would mate think?' A voice was heard, but as Draco looked around no one was around. "Who's there?" Draco called out, but he was met with silence.

He just passed it of as his imagination. He took the advice anyway and ate a portion of the meal before doing his morning activities. He was afraid to look into the mirror, but it was inevitable.

He was met with the sight of his now soft features, which was a real big step away from his once pointed features. He had a diamond face-shape, his skin was clear and free of blemishes. But it wasn't like he had any to begin with. His waist was slender, and his hips wide. He had curves (and here I am with nothing, what life is this?) the went around his body perfectly. From his waist to his butt, which was plump, mind you. His legs long and slender, and his hair had grown a bit, that it had reached his lower neck. He had an imprint of a crescent moon on his hip and a full moon on his inner thigh.

Lastly his height, he was once 5'9, now stands at 6'1, not much of an improvement. He quickly averted his eyes away from the mirror after combing his hair.

He called a house elf to come and collect the tray before he made his way downstairs and was met with a guilty looking Lucious and a disappointed looking Narcissa.

There are times as to when Lucious can't control his instinct and Levi just pushes his way through when declined of access. Draco cleared his throat which caught their attention," Draco dear!! Come sit." Narcissa exclaimed with happiness. Draco took slow steps toward the couch and sat next to Narcissa. His head was kept down, not once making eye contact with Lucius.

"Draco...I won't hurt you, know that. Look at me." Lucious said in a soft voice, that Draco just had to look up. Lucious looked at him with pride and understanding, and for once Draco knew everything would be fine.

"Now, it's time to learn about your Submissive side." Narcissa said with glee, and Draco was completely fine with it, it could take some getting used to, but he could do it.

Narcissa pulled out a blank parchment and a needle. "Now it's time to know about your inheritance. Prick your finger and let a few drops of blood get on the parchment." Draco did exactly as Narcissa instructed him. Now he was met with a paper full of writing and formalities.


Inheritance (Creature & Birth)

Name: Draco Lucius Malfoy

DOB: June 5th 1980

Mother: Narcissa Irma Malfoy (nèe Black) (Sub Veela)

Father: Lucius Abraxas Malfoy (Dom Veela)

Godfather(s): Sirius Black III, Rodolphus Lestrange, Severus Riddle (nee Snape), Tom Riddle.

Godmother(s): Bellatrix Lestrange (nèe Black), Andromeda Tonks (neé Black).

Species: Submissive Veela.

Mate: Unknown (Dominant)

Magical Animagus:

Elemental Fox

Heir To: ....

Lord To: .....

Vault status: Normal

Capabilities: Yet to be unlocked


To say Draco was shocked would be lying. He expected this and he was not fazed, maybe, except for the mate part. He wondered if he had met them before. "A veela as expected." Narcissa said as she put the parchment that she took from Draco down.

"Now begins your training."