
Red Death S1

Looking for manga artists DM me on discord (rloxx) This is the first 1 Season of Red Death (Red Death Season 1) In the world of 'RedDeath,' power and darkness collide as young warrior Ryu navigates a tumultuous journey. Guided by the mysterious Yizo, Ryu grapples with his destiny amidst the chaos of warring emperors and demon lords. As Ryu confronts moral dilemmas and battles his inner demons, Ryu's past and his struggle for identity take center stage, shaping his choices and defining his path. In this gripping tale of power and redemption, 'RedDeath' explores the enduring struggle between light and darkness, with Ryu at its heart.

RedSoul · Urban
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35 Chs

Something weird about the Guild Vice Leader

Chapter: Something weird about the Guild Vice Leader

Ryu made his way to the Adventurers Guild. The cool evening air stirred around him, 

Ryu: "Why would these idiots call me early in the morning"

Inside the guild hall, the vice leader watched with a sinister gleam in his eyes as Ryu approached. He had devised a cunning plan to test the young adventurer's mettle, a trap disguised as a quest too tempting to resist.

Vice Leader: "Ah, Ryu. Just the man I was hoping to see. I have a special quest for you."

Ryu eyed the vice leader warily, his senses tingling with suspicion.

Ryu: "What kind of quest?"

Vice Leader: "An D Rank quest. A challenge for only the bravest and strongest adventurers. Think you're up for it?"

Ryu's eyes narrowed, his confidence unshaken by the vice leader's challenge.

Ryu: "Fine."

With a flourish of his hand, the vice leader presented Ryu with a scroll detailing the quest's parameters. Ryu's eyes scanned the parchment, his expression betraying no hint of doubt or hesitation.

Ryu: "Retrieve a Golem Core from the depths of the abandoned mine? Sounds like a walk in the park."

But as Ryu ventured deeper into the mine, he soon realized that this quest was anything but straightforward. Golems of all shapes and sizes lumbered towards him, their eyes gleaming with malice.

With a calm determination, Ryu dispatched the golems one by one, his fists moving with precision and speed. Each blow landed with devastating force, shattering stone and steel alike.

Ryu: "There is no core in this rotten golems"

Yizo: "Golem Core is only in body of a Golem Boss"

Ryu: "This is going to be annoying"

But as he approached the heart of the mine, Ryu encountered the final challenge: the Golem Boss. Towering over him with menacing intent, the Golem Boss unleashed a barrage of attacks, its massive fists raining down upon Ryu with relentless fury.

After Ryu taking few punches in the face

Ryu: "He is targeting my skull"

Yizo: "Use magic"

Ryu: "I'm getting mad"

Ryu gritted his teeth against the onslaught, his muscles straining with effort as he fought to maintain his footing. But with a primal roar of defiance, he unleashed a flurry of strikes, his fists a blur of motion as he tore into the Golem Boss with unmatched ferocity.

Limbs shattered and gears ground to a halt as Ryu dismantled the Golem Boss with ruthless efficiency. And as he stood amidst the wreckage, his chest heaving with exertion, a cold determination settled over him.

Ryu: "No way this is a D rank quest."

With a sense of purpose burning within him, Ryu vowed to uncover the truth behind the vice leader's machinations, no matter the cost. For he knew that in the shadows of deceit, the truest test of strength awaited