
Red Spider Lilys

Outcast from everyone in the village, Akumu Chi left to find a new place to call home. Only to find more bloodshed and heartache, She knew one thing though. And that was to keep the promise to a certain someone, follow her painful journey.

AkumuChi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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49 Chs

Train Sasuke.2

The force of my attack was obvious doing it's damaged, I started healing him then stopped when he was not in pain anymore I stood up and walked away.

"I'm sorry Ruji..."

Akumu Age 15

"Faster!!! I said faster Uchiha is that all you got!!" I yelled punching him in the face, he let out a grunt whipping his nosebleed he ran at me again and slashed at me. "Really that's all you got I'm surprised you lasted this long! Itachi should have killed you seeing how weak you are!!" I yelled again kicking his side.

He grunted again getting up and running at me again kicking at me, I dodged him and kicked his back making fly off somewhere far. "Get up!!" He slowly got up panting and with cut marks everywhere.

"Time out 15 minutes break!" Kakashi called out I looked over my shoulders and glared at him, he jumped slightly and backed away. "No breaks when your in battle do you take breaks... No!!... Will your opponent say break time and yall just started drinking tea and eating snacks... No!!... No one will take a break now stand up!!"

I felt movements in front of me so I turned back around and saw Sasuke ready to punch me, I shot my arm out and grabbed his neck and squeezes. "That was good but not good enough" I raised him up squeezing even harder to the point he was wheezing for air.

"Let him go!!" Kakashi yelled grabbing my arm that had a hold on Sasukes neck, I shot my head at Kakashi and glared at him feeling my eyes glowing and an evil smirk appearing on my face.

"I suggest you let go of my arm unless you want your hand cut off" I said with a look that means business, Kakashi glared at me. "Let go of him Akumu your hurting him" Kakashi said my eyes widen slightly before looking up at Sasuke and saw he was turning blue from the lack of air.

I quickly let him go and Kakashi grabbed him, Sasuke started coughing and gasping for air his normal skin color going back to normal. I slowly backed away fear in my eyes, Kakashi turned to look at me with a soft look. "Akumu..."

I turned around quickly and ran away, I ran to the hokage mountain and sat on the fourth hokage's head. I placed my head on my knees, what is going on with me.

"What's wrong with you..." A full voice called out from right next to me, I looked up and saw that boy with red hair and heavy eyeliner I looked away from him. "Why you wanna know?" I asked glaring down at the village.

"I don't know just feel like you need someone to talk to but I'll leave you alone" He said turning to walk away, but I quickly grabbed his hand and looked up at him. "Please dont go" I begged tears in my eyes, he nodded his head and sat down next to me.

"Its a long story..." I said looking away from him, he nodded his head and gave me a look. "I got time" I let out a sigh and started telling him everything.

"My whole life I've been treating like a monster, a disease. Everyone in this village hated me for my looks I mean who has horns on there heads or red eyes, they even abused me for being alive grownups and children. Only two people in this village treated me normally, Rokudo and are Hokage. At the age of 6 I turned into a Jonin so I was sent on missions, I met these two s-rank criminals names Zabuza and Haku. They were like family but Haku was different he made me feel loved but in the end they ended up killed, the people I love the most ends up hurt or worst."

I finished telling him what was going on tears pouring out of my eyes, I soon felt an arm around my shoulders. "It's okay let it all out" He spoked and with that I was balling my eyes out, all he did was rub my back. Soon I had no more tears to let out.

"Sorry about that... um..." I said but stopped when I realized I didnt know his name. "Gaara" Gaara said I nodded my head and whipped my face from tears. "Thank you Gaara" I thanked with a smile.

"No problem..." "Akumu" "No problem Akumu"I nodded my head and stood up. "We should go" I said helping him up, he nodded his head then gave me a look. "We can meet here tomorrow same time" I asked he nodded again and tried to make a smile but it seemed he was not used to it.

We soon both went off somewhere.