
Red Spades

Two worlds collided. One full of violence, horror, and trouble. The other full of loss, secrets, and betrayal. They are so different but so similar at the same time. Axel is the bad boy of River High school, people hide from him when they seem him and refuse to speak his name. He leads one of the biggest gangs on the streets that no one can control. He's cold and intimidates everyone around him. He's not afraid to kill or be killed. Aella is a girl that can't be intimidated. She ignores everyone that pushes her around as she keeps to herself trying to graduate high school so she can get away from her abusive uncle and aunt. With a broken past she covers with a mask she fights her inner and outer demons.

LionoftheStars01 · Sports, voyage et activités
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20 Chs



It was close to one in the morning when someone appeared out of the shadows. I glanced at them as I stayed leaning against the brick wall. They covered their face and wore a black suit,

"Red Spades"

Carter who was sitting down sat up,

"Vincent?" He nodded. I kept the hood of my jacket up so he couldn't see my face,

"Prove it" the man rolled up the sleeve of his arm revealing a tattoo of a red spade with the letter A in the middle. Austin smiled at their member,

"It's been a while, thought you were dead"

I heard him chuckle before shaking his head,

"Thought you would have more faith in me" Gus who was tired and sick of waiting gave him an annoyed look,

"Alright you called us out here so what's the news" I agreed with him I always hated introductions and stalling.

Vincent pulled out a flash drive handing it to Jack,

"I got eyes on what he looks like. I would kill him myself but he's a psychopath that knows when his life is in danger. Trust me he'll kill his men at random, we need to make our next move carefully" Jack handed me the flash drive and I studied it before putting it in my pocket,

"This guy has been causing us trouble for more than a month now, and it may start making our other enemies notice. I want him dead before we all have to do over time." Carter groaned in annoyance at the thought,

"So what do you think?"

I pulled out a cigarette lighting it with my lighter and blowing out a puff of smoke before answer,

"I need to look at the data and go from there. Vincent head back to the hideout I don't need you getting killed" he nodded,

"Finally I can get out of these damn clothes" with that we all separated. I made my way to my house; my parents were dead so I got the place to myself.

Going up to my room I turned on my computer and put the flash drive in. It loaded up a file I clicked on. In it were three different pictures of our opponent. I felt my phone vibrate and I answered without looking at the caller ID.

"What?" It was Carter,

"We got another customer he wants ten pounds of it"

"How much do we have until our next shipment?" I heard him shuffling around,

"190 and our next shipment comes in on Friday" I thought of the list of other customers who ordered before replying,

"Give it to him. We'll have enough, and we could always start using the extra shit if some want more. Let the others know"

"You got it bro" with that I ended the call going back to the pictures.

'Damn, you're fucking creepy'

I grimaced at the photo before turning it off and putting  the flash drive in a drawer. I yawned tired from the whole day; I laid down in bed closing my eyes. I was about to fall asleep when my damn phone rang again,

"What?" This time it was Jack,

"I hate to tell you this but it looks like someone at school knows something about this guy"


"I was looking through the documents of his last shipments and found the name Diego"

I groaned just wanting sleep,

"Never heard of him" I heard him chuckle,

"I know you haven't because you don't keep up with people around you. He's in one of my classes"

"Great tomorrow we go get questions out of this dumb ass"

"You mean answers?" I glared at the phone already able to imagine Jacks smirk on the other end,

"Fuck off" he laughed before hanging up the call.

'Damn he pisses me off sometimes'

Closing my eyes I finally fell asleep without interruptions.

I looked around seeing nothing but darkness. I could hear the faint sounds of someone crying,

"Axel?" I knew that voice.

"Whose there?"

"Axel...help it hurts" I took a blind step forward. What was going on and where was I. Then I heard Gus,

"We gotta kill her Axel. She saw us and she knows too much"

Finally a bright light showed Gus holding Aella at gun point as he held a tight grip on her neck. She was crying as she looked up at me with pleading eyes. I glared up at Gus,

"Let her go" he didn't,

"Axel man come on think! We can't let her live"

"Gus, let her go" my voice was low and cold. His hands were trembling as he debated what to do. I put a hand to my waist and but my gun wasn't there. I kept my eyes on him,

"I'm sorry man..." before I could stop him the sound of a gun shot boomed in my ears. Aella's collapsed to the ground her eyes still opened as stray tears fell down her cheeks. A pool of blood appeared around her, she was gone. I felt my knees buckle as I fell to the ground only able to stare at her dead body.