
Red Spades

Two worlds collided. One full of violence, horror, and trouble. The other full of loss, secrets, and betrayal. They are so different but so similar at the same time. Axel is the bad boy of River High school, people hide from him when they seem him and refuse to speak his name. He leads one of the biggest gangs on the streets that no one can control. He's cold and intimidates everyone around him. He's not afraid to kill or be killed. Aella is a girl that can't be intimidated. She ignores everyone that pushes her around as she keeps to herself trying to graduate high school so she can get away from her abusive uncle and aunt. With a broken past she covers with a mask she fights her inner and outer demons.

LionoftheStars01 · Sports, voyage et activités
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20 Chs


(Warning this chapter has abuse)


'I am so screwed!'

I just helped a murderer take care of a body and I don't even know why. One of the obvious reasons should be so I didn't die but that didn't seem right. I don't fear dying.

'If they get caught and throw me under the bus I'm going to kill them...I shouldn't have to worry though considering they run the fucking police, right?'

I sighed softly before opening the door to my uncle and aunt's home; right now I needed to focus on what was about to happen. My aunt named Jen looked at me from the living room with her dulled dark eyes before calling out, and going back to her phone.

"Carl, the bitch is home!" I rolled my eyes muttering,

"Nice to see you too..." my uncle appeared from the hallway the look of rage and violence in his eyes. He had a grey and white beard that he kept fairly clean. His green eyes were full of hate and death. Carl was a veteran from the army and kept his strong form of a soldier even at his older age. When he wanted to beat the shit out of anyone he could and did. I don't know what he does for a living but nothing that made him rich considering the place we lived in was a dump.

"Why the fuck did I get a call from your school about you beating the shit out of someone?" He asked threatening.

'Of course they didn't tell him the full story...'

I took my shoes off,

"I didn't beat the shit out of her because I didn't need to." He walked toward me and grabbed my arm tightly making me wince in pain as he literally dragged me to the basement. When we reached the stairs he threw me the rest of the way down.

As if my body wasn't already hurting from today it sure as hell was now. I didn't get up as my body hit the cold concrete of the unfinished basement.

I learned that the best way I could survive his beatings was if I stayed limp as best as I could and not cry out. That way he would get bored faster. I stayed quiet as he stomped down the steps after me,

"You slut have caused me enough trouble and now I'm getting more calls from fucking places like your school! And that interferes with my damn work which keeps a roof over your sorry ass" I bit my tongue to keep myself from saying a smart ass remark that would leave me with more bruises. He kicked me in the stomach making me roll away from him. I closed my eyes to stop the tears as I hit harder on my tongue. I could taste blood in my mouth causing me to spit it out. Carl proceeded to take me by the hair and slam my head into a wall, luckily it was only made of wood and insulator so it didn't hurt as much as it could have. It still hurt like hell though. I crumbled back down to the ground ignoring the screams and insults he kept saying as he used me as a punching bag.

I don't know how long it lasted but finally Jen came down crossing her arms as she stood on the bottom step not even glancing at me,

"Carl, time to eat" he landed one more kick into my back before going over to his wife.

"What about her" Jen shrugged and walked up the stairs,

"Just leave it"

'Wow I'm not even a human in her eyes, not surprised'

he followed her up and I could hear their voices as they sat down at the table, but what they were saying was muffled out by the noise of dishes.

I wanted to get up and go to my room but every part of my body was numb and wouldn't even move an inch. I closed my eyes drifting in and out of consciousness until I could move again.

It had to have been hours because by the time I got upstairs it was completely dark. Carl and Jen were in their room and I could tell from the sound of them moaning. I looked at their door in disgust before grabbing my bag by the door and going to my room closing the door then locking it.

No matter how tired and sore I was I needed to finish some of my damn homework

'For all the assignments I turn in the closer I get to getting out of here'

So putting my music in my ears I started writing. After a while I felt my eyes lids closing

'Just going to rest my eyes for a moment'

I leaned my head into my cheek finally allowing my eyes to close.