
Red Spades

Two worlds collided. One full of violence, horror, and trouble. The other full of loss, secrets, and betrayal. They are so different but so similar at the same time. Axel is the bad boy of River High school, people hide from him when they seem him and refuse to speak his name. He leads one of the biggest gangs on the streets that no one can control. He's cold and intimidates everyone around him. He's not afraid to kill or be killed. Aella is a girl that can't be intimidated. She ignores everyone that pushes her around as she keeps to herself trying to graduate high school so she can get away from her abusive uncle and aunt. With a broken past she covers with a mask she fights her inner and outer demons.

LionoftheStars01 · Sports, voyage et activités
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20 Chs

Let the Games begin


My alarm blared loudly telling me to get up. Still half asleep I grabbed it and threw it across the room letting it hit the wall. This made it shut up. I groaned moving further beneath the blankets. I HATED waking up in the morning; if it was up to me I would sleep all day.

'This is when I wish I was Sleeping Beauty I could use 1000 years of sleep'

I sat up running my fingers through the mess of hair on my head before reluctantly getting out of my warm bed. My feet echoed through my room as I walked to my closet. Deciding I was too tired to decide I grabbed the first things I saw a pair of black skinny jeans, and a gray white hoodie.

I took a quick shower before putting on a little mascara and natural light eye shadow with some concealer. After I finished I took a deep breath looking at myself in the mirror. My natural red hair loosely fell down my back. My deep blue eyes starred back at me as I placed a smile on my face. Like a performer placing a mask on their face just before the show.

After grabbing my phone and bag I made my way downstairs. Luckily no one was up; which meant I could leave before they got pissed about something and decide to take it out on me. I didn't bother making breakfast as I put on my black converse.

Closing the door as quietly as possible I started the journey to hell...I mean school.

'If I could have one super power it would be invisibility'

I didn't mind the classes, they were easy and relaxing. I could just sit in the back playing music as I looked out the window zoning off into space. I kept ahead of the class so if I was asked a question I be able to answer and ace my tests. I was determined to graduate high school with flying colors so college would be easier to get into. The only ticket out of my crappy life.

It was the people that made

School one of the many places I hated. They were mean, selfish, and completely stupid. And because I was the weird girl I would be the target most of the time.

I entered the double doors fighting the crowd until I reached locker. Keeping my headphones in I grabbed the stuff I needed and started to make my way to first period. When I thought I would make it with no problems low and behold the bitch herself, Olivia Carson. You could say she was the typical stereotype popular girl, but I really only saw as an annoying slut that tried to make my life harder. She was the principals daughter giving her special privileges. She had her blonde and light pink hair in curls. She wore black glasses over her green eyes and a tight dress that stopped mid thigh. It was no question she was beautiful but her personality made her hideous.

"Hey, haven't seen you here for a while emo. Thought you might have killed your self or something" I kept my headphones in ignoring her. That was my speciality.

'Why does she call me emo; I look nothing like one' I tried walking past but she blocked my path. I looked up at her annoyed and pulled out an earbud,

"What do you need Olivia" she smiled with innocence that made me gag,

"I was just checking in on our schools emo. I mean since you haven't been here for the last week and knowing your past. How long ago did it happen? Four years tomorrow right?" I kept a straight face so she couldn't see the anger growing inside of me. I nodded in reluctant acknowledgement. She clapped her hands together and jumped up and down like a girl getting a doll house for her birthday,

"Oh my god we need to throw a party! You know to celebrate the life they had. Even though it wasn't probably that good"

"Yeah, I'll pass, but go ahead" she frowned,

"Awe why? We could find someone to hook up with you for the night. I might have to persuade them by offering some money or something but-"

I held up a hand to make her stop,

"No. I don't give a damn about that and it's not your place to have a party as a celebration" my anger was starting to boil over and I had to take a deep breath to calm down.

"But I think we need to celebrate! It's not like any of our moms were killed by our Dad before he committed suicide" she laughed obnoxiously making me want to slap her even more. She knew what she was saying would piss me off and that's what she wanted; no matter how "kind" she acted would hide that. Yes it was true.

When I was 13 years old my father shot my mother in the head as we were eating dinner before killing himself. The only reason people know about is because it was broadcasted over all the news channels at the time. I hoped everyone would forget about it but I guess that's not possible.

I side stepped around Olivia before she could stop me and walked into my first period class.

For whatever reason our English teacher thinks we are still in seventh grade and has us in a seating chart. Luckily I was placed in the back. I lowered the volume of my music as the last bell rang and class was about to start. Mr. Reed walked in and took attendance. Around the middle of the session the door opened revealing none other than

Axel Gray.

Not only was he the bad boy of the school he was the bad boy of the town. Everyone knew he led a dangerous gang known as the Red Spades that practically ruled over everyone. The air grew cold in an instant as he walked over to an open seat which so conveniently was next to me.

'Note the sarcasm'

He had raven hair that sweeps upward. His grey eyes held only anger and coldness toward everyone. He had black earlobe stretched piercings in his ears, and a sleeve tattoo covering his right arm. He wore a black T shirt and ripped pants with a silver Dog tag hanging around his neck.

No doubt that he was hot and everyone knew it.

However, his terrifying demeanor kept everyone away. Mr. Reed wrote something down on his desk as he spoke to Axel,

"Late again Axel" he only rolled his eyed in annoyance and made his way over to the seat next to me sitting down. He rarely showed up to school and I couldn't help but be curious as to what brought him here today. "Do you have your book?" Axel glared up at him,

"Why the hell would I carry that around" Mr. Reed continued pushing his buttons,

"Because you need it for class. Next time don't show up if you aren't coming in prepared. Aella please share your book with him" before Axel could say anymore he went back to the lecture. I glared at the teacher muttering,

"It's Aella dumbass" people always pronounce my name wrong; they always say it like Eye-la when the correct way is Ay-lah. It pissed me off.

Luckily Mr. Reed didn't hear me and I glanced over at Axel to see him texting. I went back to the book. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows,

"Aren't you suppose to share" his voice was deep but soft. I looked back over at him,

"Aren't you supposed to be paying attention?" He looked a little surprised at my response before he went back to his scary demeanor,

"Mind your own fucking business" rolling my eyes I replied,

"Then don't ask me to share my book when you aren't showing interest in looking at it" I didn't care if I was pushing his limit at this point. He was pissing me off now, and I was already in a bad mood.

'Next time I'll stay in bed this isn't worth it'

before he could say something back the bell rang and I got up leaving immediately to my next class happy to walk away from him.