

"Sir! We cannot hold them back any longer! You must take his higness with you and flee!" A soldier dressed in worn chainmail as specks of blood covered it. His face was pale and sweating as loud screaming and metal clashing could be heard nearby.

"Take as many men as you can and form a barrier around his higness as you flee, I'll stay behind and delay them as long as I can." The man dressed in heavy armor patter the shoulder of the soldier in front of him before saying loudly, "Jack, My family has already escaped. I have nothing to lose here other than my life now go! Everyone get out of here! Protect his higness wirh your life!"

Jack and the soldiers who weren't currently fighting didn't say anything and saluted before escorting the king, the prince, and the queen deep into the escape tunnels.

The man watched them run and sniffled as he walked over to the hallway unsheathing his arming sword while looking towards the rebels that were covered in blood as the bodied of the royal guards lay there lifeless.

He took a deep breath as the rebels charged at him, he held onto the sword tightly as he charged towards the rebels cutting them down with ease, they looked fairly young the thought ran through his head as he grimaced.

Wandering through the halls he stumbles upon groups of rebels taking them down one by own until he reached the palace entrance where he looked out upon the door and saw the bodies of his lifeless comrades and as he was lamenting an even bigger group came into the castle gates.

He let out a long sigh before picking up a shield on the ground and raised it up his eyes full of anger but a feminine voice spoke loudly among the group, "My Oh My Grantier, you're still alive? I thought I would've had to find your lifeless corpse among the dead."

The man named Grantier felt shock as he recognized the voice, "P...princess Melarie, H..how could you?" He asked out in disbelief as the princess he used to serve before he became captain of the royal guard was conspiring with the rebels against the crown. This revelation turned his disbelief into anger.

"Oh? How could I? It's been a long time of planning and scheming Grantier, I'm so glad you're still alive. I can do so much with you by my side." The Princess spoke in a rushed tone as Grantier looked at her as if she was being delusional.

"Capture that man alive! He's of utmost importance." She spoke loudly before ordering the rebels to charge at him. Grantier looked upon the charging rebels and went back through the door way to fight them there. The rebeld that tried to enter were cut down their bodies piling onto the door way. He'd raise his shield, duck, swing, and stab to the best of his abilities pushing the rebels back till they were out in the courtyard.

His armor dented whislt being covered in blood he swung tiredly and panted before hearing loud fighting coming from the inside of the castle. A few of the remaining royal guards ran to the door it was Jack and the soldiers he took with him but they were so little compared to before, "Jack! What happened? Where's his highness and the others?!"

"They're dead sir! Almost everyone's dead! It's just me, you, Shain, and Anol remaining sir!" Jack spoke loudly as the three of them form a line behind Grantier fending off the rebels.

"The Princess betrayed us! She betrayed us all! She was working with the rebels!" Grantier spoke loudly informing them with it before the princess ordered loudly "Bring up the cart!"

Two men could be seeing pulling a wooden cart cage into the castle with a little girl inside of it. Grantier saw the child inside and immediately rushed towards the rebel lines cutting down everyone he could as the child cried out for her father. He'd then hear three loud screams behind him as Jack, Shain, and Ano had fallen to the ground.

Grantier managed to take down 10 more people before being subdued, two swords poked at his sides while another into his leg while the Princess smiled with joy before she ordered for him to be bound up and put into a carriage for his wounds to be tended to.

"Oh Grantier, if you hadn't resisted more of your soldiers would be spared. We don't need his wife anymore, find her do whatever you want then kill her." She cupped Grantier's cheek as she gave the order, "You don't have to worry about your wife, I'm a better woman than her."

The Rebellion came out on top as the bodies of the royal family were hanged on the castle walls while the bodies of the Royal Guard were burned en masse. The kingdom of Etaria had experienced it's most bloody day in its history.