
A mirror or a dream?

" Get up! " The man said anger clearly on face, not a single amount of love in his face. And like a remote controller and a toy, she stood back . And grabbed her by her hair, and slapped her again, blood started to trickle from her cheek and head. And after another slap, he start taunting her and his sister just kept stand there with his Arrogance angry look taunting her even more, and after one more slap for not listing well and no breakfast for morning they both left and after they are gone she fall like a deck of cards on the floor, she can still hear shouting coming from the hall, her sister was still shouting loudly. She slowly sat up and went for his bathroom and turn on the shower and start crying without any sound on the floor like a broken doll, the sound of the shower covering her cry, her eyes were full of tears and she was still trying to control her cry , and blood was coming from her forehead and cheek mixed with water and tears, and the one thing that she think was, this is the price of my smile.

Than she plunged his ear phones and hear 'dev story' on YouTube,

In narrator's voice -

Well I heard some of you wanted me to explain my story's, cause they don't understand it properly. What does that mean and what is the motive of this? What does that mean ? So listen I'm never gonna explain that in a video, cause I believe you'll never understand that on videos like this . So wait for some time.

And listen.

You know Chanakya, one of the smartest tactician and philosophers, back then. He once said ' we always have to be careful around and about these six things, and those are: fire, water, women, snakes, idiots and powerful people. We must always be werry around those cause any of this can easily destroy you" and that's true you we have to be werry around this, a snake is a danger, fire is a danger, woman can be dangerous and stupid persons are dangerous, so the question is why I'm telling that right, so listen .

There was a mirror who didn't tell lie, the mirror was opposite of the regular mirror you have and , he shows the things were its belong, and it have a unique feature a mysterious thing, it was a enigma to all, no one know were it came from, somebody says it was mediaeval, someone says it was native and some link it to Egyptian or some crazy one even said it was haunted and cursed by some old wizard, and many even believe that it's belongs to a witch who used it to manipulate woman and doing her stuffs by their own will. No one knows which one was real . But one thing was clear that it is real , and during the period it appears and disappears by itself, no one knows where it came from and where it goes, and where it is now.

Maybe I know where

Somewhere -

There was a girl who had nothing in spite of everything. She has a family , a house, a school where she goes, a room where she leaves and a warm bed where she sleeps .


She didn't have what made it special. She has a family but know one loves her, she has a house but she doesn't feel at home there, she has school but no friends, she has a room which reminds her of her loneliness, a bed which has no comfort. And you want to know why ?.

She lacks that one of women's fundamental things, so called ' beauty ' . she has skin disease that gives her a some nasty burn like black marks on her white skin , that give her little cow like Appearance

And we all fuck knows that beauty does matter, inner beauty is a secondary matter, first we need a beauty body not just face then if it's, Perfect then people will see inner beauty.

And people even call her puch over, cause she is weak and fragile, like no one was weak before .

She had only one person to call family, friend and special person , who was her grandmother. The only one who thinks she is beautiful, and she is the one who kept her going till, she has her breath, she remembered what she told her before taking her last breath, she said " There is no one who'll love you with there eyes " And that make her sadar than before, first she deny everything, she declined to believe she was dead , she became furious than she take her grandmother's last word as insult, a last statement from the person she care the most.

And the world make her realise that one thing that truly matters was beauty, and she know she can't become beautiful so she starts hating the beauty, she blames beauty for everything she blamed her ugliness , she blamed herself for what she got, and soon she realise that hating herself will reach her nowhere, and she became depress, cause now she don't have anything blame for, she realise that blaming will do nothing.

So she start accepting it she down her head in defeat and accept everything that world has to offer like a insect who is just waiting to be crushed, she stop actinng like a girl and start avoiding people, she stops doing her make-up , she lost all interest in cloths and Exercise , overall she stops caring for herself , and accept that she can't win that she is lost .

and "ONE DAY" when she was going back to his house she found a, huge mirror outside a store , it was huge as her,and when she look at the mirror she herself, staring back to her , but the reflection in the mirror was not moving , it was still like she is not moving, it was still , and first she didn't notice her and when she notice she stops and stares back to it again, and found it quite attractive like it was calling for her, it was damn beautiful, and for the first time , she didn't hate it for it's beauty, she just fall in love with it. And when she came close she became even more Passionate, and before she can realise that mirror was reflecting the wrong side of her, the owner of the shop asked her something, and when she notice him she realise it was her uncle, and it was his shop , and when she asked him about the mirror he just couldn't figure out where did he get that huge mirror and, some he didn't found that mirror interesting at all , and she surprised a little bit that his uncle didn't found it interesting , but she shrugged and request his uncle to let her keep it and she even ready to pay for it, and he deny it, and time she got out of her character and raise her voice and shout at her uncle in anger and after that his uncle step back a little and he was surprised after seeing that , cause he know that her nies was a shy and timid girl, and seeing her acting like a desperate girl gave him a nervous smile, nervous for her action and smile for trying, and he decided to give it to her. And when he said that he will deliver it latte, she became little furious and said can't you make it now, her brother and parent were out in this time and it will be better if they didn't show it, and nodes in yes and delivered it right then and there and she kept her close eye on the mirror during there, travel.

And when she reached her house she placed the mirror in front of her bed where she could see it without even looking back , and when she looked closely she noticed that it had shakes carved on it and it had 18 weird cross signs that didn't mean anything , and after that she cleaned it .

And one thing "when people don't have friends, they create their own '' She makes the mirror her friend, she talks with it, she shares with it, ahe cares for it and more she loves it, and for her it was not ' it ' . It was everything to her.

And after some time, her parents start worrying for her , cause they saw her talking to it, and they asked her for the first time in her life.

" Is everything ok ? We saw you talking to the mirror "

And that question did all the things, first she took a weird pause, and then started chuckling. It was not like a maniac laugh, it was more like a sad laugh. And when they think she is going to stop, she said with tear,

" When did you start caring for me ? "

They try to protest and convince , but she shrugged them of by laughing even more like they were telling a joke, and everyone looked at her like she was a maniac,

" Really , you said you love me? , right . So tell me , where was that love when I was alone. " She said out loud in anger.

" Tell me, where were you, when I was crying for attention, when I was breaking apart " She kept screaming out loud.

" Tell me when did you ever ask me for my whereabouts, when did you ask me how's my day, how's my school, is everything ok? Are teachers well? Did you have any problem or not? Do you ever asked me that, and you know first question you ever asked me was a few moments back, and you wanna know my answer, it is ' no ' nothing is well I'm empty, I don't have anyone, anybody that I can call family or friends you are just persons, which god has picked me to be grown with, and I'm just burden for you, that you can't rid of, I'm just a ugly cow bitch, who just leave here with you, you know one thing, I want you all dead, you, you and you , I don't want any off you, you all deserved to die. " After saying that she realise that she didn't say anything at all, she just imagined it all in his mind, and she still have to answer the question , and she already have taken some time, and before she can give an answer her little brother save her from this mess by saying about his day, and they both maybe forgot about it, she thinks , but her mother beat it and tell her to give the mirror back, she wanted her to leave the only friend she has managed to make.

Later that night when she was done eating she ran to his room and locked it and started talking to her mirror , and she desperately tried to make the mirror talk, she shook it and cried for it, she just said.

" Please talk to me , please, they're gonna take you from me. Please talk to me, please. " She cried out loud and, after sometime crying, she heard a voice ,and she looked at the mirror and saw her own reflection on mirror talking to her, and she became happy and hugged the mirror , and it's look like the mirror hugged her back, and she start thanking her, and after some time, the mirror start talking to her.

She didn't freak out, she wasn't even shok, she bacem happy, so happy that she didn't even care that she was talking to a mirror.

And after she calmed down, the mirror Assured her, and asked her ' why are you crying' then she answered the mirror and told everything what happened and what would happen if she didn't do what they said. And after listing that the reflection of her assured her again and just said ' tell them to get lost , don't bother me ' she freaked out after listing that , she was scared , she was afraid of her family, she don't want to be scold by her parents again , and for her respond mirror asked her just one simple question ' did you ever try ' and that one question get her Off Guard, and it took some time to her to reply, but before she can the mirror talk back and said ' if you did, try it again, if you fail try it again sometimes you got yelled or get beaten sometime you don't , or else don't try and also get beaten ' . The mirror said that as a statement. And after that she said ' they'll kill me ' and after hearing that the reflection said ' did you really think that ? ' and she didn't reply.

And after that in the night she tries to sleep, but she can't, sleep didn't take her , she became frustrated, her family problems kept getting her in mind , the voices of her family kept messing with her , and she covered her ear and a sudden voice break her thoughts, the reflection of her was sitting on the bed and staring directly at her with little concern and angry look. Then the mirror said ' why did they hate you ' the mirror asked and she said ' shut up ' in anger, and didn't answered that, then the mirror asked again, why did they hate you? You didn't make that much trouble, and your marks are decent enough, so why do they still hate you? . The mirror asked her , and she replied immediately ' my face! ' she screamed oit loud, ' they hate me cause I'm ugly, cause I'm a burden a weght on there shoulder , I'm like a parasite for them ' she said in angry tone letting her emotion out, maybe for the first time. Then the mirror asked a simple question ' do want to be beautiful ? ' the mirror said in a plain voice like nothing, like that's the most normal thing to say, and after listing that she immediately turn his head on her direction and asked ' did you really mean that? ' and the mirror replied ' yes . I can do that ' the mirror answered still maintaining the plain voice, then she asked ' how ' then the mirror said ' just stand in from of me and said what you want to be , and that will happen' the mirror said, not a single bit of expression on her face, and after that she immediately crawl down to her and grab the mirror by both of her hand, and start saking it and said ' you can really do that ? ' and she noded and said ' you can try , just ask me to remove your black spots , and then you can see ' and she just did that she asked her to remove her black spots, and it happens , her black spots starts to clear up in front of her, and her eyes go wide , and she chek to other mirror to confirm that it's not just a illusion that the mirror creat for her, and when they did, her eyes watered again not in sorrow , in happiness, she hugged the mirror and start chanting thank you to the mirror, and she might kept going for hour if the mirror didn't stop her ' you know you might need a new dress and a hair style as well ' and for the first time she cried twice a day not in sorrow.

The next day when her parents were down and talking about some business till , they notice something weird, a new kind of sencestion was feeling the air, it was a perfume and the smell of it it make it like it was a very expensive one , and when a figure came down from the staircase, there eyes go wide In Disbelief and they followed her every single movement till she sat in front of them , and after sitting down she said to her mom ' is everything is ok bitch!' And she also added some time in bitch, but the sock of her beauty was that much that her father didn't came out from that and when her mother did she nodes in yes not realising what she said in the last , and how could she cause in front of her a Amazonian goddess was sit, she look like a total angel who just came down to visit the earth and she will as soon a she done her holy work, ' holy shit so you agree that you are a bitch ' she said in sacarstic tone , and this time her mom realise what she said and asked her in fury ' what did you say! ' and she replied ' didn't hear, look like you age is finally is getting to you ' she mocked her and start using her phone, ' what did you say, you little,,, ' but she was cut of by her father and he said ' what happens to you?' He asked in a little confuced and little happy tone, ' nothing just a special crem that uncle give me to clear up some patches pops ' she replied not even looking at him, he blinked and said ' what happened to , father, ' , 'don't know , asked him ' ahe replied, and before there conversation can go further and they asked about her clothes and perfume and she need to say get lost her little brother came crying out loud , and he complained about some kids who bullied him cause he was playing In there place, and when her was getting himself redy to go out and gave him some peace of mind she stops and said ' I'll take care of them ' and she moved with her little brother, and when she reached their she noticed some college kids were playing there old cricket stuff , and when she call for on of the fielder and when he saw her he immediately came and ignore his friends shouting , and asked ' how may I help you mem ' he asked in the most politest tone that he can manage, then she said ' one of you pushed my little brother and he came home crying and I want to know who have that much of ball to push my lil brother' she said I'm authority tone and for make it quick she said ' and you know I don't like it ' in a polite pleding tone and for more she smiled a bit, and game over, she has won, and when everybody came , he grab the coler of one player and scold him for mistreating the boy and make him apologize but she was not satisfied , and then she said ' my bother was crying ' then the boy punched other boy directly in the face and he rolled down, and he said everyone to leave them and after that, when everdody was gon and the boy and she was alone, he try to peak her on and asked for her number as a insurance that this will never happen again and she sadly reply that her phone went missing and his family was kind of angry a bit, and my boyfriend also leave me, of course that was a lie but he didn't need know that and after that he said ' who was that dump idiot, who breaks up with ' he said sarcastically , and he tease him a little by saying he wasn't that good you know' , than she leave but before that she address her adress and give him a wink than left, and when his little brother stair her and said ' you look beautiful sis ' she became happy .

And this kept continue in school and in the town everybody kept looking at her someone in amagment most then was boys,someone in also amagment but not kind of, someone was in shock and many girls in Jealous, whenever someone tries to bully her she use her tongue and move them back, and whenever someone tries to peak her up she let them play for a bit then use them, and have little fun of her own. And in a little time she became one of the most Illegible girls in the town and after that got everything she ever wanted.

And the video ended. And her eyes get little wide in curiosity and she quickly tries to find another part didn't found that, but she did found that it was a totaled as finished,not in some short of chapter stuff, and that mean that's the story and after that she roll down to comment box and tries to find something and when she reach to the comments she start reading that and the comments was.

_ what happened, did that end.

_ where is the second chap .

_ are you telling me that's the end, the end didn't come, what happens next?

_ it's so frustrating, I have waited almost a month for that, and when I got it it was half cooked. How can I satisfy my hunger?

_ it has to have a meaning .

And lots of comments like that, and after sometime when she still couldn't find anything she became even more sad .

Next day when she woke up, she felt tired, and felt her face hurting . And she looked at the ground, her eyes looking dead.