
Red room: The origin

The Red Room is a story of resilience in the face of profound adversity. Emerlda, a young woman burdened by a painful past, finds herself abandoned in a world that deems her inferior – the ruthless mafia. This scarlet chamber, a symbol of her isolation and despair, becomes the crucible where her spirit is tested. Yet, from the ashes of abandonment and societal prejudice, Emerlda rises. Like a phoenix, she refuses to be consumed by the flames of hardship. This abstract hints at a narrative that explores themes of overcoming trauma, defying societal expectations, and ultimately, achieving personal triumph. The red room, a potent symbol, transforms from a place of despair to a starting point for her remarkable journey. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It condemns child and women abuse, emphasizing the inherent equality of all genders.

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28 Chs

Chapter 7 Death of Luka

The freighter, a leviathan groaning under the weight of its illicit cargo, disgorged its contents onto the docks. Fifty million dollars' worth of narcotics and firearms - instruments of death and oblivion - were now entrusted to Luka, a man whose icy demeanor mirrored the glint of the steel he held.By the time the sleek black sedans materialized, humming with anticipation, Luka and his tense clientele were already in position. Sam, a stoic emissary for the enigmatic Emerlda, stood by as the buyers meticulously examined the merchandise. Satisfaction flickered in their eyes - the product met their exacting standards. Just as the deal was about to be sealed, a cacophony shattered the tense silence. The CIA, a silent predator circling for weeks, descended upon the scene.A hail of gunfire erupted, turning the air acrid with the tang of cordite. Two figures crumpled to the ground, crimson blossoming on the once-pristine concrete. News of the raid, a digital wildfire, reached Emerlda within minutes. Panic gnawed at her as she frantically dialed Sam and Luka's numbers, but both phones echoed with a chilling silence. The night, once pregnant with the promise of a lucrative exchange, now reeked of betrayal and blood.Emerlda's knuckles turned white as she wrestled her coat on, a storm brewing within her. Her fury ignited as the door yielded. A body, slick with crimson, crumpled onto the plush carpet of her opulent hotel suite. Sam. His chest heaved in ragged gasps, punctuated by the staccato rhythm of bullets burrowing into flesh. Adrenaline coursing through her veins, Emerlda flipped him, the sterile air thick with the metallic tang of blood. With a snarl that would have sent shivers down the spine of a lesser soul, she snatched a pristine towel and applied pressure with the focused desperation of a cornered tigress.The call to her personal physician was barked, each syllable heavy with urgency. The hotel's sterile calm shattered as sirens wailed outside, blue lights painting the night sky a garish hue. Police swarmed the corridor, their methodical search culminating in a thunderous boom as they breached the final door. The sight that greeted them was a tableau of violence - bloodied towels scattered like macabre confetti, the crimson staining the plush fabrics. But their quarry was gone.Emerlda, a phantom in the chaos, had vanished with Sam and her doctor in tow. The hastily vacated room, booked under a false identity, spoke volumes. The police, left bewildered and frustrated, could only piece together the remnants of a desperate escape.Emerlda, eyes glued to the news, watched Luka's demise plastered across every channel. A cold fury simmered beneath her carefully constructed facade as she turned to Sam, his pallid complexion a stark contrast to the vibrant life that once pulsed within him. As his eyelids fluttered open, revealing a flicker of recognition, Emerlda straightened with preternatural speed, the vice grip she held on his hand tightening momentarily."I haven't slept," she confessed, her voice husky with exhaustion. "Oh, you're awake." Relief tinged her words, a rare chink in her usually impenetrable armor.Sam, his voice raspy, struggled to articulate, "What… transpired?"Emerlda's gaze flickered away, a storm of emotions brewing behind her steely resolve. "You need to recuperate here," she stated, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Until I return.""Luka," Sam rasped, the name a stark reminder of the failed operation. "They concealed his death, but Sarah confirmed it." His voice hitched with a cough. "This is my fault."Emerlda's jaw clenched. "Absolutely not," she countered, her voice laced with a steely defiance. "I have to rectify this situation with the authorities, expunge any stain on Evolution's reputation."A jolt of pain ripped through Sam as he attempted to rise. "Rest, Sam. It's an order." She paused, her voice softening. "I've procured assistance.""Assistance?" Sam scoffed, the effort taking a toll. "I'm your most trusted operative, barely clinging to life, and you bring in…" He trailed off, eyes widening as a tall, flamboyant figure materialized before him."Daniel," Emerlda introduced, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes.Sam's gaze flickered between them, incredulity etched on his face. "A dog," he croaked, wincing, "would be more effective than this… psycho."Daniel, a notorious rogue with a penchant for flamboyant attire, sent shivers down Sam's spine. The memory of their near-fatal encounter during Daniel's recruitment, fueled by a fabricated suspicion of espionage, was still fresh. Emerlda's steely glare silenced Daniel's retort as she issued a terse command, "Accompany me. We have a funeral to attend. Focus on Sam's recovery. You can indulge in your… vendettas later."Luka's residence was a swarming sea of reporters and media vultures. Sarah, draped in mourning black, offered Emerlda a seat with a voice laced with veiled hostility. "A cruel twist of fate," Sarah began, "that death has snatched my dear Luka. However, justice demands those responsible be brought to heel."Emerlda, unflinching, met Sarah's gaze. "Indeed," she replied, her voice a silken threat. Sarah, wise enough to recognize the simmering fury beneath the surface, swallowed her retort. Provoking Emerlda was akin to inviting a viper to a picnic.The arrival of a man in a crisp black suit, his CIA badge glinting under the harsh lights, sent a jolt of tension through the room. "Detective Smith," he announced, his voice clipped. "Investigating the recent drug and weapons transaction. Mrs. Borstov, we'd like you to accompany us to the station for a brief… conversation."Daniel lunged forward, a growl erupting from his throat. Emerlda, with surprising strength, pinned him back. "Let them," she said, her voice surprisingly calm. "The authorities merely perform their due diligence. Assist Aunt Sarah with the funeral arrangements, Daniel."News of Emerlda Borstov's "detainment" by the CIA spread like wildfire, igniting a media frenzy. Confined to the safehouse, a frustrated Sam chafed against his enforced isolation. The world outside was a whirlwind of speculation, and he, the sole survivor of the operation, was powerless to intervene.Emerlda, a statue of composure, occupied the sterile interrogation room. Her icy gaze tracked Detective Smith's every move as he shuffled through a file, the silence punctuated only by the rhythmic sigh of paper. Finally, with a theatrical flourish, he slammed the file shut."Let's cut to the chase, Mrs. Borstov," Smith began, his voice dripping with condescension. "Were you aware of the…unorthodox business ventures undertaken by your esteemed 'President' Luka?"Emerlda uncrossed her legs, a predatory glint flashing in her eyes. She tilted her head, her gaze deliberately meeting a hidden camera. "My cooperation," she announced in a voice like polished steel, "hinges solely on the presence of Director Burns."Smith bristled. "Ah, a legal representative, is it? Perhaps that would expedite matters." He leaned forward, a predatory gleam mirroring Emerlda's. "The sooner you illuminate the recent… transaction involving narcotics and armaments, Mrs. Borstov, the sooner this little charade concludes. We've apprehended a significant portion of your… associates."Emerlda remained impassive, her silence a weaponized shield. Smith pressed on for an hour, his questions echoing unanswered against the stark walls. Just as frustration began to color his features, the door swung open, revealing Director Burns himself. A ghost of a smile played on his lips as Smith scurried out, leaving the two leaders face-to-face.Emerlda, her voice laced with barely contained fury, folded her hands on the table. "Why, Director," she began, "is the blatant assassination of my uncle conveniently omitted from your investigation? Collateral damage, you say? I demand answers. Who pulled the trigger?"Emerlda's face contorted into a mask of barely contained fury. Director Burns, unfazed, took a deliberate sip of water, the clinking of the glass against his teeth echoing in the tense silence."Mrs. Borstov," Burns began, his voice smooth as polished marble, "the situation for Evolution, and yourself, appears increasingly precarious. Any… additional information regarding Mr. Luka or his elusive associates would be most welcome. A savvy businesswoman like yourself surely recognizes the financial hemorrhaging this debacle has caused. Cooperation would expedite the process of clearing your name."He slid a document across the table, a thinly veiled threat disguised as a formality. "Speaking of cooperation, I couldn't help but notice your ever-present assistant seems to have vanished. Furthermore, your opulent suite was inexplicably vacant last night. Perhaps you'd care to enlighten me regarding your whereabouts?"Emerlda, her crimson nails a stark contrast to the sterile white table, tapped a furious rhythm. "An alibi for the previous evening?" she mused, a hint of dark humor flickering in her eyes. "Truth be told, Director, the man's face is permanently etched into my memory, a consequence of his… subpar performance in the bedroom. A single woman of my stature has certain needs, and let's just say yesterday was a night of spectacular misfortune."Burns's facade faltered, a flicker of anger simmering beneath the surface. "Spare me the theatrics, Mrs. Borstov," he spat. "Did you or did you not partake in your uncle's illicit activities?"Emerlda's expression shifted, adopting a mask of wide-eyed innocence. "Oh, Director," she cooed, her voice dripping with saccharine sweetness, "how naive of me! I had no inkling of Luka's… transgressions. He was a pillar of virtue in my eyes, a beacon of ethical business practices. If I had the slightest knowledge of his duplicity, believe me, I would have put a swift end to it."A sardonic smile played on her lips. "But alas," she continued, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "ignorance is rarely a defense, is it? Though perhaps you'd be more interested to know that this little 'mess' we find ourselves in, well, it all began with your predecessor, wouldn't you agree, Director Burns?""Spare me the crocodile tears, Mrs. Borstov," Burns snarled, his veneer of civility finally cracking. "Given your position at the company, claiming complete ignorance is beyond preposterous. I'm well aware of your attempts, and those of your…associates, to stir trouble within my jurisdiction. But this charade ends now. Pack your bags, Mrs. Borstov. Russia beckons."Emerlda rose from her chair, the measured grace of her movement a stark contrast to the storm brewing in her eyes. "So it seems," she replied, her voice a silken threat. "Am I then free to go? After all, you lack any concrete evidence to implicate me."Burns, his frustration evident, gestured towards the door. "Consider this a temporary reprieve, Mrs. Borstov. You may have escaped unscathed this time, but our business is far from concluded."Left alone in the sterile interrogation room, Burns slammed his fist onto the table, a surge of impotent fury coursing through him. Every report he'd received exonerated Emerlda and Evolution. Defeated, he snatched his phone. "Ensure Mr. Ginero and his family remain under twenty-four-hour guard until the trial. It's our only leverage against these… bastards."Emerlda swept into Luka's villa, the cloying swarm of reporters dispersed by her steely-eyed guards. Daniel, his flamboyant attire a stark contrast to the somber mood, materialized beside her, offering a steaming cup of coffee. She accepted it with a curt nod, her gaze settling on Sarah, who sat stiffly on the plush couch."My presence here," Emerlda began, her voice a laced with icy resolve, "may not erase the years of a less-than-ideal relationship with my uncle. Nevertheless, I intend to grant him a dignified send-off. The funeral will be held back in Russia within the next seventy-two hours."A flicker of something akin to defiance crossed Sarah's features. "A fitting tribute," she conceded, her voice laced with veiled hostility.Emerlda's lips curved into a humorless smile. "Indeed," she agreed, her eyes hardening. "However, true dignity comes not just from ceremony, but from justice. Those responsible for his… demise will pay."She leaned forward, her voice dropping to a low growl. "In the next seventy-two hours, whether I'm present or not, ensure Luka is laid to rest with the respect he deserves. Consider it a final act of… appeasement."With a curt dismissal, Emerlda dispatched her loyal lieutenants, tasking them with escorting Sarah and Luka's remains back to Russia. Alone, she sought out Sam, a flicker of vulnerability crossing her steely facade. Taking his hand, she pressed a heavy ring into his palm."If fate allows me to complete my mission," she stated, her voice husky with unshed tears, "let us return to Russia. Let us build a life together, a family untainted by this violence. Consider it an order - return with them, ensure the safety of my son and all I hold dear."Sam's response was swift and passionate, his lips meeting hers in a searing kiss. Pulling back, his gaze held a desperate plea. "Emerlda, darling, let's leave this place behind. Together. Is this… vendetta truly worth your life?"A flicker of pain crossed her features, quickly masked by a steely resolve. "My initial intentions were purely pragmatic," she explained, her voice a low thrum. "To establish a secure environment for my business ventures. But now… now it's more. It's about reclaiming the respect, the dignity that was stolen. This war, they ignited it. I'm simply… concluding it."The veneer of a business transaction had crumbled, replaced by a deeply personal quest. Disinclined to involve her loyal foot soldiers in this emotional maelstrom, she'd dispatched them under the guise of mourning.A mischievous glint lit up Daniel's eyes as he sauntered in, a playful smirk twisting his lips. "Boss Lady," he drawled, his voice laced with amusement, "seems I've snagged our little… rodents. Shall we get to work?"Emerlda rose, a predatory grace in her movements. Trading her formal attire for something more functional yet undeniably alluring, she met his gaze. "As always, Daniel," she replied, a hint of a smile playing on her lips, "you exceed expectations. Let's go… kill these bastards."