
Chapter 07

Ministry of Magic.

At those words, the Aurors immediately released Sirius who appeared to be in a state of shock.

Alphard and Regulus grabbed him from both sides to hold him as Sirius was in a terrible state due to the years he had suffered in Azkaban.

- "Adhara call Kreacher." - Regulus ordered.

She only nodded. - "Kreacher." -

In the blink of an eye, the elf was in front of them.

- "Kreacher take Sirius and take him to Black's house." - Alphard ordered.

The elf nodded reluctantly as he never quite liked the eldest of the Black brothers.

The three Blacks began to walk towards the few remaining wizards as after Sirius' release many preferred to disappear from the place, upon seeing them, Narcissa and Andromeda joined them. And Harry, well he had been taken to Black's house for security reasons and so that Dumbledore wouldn't suspect anything.

- "I see your plans aren't so good after all." - Alphard, sneered shamelessly in Dumbledore's face.

- "I don't know what you're talking about Alphard, if Sirius is innocent then he deserves his freedom." - Excused the old man.

- "That's Lord Black to you, Headmaster." - Replied Alphard coldly.

- "Don't try to fool us Albus, your grandfatherly mask fell off a long time ago." - Said Andromeda.

He just remained silent, as he had no more arguments to confront the Blacks without making a fool of himself.

- "I see Miss Black knows how to handle an audience." - A male voice interrupted them.

Adhara said nothing but watched him indifferently.

- "Professor Riddle, what are you doing here at this hour?" - Regulus questioned, serious.

Regulus asked to see what lie the wizard was making up, for during the trial he had seen Riddle among the dark ones.

- "I've come for some important papers from the Ministry." - Riddle replied, playing it down.

- "I see, Uncle Alphard, this is Tom Riddle, Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts."

- "It's a pleasure, Professor Riddle." - Said Alphard, looking at Tom with superiority.

- "The pleasure is mine." - Tom replied, annoyed.

- "I suppose you're excited... the boy who lived will be entering Hogwarts on the first of September." - Dumbledore interrupted them.

- "You're right, poor boy, no one but you... knows if he's all right." - Narcissa said coldly.

- "I'm sure he'll be in perfect condition." - Replied the Headmaster, offended.

- "Speaking of new students, will Miss Black be entering Hogwarts this year, or will she remain a myth to the students?" - Tom questioned with obvious sarcasm.

- "Well, Professor, I am far too beautiful to be in the presence of mere mortals." - Adhara replied, self-centredly.

The Blacks watched her in amusement, Dumbledore studied her with his eyes and Riddle tried to hide his amusement.

- "Is that a no, Miss Black?" - Albus questioned.

- "Well I don't know, we'll see, but I still don't understand who I should talk to about getting into Hogwarts."

- "What do you mean?" - asked the Headmaster, confused.

- "Who exactly am I talking to now, which one of you two is the Head?"

Alphard smiled at the look of disgust on Dumbledore's face.

- "Well, I'm the eldest and also the headmaster of the school." - Replied Dumbledore.

At his response, Adhara let out a sarcastic laugh.

- "Clearly, you are." -

But she was interrupted by Riddle who smiled coldly at Dumbledore.

- "Are you mocking me, Dumbledore?" - Tom asked.

The Headmaster looked at him with annoyance, not wanting to discuss in public what he was hiding.

- "You are the Old Man of Light." - Adhara said, pointing at Albus.

Regulus bit his lip to keep from laughing, for Adhara had just called the most respected wizard in the magical world an elder.

- "And you're the dark one." - This time she pointed at Tom.

- "I was told about the Black Heiress." - Albus said, surprised by the girl's bravery.

- "I'm guessing it's you because you've been analyzing us since we came in and now you're looking us up and down like we're sons of bitches." - Said Tom, with amusement.

Adhara looked at them as if analyzing their words and smiled sarcastically. - "I just want to know why you insist on my presence at Hogwarts." - She replied simply.

- "Would you be so kind as to brighten Hogwarts with your presence?" - Riddle muttered with mild sarcasm.

- "Of course, Professor, after all, who better to do so than the future Slytherin Queen?" - Alphard replied, coming to Adhara's defense.

- "Are you sure she'll be in Slytherin?" - Dumbledore questioned.

- "She could be a Gryffindor." - Tom said, mockingly.

- "In that case, then she'd be Queen of Gryffindor, wouldn't she, Cissy?" - Spoke Andromeda.

- "Exactly. Besides, a true Black will be powerful anywhere." - Narcissa replied.

- "After all, Adhara was raised as a pureblood." - Regulus said.

- "And unlike many, she is the Heiress of one of the most important houses in England." - Alphard said, eyeing them coolly.

- "And I assure you Professor Dumbledore, no one can change that." - Adhara spoke, with a smirk.

Both professors looked at each other, knowing that they would not win a battle against the Blacks, much less if they had no valid arguments.

- "I wish you luck with Sirius, and I'll see you at Hogwarts Heiress Black." - Dumbledore said goodbye before disappearing.

- "Well it was nice to meet you Black family, I hope to see you more often Miss Black." - Riddle murmured.

- "I hope not..." - Whispered Adhara.

But Tom didn't hear her as he had already disappeared.

- "Well family let's go home, Uncle Sirius and Harry are waiting for us." - Adhara said.

They all nodded and left the courtroom.

Black Manor.

Sirius was sitting on one of the sofas in the living room sipping a cup of coffee. He almost seemed to be someone else, Kreacher had bandaged all his wounds, he had had a good bath and put on decent clothes, in short, there was no trace of the man who had been in Azkaban for almost 11 years.

He still thought it was all a dream because his brother was dead and so was his adopted daughter.

And he had no idea where his godson was, that worried him even more. Something inside him knew that it had been a bad idea to trust Dumbledore for all he had gained was a straight pass to Azkaban.

As he was lost in thought, the Black family appeared in front of him.

- "Sirius!" - Regulus exclaimed, excited.

- "Regulus...?" - Sirius whispered, incredulous.

- "Don't worry, everything will be fine, you're free now brother." - Regulus assured him, then hugged him tightly.

- "Free... What do you mean? What do you mean? You, you were dead." - The wizard murmured.

- "I'm glad you're all right, Sirius." - Alphard said, interrupting the hug.

- "Uncle Alphard... You're alive!" - Exclaimed the former fugitive.

- "Of course I am, Padfoot." - Alphard replied with an amused grin.

Sirius shook his head in amusement and threw himself into the arms of the man who had been his support for years.

- "You look much better cousin." - Complimented a smiling Narcissa.

- "Thank you, Cissy, I'm glad to see you well. How was your marriage to the blonde Tefida?" -The wizard asked curiously.

- "I am doing the best I can." - Narcissa replied, rolling her eyes in annoyance at the memory of her husband.

- "It's good to see you again." - Andromeda said, her eyes glazed over.

- "Thank you, Andy... It's good to see you too, it's been so many years... Are you happy? Where's your husband?"

- "I am, my husband is at home and his name is Ted Tonks." - Andromeda answered.

Sirius nodded and smiled as his eyes glazed over at the sight of his family together ready to support him, when he mentioned his brother and uncle's name at the trial he did it because the potion forced him to, otherwise he would never have called them as he swore they were both dead. 

- "I want you to meet two people, little brother." - Regulus spoke, cheerfully.

- "I'm older than you Reg." - Sirius replied, rolling his eyes.

Alphard smiled as he saw that the two brothers had the same connection they had years ago.

- "Did you get married, who's the unlucky one?" - The Gryffindor questioned, amused and curious.

- "Haha very funny and no, I didn't get married." - Regulus replied, irritated. - "Adhara! Harry! You can come in now." -

Sirius blanched at the sound of those two names, they couldn't possibly be there.

However, the door opened once more, revealing a 13-year-old girl with red hair and green eyes with a hint of grey and an 11-year-old boy, brown, short-sighted, with a smile and a scar on his forehead.

Both children approached with excitement on their faces. - "Uncle Sirius/Godfather!" -

The two children jumped on top of Sirius to hug him.

- "Adhara, Harry..." -

Sirius's eyes filled with tears, Harry was the spitting image of James and Lily.

And Adhara was the spitting image of the person Sirius considered a mother, Euphemia Potter.

- "We've wanted to meet you for so long." -

Sirius said nothing and hugged them tighter, it was as if he was afraid they would be taken away from him again.

- "I don't understand. How are you alive Adhara? And Harry, weren't you supposed to go to Dumbledore?" - He asked confused.

- "It's a long story, Sirius." - Regulus replied.

- "What's in this for you, Regulus?" -

Regulus looked at him in annoyance at such impudence.

- "Adhara, Harry, go upstairs. Sirius and I will have a brotherly talk."

They looked at Sirius one last time and then nodded and hurried upstairs.

The Black sisters looked at each other to leave the room, followed by Alphard who knew that Sirius and Regulus needed their space.

Once everyone was out, Sirius and Regulus were left in a staring contest that was won by the younger one.

- "What are you planning, Regulus, to kill Harry and please your lord?" - Sirius questioned, angrily.

Receiving an indignant glare from Regulus.

- "Don't you dare say that sort of thing," - Regulus warned, equally annoyed. - "I thought that issue had been settled in the past." -

- "Or else what? Voldemort killed two of my friends, and because of him and his followers one of my friends is lost in who knows where." - Sirius said, resentfully.

- "Sirius stop..." -

- "NO! Now because of you Harry and Adhara will be in danger, they should have a normal life." - Sirius continued to speak, ignoring Regulus, who was about to lose his temper.

- "Normal? They will never have a normal life, Sirius, Harry is the only person in the world who has survived the Killing Curse and Adhara witnessed the death of her parents. ..... How the hell are you going to give them a normal life?" -

- "Dumbledore..." - 

Regulus was furious when he heard that, so he didn't hesitate to slam Sirius against a wall.

- "DUMBLEDORE?!" - Regulus shouted angrily. - "Thanks to him you ended up in Azkaban, our family was almost ruined because of him! And you want to trust them with Adhara and Harry's lives?"

- "YOU THINK THEY'LL BE SAFE WITH YOU? You're a Death Eater!" - Sirius replied, stunned by the blow.

- "I've looked after Adhara for seven years, Alphard looked after her for three years, how do you think she's alive? I rescued Harry from a hell your light savior had put him in." - Regulus said, with a serenity that startled Sirius.

Regulus let go of Sirius and turned his back on him.

- "Adhara carries your blood Sirius was your responsibility just like Harry. And you decided to abandon them because of your thirst for revenge." -

- "I made a mistake! OKAY?! YOU'LL KILL ME FOR IT?!" - Sirius shouted, on the verge of collapse.

- "I'm not going to kill you, you idiot!" - 

Regulus instantly turned to face his older brother who was staring at him in shock.

- "Despite all your behavior you are still my brother, if you don't agree with my actions then fine! It was never my intention to tell you that you were responsible for what happened." -

- "Regulus I..." -

Regulus wasn't about to be interrupted, however, so he silenced Sirius with a non-verbal spell.

- "You must stop this grudge, Sirius, stop feeling singled out and unloved, you are a Black, you are my blood and I need you Sirius, Adhara, and Harry need you too." -

Sirius hugged his younger brother, they were both on the verge of tears.

- "I promise I won't abandon them Regulus, I won't make the same mistake twice." - Sirius assured him, pulling away from the embrace. - "I promise to give my all for you and the rest of the Black family." -

Regulus nodded, wiping away the tears that were still falling from his eyes.

- "Promise me something Sirius, if anything happens to me promise me that you will take care of Adhara and Harry, you won't let them get hurt." - Regulus said pleadingly.

- "I promise Regulus but I also promise you that you'll be there to look after them too, and I won't let them separate us, not again." - Sirius promised with a sincere smile.

They both smiled and gave each other another hug, after all, it had been years since their last meeting.

With the Potter-Black brothers.

- "Well, at least they've settled their differences." - Adhara said, amused.

- "Hush, now I feel guilty for eavesdropping." - Harry muttered, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion.

- "Oh come on, it's fun." -

- "Well a bit, to be honest, I thought they would end up beating each other to death." - Harry replied with a mini smile.

- "Yeah, I thought the same thing myself, but whatever." - Said the redhead, shrugging her shoulders.

- "Adhara, do you know if we're going to Hogwarts?" -

- "Yes, we're going, don't worry." -

- "Really?!" - Asked the brown-haired boy, excited.

- "Obviously, The Boy Who Lived can't miss his first year at Hogwarts that would ruin Dumbledore's plan." - Adhara replied, sarcastically.

- "I guess you're right, are you going? I wouldn't want us to get separated again." - Harry muttered.

- "Of course, I'll go, I wouldn't leave you alone with that bunch of gits." - 

Harry just smiled in amusement as he had grown accustomed to his sister's humor.

- "Besides, I gave Professor Riddle my word, didn't I? Someone has to bring him down from his cloud of superiority." -

- "Because there's no one better than us?" - Harry questioned, grinning.

- "Precisely." - Adhara replied, ruffling the younger boy's hair, and he snorted at the action.

With Alphard, Narcissa, and Andromeda.

- "At least they made up." - Andromeda said.

- "Whatever you say, Andy, uncle, you owe me five galleons." - Narcissa said.

Alphard snorted and pulled out a bag of five galleons and handed them to Narcissa.

- "Did you gamble?" - Andromeda asked, amused by the situation.

- "Of course, and as always I won." - Narcissa assured Narcissa with a triumphant smile.

Alphard rolled his eyes as he had bet that Sirius and Regulus would end up beating each other to death while Narcissa bet that they would yell at each other and forgive each other, which they did.

- "You two are quite a case." - Andromeda said.

They both smiled in amusement and were interrupted by the sound of the door.

- "Are you ready, family?" - Regulus asked.

- "What for?" - Narcissa questioned.

- "The game has begun, Cissy..." - Sirius replied.

- "And it's time to plan our next move." - Regulus said.

- "Adhara and Harry are going to Hogwarts this year." - Alphard confirmed.

- "So it's time to make alliances." - Andromeda reasoned.

- "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" - Narcissa asked, excited.

They all smiled as they understood what Narcissa meant.

- "It's time for the... It's time for the Black family ball."

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Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and French. To English. 

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).