
Red moon love story

Selena was dreaming of the red eyes always. She didn't know why she is running away from it. She was scared and her heart throbbed and sweating in her dream. Her mother was giving the dreamcatcher for removing those bad dreams. But the dream catcher wasn't working. She felt like something come nearer. However, she didn't say anything to her mother. Her dreams were becoming more detailed over time. She wasn't seeing that guy's face. But she tried to see his face every time. She was trying to tell this bad dream to her mother. Her mother was getting busy with her project at the witches' burial site. As the archeologist professor, her mother was traveling to mystery places with her students or with other professionals. One day, she went to an antique shop with her mother. Her mother was being an archeologist and antique collector. So, she often went there for finding something attractive. There, she saw the red color ring with the crescent moon beside the stone. She was pointing and asked the seller. The seller was telling her not to buy this. However, she was saying that she will buy this anyway. Her mother knew she will cry if her mother did not buy this one. So, her mother was asking about the things they need to follow. And then, she got that ring. That night, she was wearing that ring and slept well. In the dream, the scenes are changing and she sees that man. He was speaking something to her but she can't hear. She felt his light touch around her neck then she woke up. She didn't know what happen but her neck feel pain. She dreamed about bad memory of someone else. She felt love, pain, and betrayal all at once. However, she couldn't see their faces. The black wing person was taking her away from them and she woke up.

Alexandriana11 · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

Chapter 54

Godfrey was holding the private dinner ceremony with Selena and the close friends. Damian was attending the ceremony with his mate. Selena was feeling unwell so she say, "I can not come down because my head is aching still". Godfrey was leaving her after the conversation. When he left, Selena was standing in front of the mirror and look at the wedding dress. The wedding dress was ready but they will go to mount Halti tomorrow for holding their wedding ceremony. Selena was touching the beautiful lace of bridal veil and the dress. And then, she wanted to put it on. So, she took the dress and head towards the dressing room. When she got in there, someone is breaking into the mansion via the big tree leaning on the balcony. She noticed someone is coming near. But she felt good while she put on dress and wear the flower crown on her head. And then, she was opening the dress room door and head back to the bed room. She was walking forward to the stand mirror and look at herself. She was touching her face and stepped forwards to the dressing table. Then, she stopped and sit on the stool and take the lipstick and blusher to put on makeup. Afterward, she looked at the balcony and see the balcony door is opening. She stood up and head straight to there for closing the door. When she got there, she is holding the door handle try to close the door. The curtains were waving around and then she see the moon bright up above the sky. So, she attracted by the moon and head outside. She was standing at the balcony and closing her eyes by feeling the wind. The breeze was tickling her. During the time she lost her mind, the wind hold her up above the sky and she is dancing with the rhythm. At that time, the blue moon turned red and she fall back down to the balcony. She was holding herself to stable and then she walk forward to the stair at the right of the staircase. She heard the water bubble sounds from there clearly. She thought someone is playing with water. Therefore, she moved closer to there.

The witch Lidia and her fellows were collecting the information of Selena all the time. Finally, they found a chance to get closer to Selena. The witch Noreen was sending the maids around Selena's environment. Among them, one of the maid got a place at the Godfrey's mansion. By using the maid, they got to know how to enter the mansion to meet Selena privately. On the other hand, they knew the time was running out. In the moon calendar, the rare super moon would lit on coming three days. Also there had things attract their mind. Those were powerful stones and amulets of moon goddess which can give them power to rule the underworld and human world. If they could get those from Selena, they can start the red moon ritual under the blood moon and they become the powerful witches. It was their same dream to make it come true. After fighting with Lucifer, witch Lidia get the new body. But Lidia's destiny was remaining unchanged. The witch Lidia was looking outside the window and seeing the rainfall and she say herself, "I will take your blood and finish the ritual on coming blood moon day". Then, Lidia was cracking the glass down on the floor and leave. This was being the last time she live at the motel. After that day, all the witches gathered at Ursula's place to go to Godfrey's mansion. In their mind, they had only want. At the mansion, the powerful stones and amulets were existing which Selena and Julie collect and find all those years. They used the maid to break into the mansion. All the witches used their power to make illusion to get in there like the staff from party service company. Selena and Godfrey was renting a party service to hold the private party at the mansion. The witch Lidia waited until they all head in. It was being a short time but Lidia is walking around to check the area to find the best place to get in. And then, Lidia saw the best place at the west of the mansion where the bushes are covering up. Lidia used her super vision to look through the bushes. Then, she found the stone walk path and fountain with pond and stone stair case lead to the balcony. Lidia said, "Bingo, this is the best way to get inside". After that, her phone was start ringing and she hold back her vision. Then, she picked up the phone and answer, "Yes, Lidia is speaking". And then, Lidia knew it's time to break in. Lidia was clearing the thorny rose bushes in front of her and get in there. After that, Lidia was heading to the staircase. Suddenly, someone was walking forward to there. So, Lidia was hiding behind the shrubs. While she was hiding at there, someone get out from the room near the staircase. She had to wait until everyone go back into the building.

As the witches planned, the white witch Angela and Helga were travelling to meet Selena. They had to go there before the enemies reach. On their way, Angela was telling what she need to remember. Helga said, "I don't need those because I will use my power to go in there secretly to find them". Angela said, "Alright". When they reached, they are separating their way to head inside. Angela was heading in there as the professor. Helga was heading towards the garden and look around the mansion. They reached there at the evening and the party start a few hour later. During that time, witch Helga found the presence of the witches using human bodies. But the only reason she came here to stop Selena. The witch Helga knew Selena would take all the power from the seal stones of moon goddess under the red moon. If Selena did that, they can not stop the rising army of underworld. The demons, evils and devils took the human world against the heaven. The people would live under the rule of the prince of darkness. While she deeply thoughts, she see someone got out from the room above the staircase. She was standing near the fountain and look at there. The young lady was wearing the beautiful wedding dress. At the same time, she noticed the bushes are moving. And then, someone got out of the flower shrubs and head towards the staircase. Helga was moving up there to stop that person. At that time, the young lady was flying up to the sky and the blue moon disappear. Helga noticed someone is arrive. And then, Helga saw the six star appear above the sky and the young lady touch it. Helga said No and she go upstairs. At that time, the lady in black dress was casting the spell to stop her feet. Helga could only move her eyes. Then, someone came near her and whisper into her ears, "Professor, you are the one who teach me all those things remember". Helga saw lady in black lace dress at the corner of her right eye. Helga said by opening her mouth hardly, "You, Lidia what are you doing here". Lidia was appearing in front of Helga again with the half black and white mid-length hair and black lace dress. Lidia was smiling up to Helga and go upstairs.

Lucifer was counting the days to get the full power via Mia's human body. He created Amelia for collecting the powerful stones and amulets which use to divert the human world and underworld. If Amelia fully removed those seals, he will get the power and rule above the world with his army. Today is the important day for him so he did not allow anyone to get into his business. Outside, Kerala was watching the mirror and see what happen at human world. So, Kerala ran up to meet Lucifer. When she reached, her steps suddenly stop. She saw the door open and he is sitting on his throne. Kerala was heading straight to him without fear. When she got near, the large cage is falling upon her. Kerala used her power to get out. But it's useless. Lucifer was closing his eyes and sitting on the throne still. Kerala shout up to him, "Lucifer, what are you doing to me". Then, Lucifer was opening his eyes and look at her. Queen Kerala was looking at him back and he raise his hand to lift the cage up and drag her. Queen Kerala could not resist his power. At that time, Venessa was running towards him to save the queen. Lucifer was putting down the cage and grab Venessa's neck with his power and lift her up above the air and hang on the roof. The next one was Vexana. Vexana was being clever and smart than the other two. So, Vexana held her temper and emotions and step forward to him. Lucifer was saying, "How come three of you are betraying me?". Vexana said, "Please, calm down and drink your favorite smoothie". Lucifer was throwing the goblet away and Vexana also fall down to the floor. Lucifer was taking all of their power and lock them into the cage. They shout him louder and louder but the door is close and no one else hear their voices. After took their power, Lucifer leave that place. Lucifer knew it's right time to go to human world.