
Red moon love story

Selena was dreaming of the red eyes always. She didn't know why she is running away from it. She was scared and her heart throbbed and sweating in her dream. Her mother was giving the dreamcatcher for removing those bad dreams. But the dream catcher wasn't working. She felt like something come nearer. However, she didn't say anything to her mother. Her dreams were becoming more detailed over time. She wasn't seeing that guy's face. But she tried to see his face every time. She was trying to tell this bad dream to her mother. Her mother was getting busy with her project at the witches' burial site. As the archeologist professor, her mother was traveling to mystery places with her students or with other professionals. One day, she went to an antique shop with her mother. Her mother was being an archeologist and antique collector. So, she often went there for finding something attractive. There, she saw the red color ring with the crescent moon beside the stone. She was pointing and asked the seller. The seller was telling her not to buy this. However, she was saying that she will buy this anyway. Her mother knew she will cry if her mother did not buy this one. So, her mother was asking about the things they need to follow. And then, she got that ring. That night, she was wearing that ring and slept well. In the dream, the scenes are changing and she sees that man. He was speaking something to her but she can't hear. She felt his light touch around her neck then she woke up. She didn't know what happen but her neck feel pain. She dreamed about bad memory of someone else. She felt love, pain, and betrayal all at once. However, she couldn't see their faces. The black wing person was taking her away from them and she woke up.

Alexandriana11 · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

Chapter 27

At the same time, the witch Selsa who is the wife of Demi god Loki climbs up the mount Halti to the holy burial site of witches. Then, she placed all the ingredients on the crop stone table under the dead tree and start spelling the ritual. She had the plan to wake up the witches lying under the burial ground. She was preparing everything and used her power to wake them up. When the moon lit up above the sky, she think it will work. After the moon go down, she was still waiting for them to wake up. They were not waking up at all. She was thinking about everything back again and she don't know what she miss. Then, she noticed that may relate to the red moonstone. The power would be absorbed in the stone which causes them dead. She told herself, "I hear it break into pieces at the day they end up their life here but now it seems like someone has this stone". She noticed the person who come from hell had just arrived on earth for starting the mission. She didn't know who and where yet. But she decided to find it for waking her best pupil again.

Lucifer's men were finding the demon king Zaphyrs at his old nest. But they haven't found him there. Then, they separated in different directions for finding him. As they focused on their duty. demon king Zaphyrs was checking them back again by using the dwarfs and trolls. They were sending the report to him by using many ways. He received their report by the wind from the dancing leaves. Then, he moved to a new place. That place was related to his daughter who reincarnate on earth. He was still finding the reason why Lucifer want her to take this heavy mission. He didn't want her to put the heaviest pressure on her head and shoulders. He wanted to solve everything for her. One day, he saw something strange existing beside his daughter. He was going up closer to the house and getting into the room. When he reached, he sense the weird smell strongly. He was finding the object in the room. He found the three circles in the triangle. That triangle was inside the big circle. He was burning the symbol on the floor under the wardrobe with the demon's fire. It was burning and disappearing. After that, he looked at the corner of the room and strange things disappear. Then, the shadow appears in front of the standing mirror at the right of the wardrobe. He moved up there and asked, "Why are you staying here?". That shadow who took his daughter since they arrive. That shadow said, "I am doing as Lavarithan says". He said, "Is that Lavarithan?". That shadow said, "Yes, the person who had the same power and place beside the king Lucifer". He said, "Lucifer didn't trust me". That shadow said, "You can call me Dollon as your daughter". He said, "Did she talk to you?". That shadow said, "Yeah, she willingly start this new life and talk to me for telling you this".

Mia the demon girl became the newborn baby. She couldn't use her power yet because she is a weak baby. Her body's weakness affected her power more than before. She was using her six senses to scan the room and around the house. Whenever she used her sense, she feel weak and sleepy. So, she couldn't control her sleep. Today, she woke up in the afternoon. She was opening her senses again. And then, she heard her past father's voice and Dollon's speaking. She was listening to their conversation and then she try to use her power to tell them to stop. One moment later, they seemed to notice her voice. Then, they stopped. Her father moved up to her and ask, "Can you still hear me?". She said, "I will keep the powers to find the person and finish the mission completely". Then, the shadow of evil disappeared. She told her father, "Don't worry much, I know what is right to do or not". Her father said, "If you need me, just whistle up by using this". She was grabbing the thing which she can use to contact her father.

Professor Hemsworth and his wife were attending the tv show to speak out to the public about what they found at the archaeology site. The tv presenter was asking them about the strange symbols on the metal box and other accessories in the tomb and carved wall. They also told the strange things which they found beside the coffin of King Ragnar Rok. After they ended the explanation of what they found there, the public section started and they answer the questions. When they finished, the wife go to the car in a hurry. And then, she was calling the babysitter. The babysitter was not picking up the call so she try to dial again. She didn't want to leave her child like this at home. When she dialed again, her husband arrive and ask, "What's happened". She said, "The babysitter is not picking up the phone, I am worrying our child". He said, "Calm down, we will arrive soon". She said, "What if our child gets in trouble in her bed". He said, "You are worrying too much". When they arrived, she get out of the car and run up to get inside the house. He was stopping his car in the garage and headed inside the house from the garage. He walked forward to the dining room for taking a glass of water. There, he found something is wrong with the light. The light bulbs above the ceiling were flirting up over 100 times. And then, it blacked out. He put the phone on the counter and open the light. He thought the fuse is causing the problem. So, he decided to go to the wine cellar. When he opened the cellar door, the light are back again. He said, "What is happening here?". Then, he ran up to the baby's room. He opened the door and was shocked after seeing the scene. The babysitter was lying on the floor on the right side of the door. The room was messing up like the storm pass here. His wife was holding the baby and sitting on the rocking chair. He went up to his wife and asked, "Are you okay?". She said, "Our baby is not getting scared of darkness". He said, "What do you mean?". She said, "The babysitter may see something bad here but I am glad our baby is safe". He said, "As you say before our child has some power to protect itself". She said, "Yeah". The baby was smiling up at them.