
Red moon love story

Selena was dreaming of the red eyes always. She didn't know why she is running away from it. She was scared and her heart throbbed and sweating in her dream. Her mother was giving the dreamcatcher for removing those bad dreams. But the dream catcher wasn't working. She felt like something come nearer. However, she didn't say anything to her mother. Her dreams were becoming more detailed over time. She wasn't seeing that guy's face. But she tried to see his face every time. She was trying to tell this bad dream to her mother. Her mother was getting busy with her project at the witches' burial site. As the archeologist professor, her mother was traveling to mystery places with her students or with other professionals. One day, she went to an antique shop with her mother. Her mother was being an archeologist and antique collector. So, she often went there for finding something attractive. There, she saw the red color ring with the crescent moon beside the stone. She was pointing and asked the seller. The seller was telling her not to buy this. However, she was saying that she will buy this anyway. Her mother knew she will cry if her mother did not buy this one. So, her mother was asking about the things they need to follow. And then, she got that ring. That night, she was wearing that ring and slept well. In the dream, the scenes are changing and she sees that man. He was speaking something to her but she can't hear. She felt his light touch around her neck then she woke up. She didn't know what happen but her neck feel pain. She dreamed about bad memory of someone else. She felt love, pain, and betrayal all at once. However, she couldn't see their faces. The black wing person was taking her away from them and she woke up.

Alexandriana11 · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

Chapter 23

Lucifer was going to meet Zaphyrs. When he went into the room, he found Zaphyrs is leaving. He was growling up to the guards. And then, he asked, "Where is he?". They told him that they doesn't know. After that, one of the guards moved up to him. He noticed that guard is staying beside his mistress. He said, "Why are you coming here?". He told the guard, "You are telling that she is in this case". The guard Kyla said, "I am seeing her go inside this room". Kyla said, "I don't know if she freed him or not". He said, "Bring her back to me now". Kyla said, "Alright, lord". He was heading back to the throne room and waiting for her. Later, the door guards said, "Lady is here". He told them, "Open the door and let her in". And then, he saw her appearance at the door. He ordered the guards to get out of that room. She was moving slowly her waist and walked toward him. He said, "What have you done?". She said, "Do you see what I am wearing now?". He said, "Stop joking with me". She was moving her legs slowly by showing off her white thigh and smiling at him. He was telling her, "Stop using this to me?". She said, "King of kings could not run away from my attraction". He said, "I say stop using your charms on me because it's useless". Then, Lucifer was grabbing her neck and lifted her up above. She said, "If you kill me, you will never know where he is". Lucifer said, "You are mine and now you betray me". She said, "I am standing on the right side so please don't put it on another topic". Lucifer said, "You should know that I am handling the big project". She said, "What is the big project?". Lucifer said, "If this mission is complete, I can handle the strongest demi god and can attack back to the gods". She said, "you are not leaving things the way they have". Lucifer said, 'I can't leave it like the way you did". She said, "I am leaving my home because of you". Lucifer said, "you are not leaving your home by your own decision". She said, "Cut it out or else you will meet the danger soon". Lucifer said, "Do it before I lock you in ice prison?". She said, "No, please don't". He called the guards and order them to put her in the ice prison and don't let her out without his permission.

At that time, the queen Kerala arrived. Lucifer said, "My love, I missed you so much". The queen said, "Because of you, the human world is messing up now". Lucifer said, "I am doing for good". The queen said, "That's why you can not beat Michael". Luicifer said, "Don't parallel me with him". The queen said, "Am the devil but I don't want to hurt people". Lucifer said, "Me neither". The queen was heading to him straight by slowly moving her waist and showing her legs out of the dress. He couldn't look at her face so he face the floor. When her hands reached on his shoulder, he said, "I am doing the big mission for taking Loki's treasure". She said, "Isn't it something related to the moon goddess?". He said, "Sure, Loki got those precious weapons from the moon goddess and give it to the witch". She said, "Oh I heard about the love story of Ragnar Rok and Selsa including the master Loki of Selsa". He said, "Loki was killing the king Ragnar Rok because Selsa and Selsa buried the precious weapon at the king's tomb". Kerala was sitting on the throne and playing her nail on scratching the face of Lucifer. Lucifer was sitting on the floor like a pet. Kerala said, "Sound interesting but don't move further". Then, she cut his cheek and said, "If you found it or not, the war will occur". Lucifer said, "Tell me what you know about it". Kerala said, "The moon goddess gave those weapons and protection amulets to Loki for giving to the right person". Kerala continued, "I overheard that she is doing this for locking her evil children". Lucifer said, "Loki became the god of evil because of her". Kerala said, "right". Then, Kerala continued, "When Loki found the best, he give the weapons and the amulets to them". Lucifer asked, "What about Selsa?". Kerala was taking a cup of wine and said, "I don't know much about her but she is the strongest witch and lover of Loki". Lucifer said, "I see". Lucifer said, "Is that so, I am right". Kerala was holding his neck and whispering into his ears by closing up. Lucifer was listening to all she say and said, "Thank you, my love". Then, Kerala stood up and leave.

The witch Selsa was still living in the Alchemy witch academy. Nowadays, the witches and wizards of the academy made the magical protection to hide from people. The headmaster and other masters of the academy built the magical barrier in and outside the world and then they create the secret paths to go to human world. The witch Selsa was being the magic teacher Helga and she give the red moonstone to her pupil Lidia for using wisely. After giving the red moonstone, Selsa was watching her pupil all the time. Lidia did not know that she is overwatched by her trusted teacher Helga. Lidia was not the only person who get the gift. Selsa was remembering the time she is together with her lover Loki. Luna wanted to Selsa to take this duty for removing negative obstacles from innocent people. Luna wanted to recover the good image. On the other hand, Luna and the witch Selsa were staying in the black list of heaven. The heaven kingdom was building by the heavenly father, saints, angels and the gods and goddess. All the gods were coming from humans and they are one team but there have the clash between ancient god and new gods. Witch Selsa was not actually born witch. The fire power of nature in her was being inherit from her father. Her father was the fire god Odin. She turned to witch after having an affair with her uncle. Her father Odin could not forgive her for knew her father is still mad at her. So, she lived away from home and receive the duty to raise good image for Luna and herself. That's why Selsa gave the powerful stones and amulets to the chosen person.

The powerful stone started to glow when Selsa is too close to the right person. Selsa was raising the child as her own because it's half god child to rule the world and clear the negative energy to protect the people. The first person who got the stone, amulet, and pendant is the first Viking king Ragnar Rok. He ruled the world and destroy evil things until he die. He was being half human and half god so he can do such a thing. After him, the god Loki and she find the chosen person. Then, they found king Solomon and other rulers of the world. Then, the five-star stones and amulets were helping the people to have a better life. After Loki dies, she has work alone by changing her name. She was spending many years at the witch academy to find the right one. And then, she met the little girl Lidia. Lidia was being a weak person but she want to be strong and help the people with her power. Selsa never thought that she becomes a black witch. So, she gave the red moonstone and pendant to protect her soul from bad impacts. Finally, she heard her pupils are dead at the mount Halti. She was heading there once and she bury their bodies in special coffins. She needed to wait time to wake them once again. Then, she checked around and know what is happening there. So, she was heading back to the academy and waiting. As She spread all the amulets and precious jewels to her trusted pupils. So, the demi-god couldn't find her yet. The moving kingdom on the cloud was covered with magical protection. She knew what happen to her pupil Lidia. She went there and find the ring to absorb the power of the moon. But she hasn't found that. Over long years, she was still finding the ring everywhere. Today, she got the signal from the amulet that she buried with him. She wanted to know who take it. So, she was using the power on the stone basin and waving up. After she waved three times to the right, the place appear. She looked there carefully and said, "They are digging the ground for finding the tomb of little Ragnar". Then, someone knocked on the door. She asked, "Who's there?". Then, she heard the strange sound of ringing the bells. She said, "I know you are here but I don't know what you want". She was taking the mist bag on the belt and ready to fight.

After that, the door wide opened and she looks at there. There had no one standing at the door. She was not confused because she know her tricks. She kept the focus on her ears and suddenly attack her from the back. She moved aside and throw the mist at it. It disappeared in the dark again. She looked around and said, "Show yourself, not hiding anymore". Then, her hair waved up from left to right and she end up in the air. She tried to hold her balance and said, "That's all you can". Then, the lady in the starry blue dress appeared. She said, "You are not that person". That lady said, "Do you miss me?". It was her student Angelica. The white witch Angelica was introduced by telling her name. Then, she remembered her. She said, "You are Anglica". Angelica said, "I want to see you ask you about Lidia and the others". She said, "They are sleeping on the ground peacefully in the coffins". Angelica said, "I can feel that they will awake soon because of the birth of someone". She said, "What do you mean?". Angelica said, "I know the clash between the mother and daughter". She said, "And". Angelica said, "I get the signal so I search by using the magic orb". She asked, "What did you see?". Angelica said, "The daughter of Lidia is coming back to earth". She said, "Is that her killing my pupils?". Angelica said, "Lidia using Aritia to get the full power of the red moon to become a moon witch". She said, "Why Lidia is doing this?". Angelica said, "Anyway, do you think Lidia will awake or not". She said, "I will go check there soon". Angelica said, "Good, I will go check the baby by following the signals". She said, "Good".