
Red Moon: Dead Future Alpha

“Alpha rogues!” I hear warriors yelling through the mind link. I sit quickly only to hear growls and the strong stench of rogues. As soon as I stand up I can feel Victor coming to the surface. I need to check on my parents and help get the women, pups, and elders to our panic room. Right before I reach the door, two wolves burst through. 'HOW DID THEY GET IN MY HOUSE' Victor growls. I try to shift, failing, as they both lunge at me. I can feel my eyes go black as Victor lets out a furious growl. “You walked into the wrong house, rogues!” I yell with Victor's voice echoing through mine. I watch both of them as they begin to snap their jaws at me when a dark shadow appears in the doorway firing a gun at me. I barely dodge it as the bullet grazes my skin and searing pain begins. The bullets are silver! Victor groans. I smash into my bedpost and hear a rib crack. Rolling onto my back, “Fucking rogues are going ––!” A scream came from my parents’ room. My head snaps in their direction. “Mom!” I yell for her. The two wolves pin me down as I try to move, despite the searing pain, to find my parents. The dark figure comes closer, dropping his hood.

Sky_Carver · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter 10: It's you

Vince POV

As soon as Violet leaves my heart aches and Victor whines for her to be close again. I look up at Alpha Zane and I know he sees my heartbreak.

"It's okay son, you will see her soon." I nod in response.

"Are you able to answer some questions about my pack?" I ask him.

"Any information I have, I will gladly share."

"Who were the rogues that killed my parents?" I stare at the desk.

"From what Alp-" I growled before he could finish, "from what Henry and Griffin told us was that, the Alpha had murdered the rogue Alpha's mate, and he wanted revenge. That's why they only went after the Alpha family. That story was always strange because rogues normally go for weak pack members to make sure the Alpha feels the pain of their death." Zane finished looking at me for a response.

"The elders didn't question it? Where did they get that information?" I demand an answer from Zane

He shakes his head like he made a connection, "Griffin. He was found on the Alpha floor unconscious. He claimed that he went to find you and fought 4 rogues until he was knocked in the back of the head." Victor came forward and growled, causing Alpha Zane to nod at the suspension.

"The night of our graduation party, my father announced that I was to be Alpha that coming weekend. Griffin left dinner, I couldn't reach him through mind-link but I thought it was his wolf being on edge from feeling a pull towards his mate. I didn't smell or sense him during my night run and when checking in with the border warriors. They had a scent that came and vanished quickly, I just thought a rogue was close but realized it was coming into my territory and I trusted my warriors.

"I went to bed, was startled awake by a mindlink of rogues. I didn't make it out of my room before 2 wolves came in, went to shift when I saw someone in the doorway and heard a gunshot. I dived out of the way, crashing into my bed post. The bullet grazed my ribs, the rogues held me down, the person in the door came forward and it was Griffin. He told me my parents were dead, and then shot me calling me Dead Future Alpha. I woke up in the hospital and you know the rest."

Alpha Zane hung his head "Griffin takes over at the end of this year. That leaves you less than 4 months to get into shape, explain to your Luna who you are and get your wolf strong enough. If we find the evidence, I will personally take it to the council at their meeting in November. For now, let's get you started." Alpha Zane stands and I follow him out of the pack house.

"The pack members think that you are from overseas and here to help fill the position of pup training temporarily. You will start with 5-8 year olds from 8am-10am then 9-12 year olds from 12pm-3pm. The 10-11 hour is for setting up for the next class and lunch is 11-12pm. 3-4pm is cleaning up any training equipment, there is a shed filled with anything you could need. If you are doing hand to hand combat without equipment you are able to leave once Violet is ready." Alpha Zane explains to me as we stand in the training field.

I look towards the pack hospital, "I would like to speak with Tia about doing some blood work to test for any wolf poison. I tried to shift and it was extremely painful, my wolf disappeared to heal himself. He says there is a block that he can't break through for me to fully shift. I don't want to push him, my Alpha aura could fall and then we would have another problem on our hands."

"If you want to see Violet, you can go. Your class doesn't start for another hour. Just make sure to be on time. I will meet you here in 45 minutes so we can go over what they have been taught so far. I will let Tia know you are coming in." Zane's eyes glaze over and he walks away with a nod.

It only takes 5 minutes to find the red brick 4 story building marked hospital, and Victor is wagging around in my head excited to see Violet. All heads turn when I make it to the check in counter.

"How may I help?" the receptionist asked without looking up.

"I am here to see Dr. Tia and nurse Violet." I state causing her head to snap up.

"Oh I'm sorry you must be the new trainer with the human nurse. My name is Nina." she says with a blush.

"Yes, could you point me in the right direction?" she nods and points to the double doors.

"Through the doors to the right. If you need anything else, you know where to find me." she finishes with a wink. I walk away without giving her another look.

I find Violet with her back turned standing at a counter reading through papers. Go get her Victor practically moans at me.

I walk up covering her eyes, "You should be more aware of your surroundings my dear Violet." I whisper into her ear.

"Well dear stranger, I do have a big bodyguard who will tear your head off." she whispers back and my heart sinks at her voice.

I spin her around and I know she can see the lust in my eyes.

"Vince," she whispers, staring at my lips. "Vince?" she repeats now looking at me while my eyes flick black. She wants us. Victor growls trying to gain control.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Tia says shocking me out of the battle with my wolf and Violet goes red at getting caught so close.

"No, Dr. Tia we were ummm" Violet gets cut off by Tia waving her hand.

"It's okay. Vince, are you ready to do the blood work?" I nod looking at Violet who looks confused and curious.

"Yes. I have to meet Mr. Zane on the training field soon. If we could make this quick I would appreciate it." I say to Tia and go to follow.

"Vince, why are you getting blood work?" Violet asked, walking with me.

"I'm just doing a check up. I'm okay, I promise." I grab her hand and squeeze it to reassure her.

It only takes a few minutes for Tia to grab a blood sample and send me on my way. I tell Violet I will come get her for lunch and make my way to the training field. Alpha Zane is digging in the shed when I approach him.

"How did the blood work go?" He asked, looking at his clipboard.

"Went well. What is the plan for today?" I was curious about what he's looking for.

"They are doing hand to hand combat but we call it wrestling at this age. Once you feel that they have the techniques down, the next stage is boxing. The next class is at the same point, just more advanced. They can get a little crazy, especially the warrior children. They want to impress, just watch the aggression." I nod.

We lay mats out for the pups and soon I see a crowd of 40 kids running right at me. They stop right at the edges of the mats and wait for instructions, talking quietly to each other.

"Good morning children," Zane addresses the group and gets 'Good morning Alpha.' from the kids. "This is trainer Vince, he will be taking over temporarily. I expect everyone to be on their best behavior or you will answer me." Everyone nods at their Alpha, "good, have a good session." Zane finishes handing me the clipboard and taking his leave.

"Alright, why don't we start with stretches." I say as they all fan out.


At the end of the day, Violet and I make our way to Zane's office to let him know our first day went. Violet was so excited explaining her day in full detail of all the babies she got to take care of. I informed Zane that everyone was very well behaved and respectful. He congratulated us on our first day.

On our way out the car, the receptionist, Nina, was walking into the pack house sending me a wink and a small wave. I watched Violet glare at her and I wrapped my arm around her neck to keep her next to me. We reach the car ignoring Nina's look.

"She was a complete bitch to me today. I don't know what her problem is with me. Clearly, I know what she wants with you." Violet says with jealousy in her voice.

I chuckle at her cuteness, "Good thing I am taken." I say getting a shocking look from Violet.

"Who?" I shake my head. "No Vince, who are you taken by?" she says with more demand in her voice.

"I will tell you when we get home so you don't kill someone." she looks at me and huffs mumbling "Fine" under her breath.

She stays silent, not even giving me a look the entire ride home. Oh she's pissed. Victor chimes in on that thought, Yeah stop upsetting my mate you dickhead before I force control and make it up to her. He says with lust in his voice as we pull into the driveway.

"My parents texted me that they are out with some friends for the night. I am going to my room." Violet says monotone, running up the stairs.

"Vi wait." I run after her but her door slams shut in my face. I knock on the door. "Not now Vince." she yells through the door.

"Please let me explain to you." I hear her shuffle towards the door and it cracks open. I find her sitting back on her bed looking down at her hands, I walk slowly to her and kneel in front of her.

"Violet, it's true that I am taken. It's you. You have taken over all my thoughts and dreams. When you are not next to me, my body burns to have you close. I know this is not something that can happen just yet, I just can't help the way I feel for you. I haven't said anything the past few weeks because I'm not 18 yet and I am scared you won't like the real me." I grab her hand, pleading with her to say something.