
Red hair on the Run

Volume one Anna sat by her window side looking outside. She was listening to the evening news on radio since she couldn't afford a television,she listened to the news as she kept staring ahead and looking at the now destructed city. She listened to how girls were dying on a daily basis and this scares her alot. First some very powerful people came from nowhere and now girls were dying? what was happening? who was doing these? what did they want? She stood up and looked at her red hair in the mirror. Why did this always caused trouble? even her mother was killed because of it! Could she perhaps be the person they were looking for? *********** Volume two A witch princess in love with a demon king. The love is forbidden yet will it last? Even though it is against everything the demons stand for? Read to find out.

cenna45 · Fantaisie
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60 Chs

Chapter two

It was a new day and it was time for Anna to go to work. she quickly dressed up as she washed her long thick red hair and packed it perfectly. After she had packed it well she put on her blond wig and made sure it was tight enough so it didn't remove....the last thing she wanted today was to get caught. As she finished she rushed and wore her dress and her little heels as she took her purse and left the room. As she walked down the stairs she greeted everyone she saw which was like a habit for her. She sighed that the 8 am bus was leaving and if she missed it she would go late so she began to run to catch the bus and once she was close to it she held it shoulandan jumped on it with a thud. Everyone stopped and looked at her like she was some kind of bitch. She quietly fixed her hair which was losing up as she climbed into the bus with a kind of embarrassed look.

"Sorry I just couldn't miss this bus!" she said with an apologetic look on her face.

"Just go sit woman!" the driver said looking at her irritated.

"Alright!" she said with an embarrassed and upset smile as she went a took one of the vacant seats at the back.

Finally, she could relax...once she got there at least she wouldn't receive shouting from her boss which somehow her parents were always involved.

Thinking about this she remembered how her parents had died. She was little and she had disobeyed her mum when she told her not to go out with her red hair visible. She went out and came back and within the space of 2 hours her house was filled with men who were looking for the "red hair" which was her. Her mother ran and hide her in a wardrobe....she had told her not to come out no matter what she heard and when she was sure the men had left she should come out and wear her wig and run to her uncle's house. She didn't understand anything but her mother hugged her and told her she loved her in tears as she closed the wardrobe.

After a while, she heard her parents trying to convince the men they didn't have any red hair, and before she knew anything she heard their screaming and absolute silence after a while. She had put her hand over her mouth to stop her crying from being heard. She then heard one of the men who might have been the leader scream to search the place.

After they searched it they didn't find anyone and when they left she came out and saw her parent's dead bodies.....she almost screamed but she knew she couldn't so she held her mouth as she hugged them one last time and run over to her uncle's house. Since that day she had made sure to never expose her hair to anyone, not even her uncle.

She was still crying when she heard a sound that brought her out of her remembrance of the past by the time she looked around the bus had stopped. She cleaned her tears quickly then stood up paid and walked away.

Make too tell me what you think. I know it's too early to ask for anything but I would appreciate your power stones.

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