
Red Dragon Emperor: More Children And Blessings Make Me Stronger

Xi Ye underwent a remarkable transformation, crossing over into the realm of dragons and becoming a Red Dragon—one of the legendary five-color dragons. In a twist of fate, he unintentionally acquired a system that granted him an abundance of concubines, numerous children, and extraordinary blessings. Each time a child was born, Xi Ye's own power grew stronger, driving him to establish his own clan and ensure the continuation of his bloodline. A peculiar phenomenon arose on the continent—a crimson dragon, dedicated to seeking out females as its prey. This creature was none other than Xi Ye himself. [With Human Heir 1, get the crown of indomitable reward! 】 [With Elf Child 1, get the heart of the forest as a reward! 】 [With Silver Dragon Heir 1, get a reward of frozen breath! 】 [With the Red Dragon Heir 1, get the reward Red Dragon Emperor! 】 As time passed, his offspring multiplied, causing Tiamat, the mother of dragons, to take notice and ponder: "Could Xi Ye become the progenitor of the five-color dragons?" This was only the beginning for Xi Ye, as his ambitions extended beyond mortal realms. Even the lofty God Realm would be saturated with his bloodline. The tale of Xi Ye's ascent had just begun, filled with incredible possibilities and an unwavering determination to leave his mark on the world.

Longevity_Star · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

CH 6: Awakening the Goldfinger: The Offspring System

"Your Highness Xi Ye, am I truly pregnant with your child?" Celeste joyfully placed her hand on her stomach.

After spending a month together, she realized that Xi Ye was not as terrifying as the rumors had suggested. In fact, he treated her well. Celeste no longer had to worry about her basic needs, as Xi Ye provided her with food, clothing, and a sense of security. Most importantly, with Xi Ye by her side, Celeste felt a glimmer of hope for her revenge.

"Yes," Xi Ye confirmed with certainty. He received a prompt from the system that indicated Celeste was pregnant.

[Ding! It has been detected that the owner is conceiving the first offspring with a human. The offspring talent template, offspring growth template, and offspring bonus template have been activated!]

The offspring talent template allowed Xi Ye to discover the talents of their future child in advance. The child growth template could alter the child's fate, providing a free talent refresh if needed. However, subsequent refreshes would require gold coins, with the cost doubling each time.

Xi Ye also benefited from the offspring bonus template, which added all the data growth of the child to his own abilities. If he had a hundred million offspring, each with a combat power of one, it would grant him an additional 100 million combat power.

"Celeste, come here and let me see," Xi Ye beckoned softly.

In the past month, Xi Ye's injuries had already healed. "Of course, Your Highness Xi Ye," Celeste responded obediently, walking over to him.

Xi Ye opened the offspring talent template and read the results.

[Bloodline: Human Dragon Bloodline]

[Talent: S+ Magic Affinity, A+ Strong Body]

"The talent is surprisingly exceptional," Xi Ye remarked, feeling slightly surprised. Given the exceptional talent of their child, there was no need to refresh it.

Celeste, still in a daze, didn't catch Xi Ye's words clearly. "Pardon, Your Highness Xi Ye? What were you saying?"

"It's nothing, Celeste. You will stay in the nest to nurture our child. Let Chris know what you desire to eat, and he will ensure you have it. If it can be found within these mountains, he will obtain it for you."

As Xi Ye's first heir, their child held a special place in his heart. Once the child was born, Xi Ye would gain their talents and rewards.

He couldn't wait any longer.

According to the knowledge inherited from the real dragon within him, when a dragon and a human conceived a child, it took five years for the dragon to give birth, while only one year was required if the human was the mother.

This was still for humans. If it were between dragons, the pregnancy period would be longer.

Typically, it would take ten years of pregnancy before a baby dragon could be born.

"Understood, Your Highness Xi Ye," Celeste replied with immense happiness.

"Your Highness Xi Ye! Your faithful servant, Chris, is here to see you!" Chris' voice echoed from beyond the magic restriction.

"Let him in," Xi Ye commanded, spreading his dragon wings as he deactivated the magic restriction. He gestured for Celeste to step aside.

Moments later, Chris entered, kneeling down on one knee to pay his respects to Xi Ye.

"Great Majesty Xi Ye, compared to a month ago, our territory has expanded fourfold. Many monsters have joined our Xi Ye clan."

As the Gnoll tribe led by Chris, known as the Bonebreaker Tribe, grew, they welcomed not only Gnolls but also other monster races into their ranks. However, Chris didn't mention the specific races of the monsters and instead focused on reporting their achievements and progress to Xi Ye.

"That's excellent, Chris. You have proven to be my most loyal subordinate, and I am highly satisfied with your performance," Xi Ye praised, acknowledging Chris's dedication.

During the past month, Xi Ye had primarily focused on his recovery and spending time with Celeste. He hadn't paid much attention to Chris's activities, initially hoping Chris would simply maintain their territory.

However, Chris had exceeded expectations by not only defending their lands but also expanding their territory by four times its previous size.

"No, everything we have achieved is thanks to Your Great Majesty Xi Ye. Your presence has instilled great courage in the Bonebreaker Tribe, enabling us to defeat formidable enemies," Chris humbly responded.

The Bonebreaker Tribe, consisting of Gnolls and a few other monster races, owed its success to Xi Ye's leadership. Even the defeated goblin tribes had surrendered, willingly becoming part of the Xi Ye clan and providing weapons and equipment for the monsters.

Goblins possessed the unique skill of ironmaking, allowing them to produce weapons and equipment. They traded with nearby monsters, exchanging food and iron ore for inferior weapons.

However, the best weapons and equipment were kept hidden to prevent stronger monster tribes from seizing them.

Under Chris's leadership, the Bonebreaker Tribe had enslaved the goblin tribes and utilized their skills to create superior weapons and armor for the Xi Ye clan.

The monsters from different races willingly pledged their loyalty to Xi Ye, wanting to serve as his loyal followers.

"Well done, Chris. Your loyalty and dedication haven't escaped the notice of a true dragon. Now, tell me about the issue you mentioned," Xi Ye urged, noticing the hidden worry in Chris's eyes.

"As expected of Your Highness Xi Ye, your perception is unmatched. We have encountered a challenge from a group of bear goblin tribes. While their strength is insignificant compared to the Bonebreaker Tribe, they have joined forces with forest giant eagles," Chris explained, describing the current predicament in detail.

Despite their efforts to conceal themselves on the ground, the Bonebreaker Tribe couldn't hide from the keen eyesight of the giant eagles. These aerial creatures consistently detected weak points in their defenses, leading to significant losses for the tribe.

"Forest giant eagles, hm? That's interesting," Xi Ye mused, intrigued by his new and coming adversary.