
Time goes by

In the blink of an eye two years passed and the Varmillion family had a new earthquake in their house that was Leo who never stopped looking for new things to entertain himself.

Maid: Young lord please wait wait young lord that place is still dangerous for you.

Leo: Ehhhh but it seems interesting.

Maid: Young sir, only you think a training camp is interesting, young sir.

So were the days of the now reincarnated Leo as he was still very young he could not train his magic or study so while having fun finding plants that in his ancient world there was no or seeing magical artifacts that were around the house.

Leo: "Fufufu I wonder where I should go now"

I thought as I kept running.

In a window of the house you could see Leo's mother now called Ariadne looking at her son, and thinking about how energetic and different he was from his older brother.

Although they were very young they were different, the eldest despite being only three years old, he was already very serious and responsible while the youngest was very playful and despite the fact that he took things seriously, it was very few times that you could see him seriously.

Ariadne: "I wonder where he got so much energy from fuuu"

I thought while looking out the window.

Ariadne: "I worry that when I start to have to study I don't take it seriously, luckily it has been shown that he has a very good control over his mana if I don't worry even more."

While she thought that Leo was seen running towards God knows where.

4 years later.

We still see 6-year-old Leo in the library of the vermillion royal house reading books of all kinds while his chip records it so he doesn't forget it.

Leo: "Fuuu has already passed a while since I was reincarnated and I can proudly say that this world is so magical to discover so many magical attacks to create ahhh if it weren't for the discrimination that the villagers suffer it would be perfect but well not everything is perfect".

He was thinking while reading a book about the history of the kingdom while he was watching the book behind a shadow appeared and a chill ran down his back.

Mereoleona: Ohh, so here I was stupid little brother, you have guts to skip the training you put on ehhh.

Leo: Glup n no sister is just that the books called me hahahaha

Trying to lighten the environment that was the only thing that occurred to him.

Mereoleona: Ohh, so they were trying calling eh oh don't you hear it?

Leo: The sister?

Mereoleona: My fist calling you

And while saying that a fist covered with magic went straight to Leo's head.

Leo: Ahhhh !!! Because that was why everyone is afraid of you.

Leo muttered while rubbing his head

Mereoleona: Stop complaining and come to train although you have wonderful control if you do not train it will not help you did not want to be a magical gentleman because you train and do not aggravate the lazy.

Leo: Yes, if what you say mereoleona

complaining he got up from the chair i went to the training yards to train

------- In training yards -------

2 hours later you can see sweaty Leo while 6 fire flies are circling so fast around him they were so fast that it looked like he had two circles around him.

Leo: "Ugh despite having a magic millimeter control controlling magic gets very tired"

He thought as the fireballs went out and picked up a wooden sword to practice fencing since it seemed to him that combining magic and fencing was very cool.

While practicing the postures that had been implanted in the chip a voice sounded.

Ariadne: I still wonder why you're so obsessed with the Leo sword

Leo: Mom, I'm not obsessed, I just think it's cool to agree sword and magic.

Ariadne: Yes, IF what you say is dinner time come on

Leo: Yes, but when I trained there was light

Leo looking at the sky saw it dark and thought that time passes too fast but also followed his mother for dinner

After dinner he went to the cam waiting to reach 15 to have his own grimoire.