
Red Clothes

"Let's wear the color red that symbolize our love" -------- "How do I return? I shouldn't wore that clothes!" -------- "Don't repeat the same mistake.." -------- "I love you my queen" It is when Hyemi wore the red clothes that she shouldn't have done. The red clothes that will show her true identity. Would you wear the red clothes to know who you really are, even though the past will repeat itself again? A past, the mistake.A king that truly loves you. A love, an obsession.

Ms_Veol · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

It's been an hour since Hyemi laid on the grass, but any second she opens her eyes and slowly pushes her body to stand up. She looks around, and suddenly her eyes widen.

"Oh my...Vinsent!!"

What am I doing in here?! What kind of place is this?! Is that a tower?!

I started to panic, but it stopped when I heard someone walking towards my place. I rush and hide under the tree, then pick my head up to see.

"Let's find that thief before the ground starts to break!" The commander said this while holding his sword.

I gulp my saliva and start to shake myself out of panic.

"I'm scared" I whisper

All of the knights start to rush when they hear a sound.

"There!  A thief!!"  One of the knights said.

I sigh, then I lean my body against the tree and close my eyes.

"What am I doing in here? What did Vinsent do? I just wear this red- " I stop when I realize that the clothes that I have been wearing are gone. 

I shouted, then started to panic again, but it stopped when the knights came rushing at me. 

"You are the thief, aren't you?" The commander said

"What do you mean, thief?! I don't even know where I am! I don't know this place, and what kind of people are you?! I don't know everything!" 

"So you don't live here?" 

"Yes!" I said in disbelief.

"Knights!!!  Arrest this peasant! She's an outsider! " The commander said, and my eyes went wide when they started to hold my wrist.

"What the?! Get off me!!"

"What if she's a spy from the other clan?" One of the knight said.

"NO!!  I am not a spy or anything! I just knew that I would wear the clothes, then boom! I'm here!" 

The eyes of the knights went wide.




"Knights!!  Let's go!!"  Then they dragged me to the castle.

Thief!! Thief!! Thief!! Shut up!! Oh Kim SeokJin, I'm gonna kill you once I return!

When we arrived at the castle, I immediately noticed its surroundings. Nice, but not very colorful. There seems to be no life inside the castle. The servants are dressed in black, and I thought they were vampires, but they weren't. 

"Close your mouth," the commander said. "Open the door! Lhityahe!" 

The door went open, and my eyes went wide when I saw what was the inside. 

"Red.." I whispered.

The surroundings are colored red. Even the font and the design caught my attention.

The king is sitting on his throne with a serious face. Chills run down my spine once we lock eyes with each other. He gave me a smirk.

"Red King," the commander said, and then all of the knights bowed at the King.

Red King? What? Ah yeah..Ofcourse, the surroundings are red and everything are red. What's that? They called him red king because he likes red?

"No dear....I'm the caust of red" The king said.

He read my mind?! Wait is he a vampire?! Oh no!! That's why they dragged me so the red king can suck my blood!!

The king chuckled.

"Another no response; I'm not a vampire and I don't drink blood, but if I were a vampire, I wouldn't want to drink yours because you're not my taste." 

And you are not my type either!!

"You know...You can open your mouth and talk, right? And Commander Nam?" He look at the commander beside me.

Oh..His name is Nam?

I facepalm when I saw the name tag.

Commander NamCha Yoo...Right..

"Red King, we found the thief"

The knight who was holding me pushed me in front of the king. I winced in pain when my knee hit the ground. A loud thud echo.

"A thief?" 

The king slowly walked towards me, and he put his index finger on my chin. 

"You stole my clothes?" 

I look away, but suddenly my eyes lock on the king's eyes. 

"Red." I whispered, "They are beautiful eyes. So pretty." 

The king's eyes went wide, then he gripped my chin. His face came forward toward me, and I could feel his cold breath. 

"You like them?" He said it breathlessly.


He brought his lips close to mine. We almost kiss.

"No one ever said that they were pretty or beautiful. It's always scary. " 

"Red King..."  The commander said, but the king stopped him.

"Put this beautiful young lad in my chamber." the king's command, then suddenly he pushed his lips on mine. I melted at the kiss.

But something feels so wrong..Yet so right..

He deepened the kiss and held my waist to keep me closer to him. I moan when he slides his tongue inside my mouth. He slowly stopped what he was doing and looked into my eyes.

"Welcome home, my queen." 

Everything went black when he sucked my skin on my neck and left a hickey. 

"My wife is now here."



.Random word that I made.

" Lhityahe"

Pronounce as Hiyahe

Meaning: The door opener