
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 6

9 months later

Year 201, and month 3 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

It was finally time, Li Meying was giving birth to my fifth daughter.

This was a very big moment for me since this would upgrade the system. But a small recap of the past few months.

I opened 2 more locations. Mostly in smaller villages nearby that didn't really have any Talisman and Formation creators previously.

And while they didn't sell super much, because there weren't a lot of cultivators in those small towns, and even fewer those that need it. I still made a profit of at least 100 spirit stones a month for my worst shop.

I had also broken through the 9th Qi Refining stage. My status now looked like this.

[Name: Li Wei

Age: 17

Realm: 9th Qi Refining Stage

Women: 4

Descendants: 4

Family Fortune: 24

System upgrade: 9/10 clan members, 5/5 clan cultivators


Mortal-Rank Fire Root: 4777=>5447/5000=>10000 Peak-Rank Wood Root: 1397=>2882/5000

Peak-Rank Wind Root: 1407=>2892/5000 Peak-Rank Water Root: 1431=>1021/5000=>10000

Peak-Rank Metal Root: 1395=>2880/5000 No Sword Talent: 3/10

Peak Formation Talent: 2697=>4560/5000 Peak Alchemy Talent: 396=>2907/5000

Low Spell Talent: 9/100 No Body Refinement Talent: 8/10

Mortal Talisman Talent: 2489=>81/5000=>10000

Medium Divine Sense Talent: 367=>1621/500=>1000=>5000

No Technique Drawing Talent: 5/10 Low Forging Talent: 39/100]

At this moment, Li Huo said that my cultivation speed could almost be compared to people with triple Low-Rank Roots.

I was very happy with how things were currently going. I had also started looking for an area to officially build my clan manor. Feeling that my current mansion was too small.

I was especially looking at Blossoming Sword City. And with my amount of money, even a large amount of ground in the center of the city wasn't impossible to buy. I just needed to find a seller and then build my manor there.

Li Liu and Li RongRong were currently 5th Qi Refining Stage. They had recourses worth 50 spirit stones at least every month.

And Li Meiying had already broken through the 4th Qi Refining Stage. Mainly because 3 months ago, she had awakened her special physique. Which Li Huo recognized as the Turbulent Water Physique.

It wasn't a super special physique, but it was quite good. It not only strengthen her water spells but also immediately upgraded her water root to Mortal.

And last but certainly not least was there fact that she could bring the Qi out of liquids. And while it sounded very OP, which it also was, it had its limitations. Like even an entire liter of water could only give her 2 hours of cultivation while taking about 20 to 30 minutes.

But most importantly, she could only currently use 3 liters per day. Which would increase with her realm.

Physiques were truly strong when even one which was known to be one of the weaker ones was so beneficial.

I had also gotten all 3 of my other wives pregnant. Almost around the same time. And I had also gotten Li Meiying to become a simp for me. Her affection was 100.

And most importantly, she was currently giving birth to my fifth baby. She would be called Li Yue. And when she was birthed, I heard this.

[Congratulations on creating a Tier 1 clan. Whole the clan may be weak, but you can still at least call yourself an official clan, which is something to be proud of.

The benefits of becoming a Tier 1 clan are.

Piramide Cultivation: When your wife is cultivating, you will copy 10% of the Qi they gather. Doesn't work on people with a higher cultivation realm than you.

Family Fortune Exchange: Exchange 10K spirit stones for 1 Family Fortune.

More Information about Family Fortune: Family Fortune will give you a higher chance that your descendants are more talented. (isn't everything about Family Fortune but just a part of it.)

Descendant status: Will give you a status on your descendants on the same level as that of one of the Wives.

Wives Status: Gives you now also the root talent of your wives.

S*x Cultivation: This will give you a slight boost in your cultivation when having s*x with your wives.

Clan Guard: The first position in the clan. Their duty is protecting the host and the clan. For someone to become an official clan guard, they will either need to be a descendant, a wife, an outisder and will need to have at least 80 affection. Can currently only create one guard.

Besides this, there are also some extra hidden functions added that can be explored by the user]

Seeing all this, I was quite surprised and incredibly happy. Especially Piramide Cultivation and s*x cultivation. It sounded incredibly OP, imagine in like 20 years when I would have like 20 cultivators beneath me, I would collect 10% of Qi from every one of them.

Even right now, with 3 cultivators beneath me, I have about a 15% boost when cultivating. Which any cultivator would kill a town to have.

And clan guard also seemed to be an interesting function, but for now, I couldn't find a function for it, it seemed I would need to explore it further.

But to be honest, I currently couldn't care enough for it, and would try it out in the future.

"Husband, why are all our children girls". Aksed Li Huo. She found it strange, maybe there was put a curse on them.

"Well, maybe its time to tell you about it". I gathered them all, and started explaining that my goal was to rebuild the Li clan. And the more wives I got, the stronger I got.

And I also took this opportunity to explain to them that all their daughters would become part of my harem in the future. And since they had all 100 affection, they didn't mind this fact.

They were happy for their daughter that they could experience the same happiness they did.

I also took this time to start implementing the structure of the clan I wanted. First, I would make it so that my harem would need to fight for my favor. And they would get ranked every month by me.

and just as I had thought before, I wanted each woman to have their own factions, with their daughters being the members of said factions.

Then I had created a education system inside the clan for all descendants. From age 6 to 16, they would be educate.

They would learn about me, and learn to worship me as a god, as a supreme existence they could only strive to do their best for to catch attention from.

They would also learn things more related to cultivation, business and things like Talisman, Formation, alchemy and such things.

And lastly, the would be taught about s*x.

And the current teacher for this was Li, RongRong, who had proposed herself to be teacher.

But of course, there were no current students to teach.

And lets open my status, seeing how it changed after the upgrade.

[Name: Li Wei

Age: 16

Realm: 9th Qi Refining Stage

Women: 4

Descendants: 5

Family Fortune: 29

System upgrade: 10/50 clan members, 5/25 clan cultivators, Official Clan Manor 9000m2/50000m2, Clan Treasury 79K/100K spirit stones


Mortal-Rank Fire Root: 5447/10000 Peak-Rank Wood Root: 2882/5000

Peak-Rank Wind Root: 2892/5000 Peak-Rank Water Root: 1021/10000

Peak-Rank Metal Root: 2880/5000 No Sword Talent: 3/10

Peak Formation Talent: 4560/5000 Peak Alchemy Talent: 2907/5000

Low Spell Talent: 9/100 No Body Refinement Talent: 8/10

Mortal Talisman Talent: 81/10000 Medium Divine Sense Talent: 1621/5000

No Technique Drawing Talent: 5/10 Low Forging Talent: 39/100]

The last important thing that I started doing was alchemy. I and Li Huo and already been learning alchemy for a while, but now I also decided to sell pills.

Both of us had already created a large number of pills before now, so we had a lot in stock so even the 7 stores where there were currently no alchemists yet, could already sell. and yes, I had opened another 2 locations. Making me have a shop in most villages of Blossoming Sword County.

2 inside A Third-Grade city and 5 in villages. And with the money I got from the village one, which was from 150 spirit stones to 500 spirit stones a month.

I was supporting my new shop inside a Third Grade City called Mi City. Unlike Slow Sword City, Mi city had a stable economy that wasn't particularly growing anymore but was well seasoned having people in most sectors.

So just opening a shop there that would sell Talismans, Formations, and pills wasn't easy. Because it would be competing with a few other stores, which people already knew.

So even if the quality was good, it would still be hard in the initial parts when it was just starting off. Of course,e a bit of advertisement was useful. But according to my calculations, I would need to make a loss for at least 6 months before having 50% of the market.

I would sell at very low prices, quickly getting a lot of people interested, this way killing other businesses that couldn't keep up and would close because of the losses, like this slowly becoming a monopoly before raising the prices to something that put me in the green.

I could only do this if I was receiving a steady source of income, which my shops in villages came into play for.

Currently, I was still operating red with the store in the Third-Grade City, but it was already 7 months since I had opened it and I was the only one selling formations, had 70% ownership of the talisman market and 60% of the alchemy market.

And another key factor in this was the Mayor. If they didn't like me, they could stop me. So before entering a city, I needed to make sure it was a city that was fully under the Feng clan's control or someone I could control.

Now, the reason why I suddenly also started selling pills wasn't just because I thought it was the right time, but also because of this. Daoist Lin had decided to retire.

he was already 80 years old, and even though he could probably live till 140, he wanted to start enjoying his life with his family. His wife just birthed another child, making him have 3 children now.

So, he left the pill industry open in Slow Sword City, and since I was the only one who knew alchemy, Manager Wang and Mayor Feng decided to give it to me.

And this brings me to 3 other important things related to business that were currently ongoing.


Hello everyone, you can comment here on all your ideas. Mostly regarding what to do with the talents but also what to do with the system upgrade.

Also, I am here for names to call his Shop. For now I just call it Shop Li, but maybe someone has a better idea.