
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 5

2 months later

Year 200, and month 1 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

I was standing on top of the tall wall we had built to defend ourselves from the Demonic Wave.

From the slight tremor of the ground, I could feel that it would be soon before they arrived.

In these 2 months, a lot had happened, but not really regarding my clan. Everyone was doing well. My 2 children, Li Ming, and Li Wei were growing up well.

My wives were also doing good. Li Huo had broken through the Foundation Building and proposed that she could help in the war. But I told her to hide herself, not wanting anyone to know about her existence, and also protect the rest.

And also there was the big fact she was like 5 months pregnant, and RongRong was about 4 months pregnant.

And Li Liu And Li RongRong had broken through the 4th Qi Refining realm. With their Roots all also breaking through the Medium root talent.

The reason they cultivated so fast was because they had a lot of resources supporting them.

My stats had also increased well.

[Peak-Rank Fire Root: 3360=>3906/5000 Peak-Rank Wood Root: 983=>1159/5000

Peak-Rank Wind Root: 993=>1169/5000 Peak-Rank Water Root: 1017=>1193/5000

Peak-Rank Metal Root: 981=>1157/5000 No Sword Talent: 3/10

Peak Formation Talent: 918=>2202/5000 Peak Alchemy Talent: 823=>45/1000=>5000

Low Spell Talent: 9/100 No Body Refinement Talent: 8/10

Peak Talisman Talent: 1847=>2126/5000 Medium Divine Sense Talent: 367/500 No Technique Drawing Talent: 5/10 Low Forging Talent: 39/100]

"Mr. Li, please go down from the wall, the Demonic Beasts will soon be here". Said a soldier. I was only a 7th Qi Refining Stage cultivator, so I wouldn't be much help killing a foundation Building no matter how much equipment I had.

So the best place I could help was killing the many Qi Refining Stage. Which was mostly at the bottom of the wall, between the behemoths that are Foundation Building Demonic Beasts.

So while I was participating in the war, I wasn't truly putting myself in danger.

"The Demonic Wave is here. Stand strong and don't back down. Protect the city" Mayor Feng screamed from atop the wall.

And a few seconds after he did, there was a major boom. And the wall even slightly shook. There were 3 Golden Core Demonic beasts. And 15 Foundation Building ones.

I went to a place where there were a few Middle and Early Qi Refining Stage Demonic Beasts and started killing them. The way I did this was through small doors we built in the walls, so we could freely enter and leave. It would be removed after the Wave, but for now, it was very useful.

I threw a glass ball with a formation inside, which released some Poisonous mice. Just like the 7 Metalic snakes.

There weren't real, but at the same time, they were. They existed of Qi, which made them like they were just normal poisonous mice.

I also threw a talisman, which exploded and took out several Demonic beasts at once.

Like that the war continued, my sword cutting heads, talisman burning bodies, and Formations destroying them.

I had killed quite a lot while keeping myself protected by never being in places with too less soldiers. I valued my life after all.

And after about 3 hours, We had killed one Golden Core Demonic Beast and 6 Foundations Building ones. And we had only lost 3 Foundation Building ones, but we did lose quite a lot of Qi Refining cultivators.

While it was a win, it wasn't a total win. But we did feel good, and as an advertisement I, Daoist Lin, and Manager Wang gave out free things, making people feel grateful to us.

And after 3 days, the Demonic Wave finally ended. And all the bodies of Demonic Beasts were worth a lot. Especially the Cores of the Golden Core Demonic beasts were worth a lot because they were very useful to use in formations.

And besides that, just all the meat bones skin and other parts of Demonic Beasts were worth a lot.

In total, it was believed to be about 160K spirit stones. so 50% was bout 80K, and 25% of that was 20K. Which was more than the 8K I used.

Of course, everything needed to be sold for that, which would probably take about 1 year.

5 months later

Year 200, and month 6 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

After the Demonic Wave, I had gotten connections with Governor Feng and other Mayors. I had opened a second location. Both my shops are called Li's Talismans and Formations.

I also hired 1 Medium-Grade Talisman drawer and 1 Meduim-Grade Formation creator.

And while it cost a lot to hire them, they also made quite a lot of money. And the town I put my second shop was the hometown of Li RongRong, Water Feasting village.

The reason why I put it there was because it was close to Slow Sword City, and the Mayor was someone I knew, and the cousin of Mayor Feng.

And while it wasn't making as much as my main show was making, it was definitely a good investment.

And I was even in the progress of opening my third shop.

I had also gotten a nice new technique from the Library as my reward. It was very suitable for someone like me who had 5 spiritual roots.

And my status currently looked like this.

[Name: Li Wei

Age: 16

Realm: 8th Qi Refining Stage

Women: 3

Descendants: 4

Family Fortune: 24

System upgrade: 8/10 clan members, 4/5 clan cultivators


[Peak-Rank Fire Root: 3906=>4777/5000 Peak-Rank Wood Root: 1159=>1397/5000

Peak-Rank Wind Root: 1169=>1407/5000 Peak-Rank Water Root: 1193=>1431/5000

Peak-Rank Metal Root: 1157=>1395/5000 No Sword Talent: 3/10

Peak Formation Talent: 2202=>2697/5000 Peak Alchemy Talent: 45=>396/5000

Low Spell Talent: 9/100 No Body Refinement Talent: 8/10

Peak Talisman Talent: 2126=>2489/5000 Medium Divine Sense Talent: 367/500 No Technique Drawing Talent: 5/10 Low Forging Talent: 39/100]

Li Huo and Li Liu had birther 2 more children for him, causing him to have 4 children already. He was happy he was rich because a normal person couldn't financially handle this many babies.

They had called Lin Huo's baby Li Na and Li Liu's baby Li Xin.

And I had also broken through, reaching the 8th Qi Refining Stage.

And while I did want to have another wife, it felt a bit much thinking I already had 4 daughters that would be my wives in 16 years.

To be honest, I felt quite a bit scared. The limitation regarding descendants was bigger than I had expected because it meant I would need to f*ck someone to have a extra baby. So to have 100 clan members. I basically needed 90 descendants.

But I kept my hope, thinking something might happen in the future when the system was upgraded.

And what was nice was that I had gotten Li RongRong pregnant, giving me only 1 more family member that I needed. And I decided to take another wife.

This time, again a cultivator. Someone who came from a small cultivation family. Her name was Wang Meiying, and she wasn't connected to Manager Wang.

She came from a small cultivation Family in the Slow Sword City. They had existed for quite a long time, and held a good position in the city despite the highest cultivator in the family being a 3rd Qi Refining Stage cultivator.

But a few years ago, the Clan patriarch, Wang Meiying's grandfather, was almost dying because of old age. But to live longer, he made the family go into dept, about 70 spirit stones, which was a lot for them.

After this, their family was destroyed, and Wang Meiying's future was bleak. And they heard I was searching for another wife who was a cultivator.

So Wang Meiying's family sold her. I agreed and paid off their debt.

The first reason I bought her was she was very pretty. She had dark blue hair and light green eyes. A beautiful face that made her seem pitiful. And quite large breasts and a similar ass.

We had our marriage ceremony, and before we consumated it, I wanted to talk with her for a bit.

"Li Meiying, I just want to say. You are my wife, not something like my servant. You just need to complete your wife's duties, and can do whatever you want besides that". I wanted her to love me, so making me seem like her savior was a good step.

And what was also nice was that this world was filled with patriarchy, making even proud women have the idea of fulfilling their wilful duties. Which is complete bullsh*t of course.

But hey, I wasn't the one on the losing side.

"Th-Thank you". She said letting tears out of her eyes. it seemed she had a hard time, her entire family betraying her.

But I made sure that when she was done crying, her tongue would lay out her mouth.

Her soft and large breasts were kneaded by me. Her ass and legs spread apart and her p*ssy is destroyed. She had the biggest hips, and it was said that those were good for childbearing.

[After doing it with Li Meiying, the host shall receive +5 for water root talent, and +3 for Divine Sense Talent]

[After doing it with Li Meiying...]

[After doing it with Li Meiying...]

[After doing it with Li Meiying...]

And since he received +5 for a specified root, it meant that Li Meiying had a special physique, which was in an unawakened state.


Hello, Author-Chan here, if you're reading this, I have a few things to ask.

Could you maybe drop a collection? It's a nice way to know people like the novel.

A review would also be appreciated, even if it's 1 star, I am always happy to learn new things to better myself and my novel.

A comment commenting on a part you like about this, a past or future chapter, would also be nice.

And lastly, a Power stone would also be a nice way to show that you like it. But I don't really care about them. (doesn't mean you can't give them to me, I don't refuse free stuff)

Now some other things that I want to ask you. Well really just 4 things

The first is, would you people enjoy a r18 chapter? Like in the synopsis, I said I would in the future do a r18, and I am still planning to do that, but I don't really know when to do it.

So if you would like it now or in the future, just say it.

Then, would you guys enjoy a chapter focussing on the perspective of his wives, giving them more dept? And if you do, would it be better to do 1 chapter for all 4 of them? 1 chapter for 2, or one chapter for each wife

Then thirdly, as I asked before, please tell me if you have some suggestions to make the talent system easier, while still making it easy for me to clearly give the right amount of change depending on the time.

And lastly, every upgrade of the system, there will be new feautues, which you will see in the next chapter, if you have some ideas, please tell me them.

Thx for reading this and hope you enjoy the novel.