
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 3

4 months later

Year 199, and month 5 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

I had gathered all the materials I needed for the High-Grade formation I was building, but just as I was finishing up touches, I suddenly felt the protection bracelet activating, which made me immediately jump away from wherever I was.

I looked back and saw that someone wanted to kill me. He was at the 5th Qi Refining Stage, but most importantly was using a Meduim-Grade Batlle Ax.

I took the sword from my waist and took a defensive stance.

'While he may have a better weapon, I had a higher cultivation'. I had broken through the 6th Qi refining Stage a few days ago. (should I use cultivation or realm there?)

We started exchanging more blows, and while he may have a better weapon and more battle experience, I had better strength, Qi, and agility. And slowly but surely I was pushing him back.

And when he showed an opening, I struck and cut his waist. Unlike me, he didn't have a protective robe on.

He wanted to run away, seeing he was losing, but I didn't let him and threw my sword in his back.

I was fortunate I had killed him because I had a feeling for the last few months already that sometimes I got watched.

I went to his body, retrieved my sword, and also took his battle ax. Besides that, he didn't have much, only 5 spirit stones.

And lastly, I took off his mask revealing who he was. And I wasn't very surprised who it was, Xiaoqi Laotou. The only other seller of Talismans in Slow Sword village.

For a long time, he sold at very high prices because he had a monopoly on the talisman markets. But then I came and started selling not only at more reasonable prices but also better quality.

Quickly, I was already making more money than him, who had much fewer customers.

And since he couldn't immediately kill me, because that would be too suspicious, he also couldn't wait for me to complete my formation.

Fortunately, I had my protection bracelet on, which had saved me and was now destroyed.

I quickly completed the formation before going to the Treasure Workshop and buying a Medium Grade Protection bracelet for 120 spirit stones.

I returned to my mansion, where I found my 2 beautiful wives. Li RongRong had gotten pregnant, and I was f*cking Li Liu a lot so I wouldn't be surprised if she was also already pregnant.

I also received a notification regarding Li RongRong.

[Congratulation host for finding another hidden function. Mac Affection. When bringing someone's affection to 100, their affection will be locked. You can do anything and they will not stop loving you.]

[Congratulation for bringing Li RongRong's affection to 100]

And while I soon wanted to get a third wife, I decided to put it off because a lot was going on. But first of all, my current stats were like this. 672

[Peak-Rank Fire Root: 218=>546/1000=>5000 Peak-Rank Wood Root: 502=>174/1000=>5000

Peak-Rank Wind Root: 512=>184/1000=>5000 Peak-Rank Water Root: 536=>208/1000=>5000

Peak-Rank Metal Root: 500=>172/1000=>5000 No Sword Talent: 3/10

Peak Formation Talent: 537=>918/5000 Medium Alchemy Talent: 120/500

Low Spell Talent: 9/100 No Body Refinement Talent: 8/10

Peak Talisman Talent: 140=>455/5000 Medium Divine Sense Talent: 367/500 No Technique Drawing Talent: 5/10 Low Forging Talent: 39/100]

And while I was extremely happy that my roots had been upgraded to Peak-Rank, I was also slowly waking up from my dream and realizing that from now on, it would be much harder to upgrade from now on.

But it wasn't that bad, because I was a cultivator with longer life spans than mortals, so I wasn't per see lacking time.

Now the biggest thing that was happening was that Slow Sword Village was growing. Slow Sword village existed in Blossom Sword County, which existed in QingFeng prefecture.

And it seemed that we had caught the eye of QingFeng prefecture and Blossom Sword County. So they gave Slow Sword Village more funding, hoping it would grow even bigger than it already was.

The reason why they started investing was because Slow Sword Village was already growing. In the last few months, there were not only more cultivators to settle down but also more visiting and the business was blooming.

One reason was because the Demonic Forest was next to us, making it already a good place to come, but also because of the business owners, including me.

It seemed that attention of my talismans, Daitist Lin's alchemy, and manager Wang's Treasure Workshop. This was also a reason why many more people came.

And because of this, I, Daoist Lin, and Manager Wang would receive a tax reduction for 5 years. Which we didn't mind.

And using the funds to build a better wall, more houses and just upgrade the infrastructure would also turn the village into a city.

Which would help us make even more money.

I also decided to teach Li Liu talisman drawing and Li RongRong Formation. And I didn't know why I didn't think of it before, but since I got those stats from them, they would maybe be talented in that.

And it seemed my guess was right, with Li Liu's talent being high and Li RongRong's talent being a whopping Peak. This also gave me this notification.

[Conrgatulation host for finding another hidden function, Sperm Talent. Using your sperm, the talent of your woman will upgrade. Only their highest talent is affected though.]

And while their level was nowhere near mine, they were good enough to draw low-grade talismans and low-grade formations, making me have even less work.

And I had also started entering the formation business. Which was also quite profitable. The reason I did it was because before, there were only a few Low-Grade formations to buy. So when I entered the scene, even selling a few High-Grade formations, I immediately became the biggest one in the market.

And I was currently about to go into the Demonic Forest. The reason I did this was that I wanted to gather experience.

And besides that, I was a 6th Qi Refining Stage cultivator who had several formations and Talisman Peak-Grade.

And as long as I stayed on the outer layer, were only Low Qi Refining Stage Demonic beasts were, I would have no chance of dying.

So I entered the forest and killed 3 Demonic beasts on my first day.

I remained for another 2 days, before wanting to leave, but before leaving, I found someone.

She was wearing a totally black robe, which was very simple. And while I couldn't see her face, she had lustrous red long hair.

I couldn't sense any Qi from her, so I was surprised that she was there. I wanted to approach her before I say a 3rd Qi Refining Stage blood tiger.

And suddenly I understood, this mortal woman wanted to kill herself. So when seeing the tiger open his mouth and about to attack her, she did nothing.

And fortunately, I was just fast enough to push her aside, making sure she didn't die under the tiger's attack.

After pushing her away, I took my sword and swiftly killed the tiger. I then returned my attention to the woman I pushed away, finally getting a chance to see her.

She had a small beautiful face, which was surrounded by a cold aura. Her eyes were red but empty, filled with only regret and sadness. She looked like she didn't have any strength left in her body and her world was destroyed.

I gave her a pill, needing to almost push it in her mouth, that healed her.

"Are you alright"? She didn't answer me and just looked nowhere in particular.

I decided to end my journey and bring her back to my home. Where I would treat her and keep her, making sure she wouldn't kill herself anymore.

A big reason why he did this was because she was very beautiful and sexy. He was a scum, and if she wasn't so beautiful, he wouldn't care so much.

He put her on his back and brought her back home where he asked his wife to clean her. If he wanted to leave a good impression, he couldn't just see her naked and bathe her.

Both my wives heard my story and immediately took pity on the girl who looked about Li RongRong's age.

They cleaned her before giving her food and clothes. She ate with us, seeing how we interacted as a family.

And like that, a few days passed. The girl didn't talk much, her eyes still empty, but at least she didn't try to kill herself.

I was currently in my office, working on drawing a talisman, when I heard a knock.

"Enter". I said expecting Li RongRong or Li Liu, but it was the red-haired girl instead.

"Is there something wrong". I asked her, she remained silent for a while before taking a chair and sitting down before me.

"Will you marry me"? Her eyes were filled with desire and hope. It was the first time I had seen her. "I also want to be happy like this".

"Woaw, wa". I tried to make sense of the situation, but she didn't listen and remained to talk while taking out a jade pendant which I recognized to be the Identity pendant of a Core disciple for the Huofeng sect. One of the 3 major sects of the Southern Great Alliance, was an Alliance consisting of several kingdoms and sects, including the kingdom I was living in.

Normally, for me, getting in contact with someone with this prestige was impossible. You may not understand it, but the Southern Great Alliance was the biggest alliances in the southern part of the Ji continent.

"I used to be part of the Huofeng sect, but after a set of unfortunate events, I lost my cultivation. Everyone I loved turned their back on me, and my world was destroyed". Her face was filled with pain when recalling these memories.

"I wanted to kill myself, but then you appeared. You saved me and showed me a different life. You showed me life again and I want that life. I want a life next to you". Her face was now filled with hope and happiness. And I couldn't really complain about such a beauty proposing to me.

Although there is the chance that she may be less submissive than my other current wives, I didn't mind showing her how a wife should act. (it's just for the novel, I know)


Hello, it is Author-Chan. I need your help. Yes, You. I m finding it already currently, chapter 6, that maybe doing the talent section with points isn't the best. Now everytime I show the stats, I need to take my phone and start calculating.

So, I am here to ask if you maybe have a better idea. If you do, please comment here, it would tremendously help. It doesn't need to be a big chance, even just something small that would make it less number but still easy to show clear progress depending on the amount of time that passed.

Thank you for your attention.

I Need your help, please read the last part of the chapter for more information.

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