
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 24

And Li Ming, who had just become 10 years old, was coming along very well. She was a cute and intelligent child that had started her cultivation journey. She had High-Rank Wood Roots because of her special ability. And since she only had one root, she was someone that quite a lot of people would want.

She was also brainwashed well by Li Minghua. Always talking about how cool and amazing her daddy was. Saying that when she grew up, she would marry her daddy and take care of him.

And on the topic of Cult-like affection, the 2 Yu sisters were coming along well with my cult.

2 Years and 11 Months ago

"His Holiness, we have completed your Daiviya". Said Yu Lan. She handed me several scrolls which were filled with text.

The story started by saying that I was the first living being, the one that created everything.

I created heaven, hell, and earth. And while I had everything at my fingertip. I was bored. So I decided to enter the cycle of reincarnation. Living like a normal person.

Sometimes as the young master of a rich clan that was very talented. Sometimes as a beggar that died at 9 years old.

But most importantly, when I died. I would reward those that served me and punish those that hurt me.

But since I was a benevolent being. I gave every being a chance. A chance to serve me.

I would spread my Daiyivia. The knowledge of my existence. Giving those smart enough the chance to know my greatness and grab this opportunity.

"Hhhmm, You have both done a good job". I smiled after reading the full Diayivia, which was much more complex than how I summarised it and full of stories about me.

'It's truly good. It gives people a sense of urgency to serve me, while also giving them a reason why. And then it even shames those who don't believe in me. It's perfect cult material'.

"Of course, it was for your holiness". Yu Mei said smiling with a crazed expression. Both sisters were crazy. But Yu Mei was more openly crazy while Yu Lan was more calm crazy.

Back to the present

"We greet His Holiness". Said a group of 20 people bowing with their faces on the ground. 15 people of those 20 were wearing simple grey robes. 3 were wearing brown robes and the Yu sisters were wearing white clothes.

The color of their robes represented their status and my affection towards them. Grey was the lowest, then Brown, then came yellow, then orange which came before red, red then becomes pink which came before purple, then blue, green, and lastly white. The further on the robe, the more complex the robe.

The 3 people wearing brown robes were all cultivators. And all 18 people came from Slow Sword City.

I chose the place because my reputation there was nothing short of a legend and my friend was the mayor, making it easy for me to do whatever I wanted.

I left the task of finding followers of my clan over to the Yu sisters. Who started by testing the Daiviya on desperate people in the slums.

And it worked like a charm. They created the Church Of Liberation. Giving, food, water, and shelter to homeless people. And only requested that people would listen to their teachings.

This method quickly turned several people into fanatics in only a few months.

Then they also created a Church Of Liberation in the suburbs. Going after richer people and cultivators.

Besides these 20 members, there were many other followers of what we called the Church Of Liberation. They just didn't get a robe because they weren't Official Fanatic yet. (Official Fanatics are those with undying loyalty and count as a member.)

But I still decided to keep the amount of work the church did at a low. I couldn't rush this cult thing and instead needed to strengthen its core members.

I did this by educating them better, and giving them jobs either in the government or rich businesses.

While most of them couldn't be considered elite members of society, they were among the peak of the middle class.

"The reason I called you all today is because I have a verdict for you. It is time the core group, you fanatics, become more. I wish to have 10 new members who are cultivators, which the brown robe group will take care of. And then I also wish for the rest to make 10 more fanatics, that don't need to be cultivators". I acted like an emperor ordering his subordination. I had already explained what I meant with new members, and I would notify them when someone became a member.

"We shall do our best to please his holiness and fulfill your verdict". Everyone said in union before everyone besides the Yu sisters departed.

"I wish for both of you to choose one of the fanatics to take over this External Education Branch and create another one in Water Feasting Village".

"Of course your holiness". Yu Mei answered crazily.

"Don't interrupt me. I will give you 6 months there before you will move to a different village".

"Sorry, his holiness". Yu Mei slammed her head on the ground, angry with herself for disrespecting me.

"I will need to punish you now". I took her by the hair, lifted her face to meet my erected d*ck that Yu Lan had freed from my robes, and forced her to go deep. I and the Yu sister had a wild night.

A Few Days later

"You look beautiful hubby". Li Liu hugged me from behind.

"Thank you, it's important that I look good for tonight". I had a very important meeting today.

"Hhhm, the more you talk about it, the more curious I become, can't you tell me". Li Liu gave me her puppy eyes, which were almost irresistible with her Peach Blossom Eyes. (Rounder eyes)

"Although I want to tell you about it, I promised Patriarch Fei and Patriarch Hei that I would keep a secret about it". I left the room, where I found Li Huo standing seriously with a spear, which was the weapon she used, by her side.

"Li Huo, remember, tonight we might get in a fight with someone from the Nascent Soul Realm. Although you have become very strong, don't underestimate them". I looked her in the eyes fully serious. As I said, she had become incredibly strong because of the Guard System, but we didn't know how exactly strong she was, and neither did we know how strong the enemy would be;

"Of course, don't worry sweetie, I will make sure nothing will happen to you". Li Huo said clearly prepared.

"Good, then let's set out". I and Li Huo left the mansion, and my family waved me goodbye. I entered a carriage that wasn't mine while Li Huo guarded it.

I was wearing luxurious clothes, that were the same as a suit in modern times and a fox mask that was used to hide my identity. My body was full of Earth-Grade Protection artifacts, and my guard was constantly up.

While I didn't believe I would die today, this would probably be the most dangerous day of my life yet.

"We have arrived, Sir Fox". Said the coachman, he was a subordinate of the one I would be doing business with today.

"I will guide you to Master Dragon". The coachman opened my door with a respectful attitude, waiting for me to get out before walking away.

The place we currently were was a giant manor inside a forest deep away from any human life. Guessing from how long I was in the carriage, we were at least more than a 100Km away from Blossoming Sword City.

I followed the coachman to the top floor, where he knocked on a door. "Master Dragon, Sir Fox is here".

"Let him enter". After the female voice from inside the room said that, the coachman opened the door and I entered the room. And when I was inside, he closes the door again.

The room was quite large, having the interior of an office. But what would immediately catch someone's eye was the woman behind the desk.

She was wearing a revealing robe which didn't hide her large assets much, she was smoking a pipe making the top of the room slightly misty and she sat in her chair like the world wasn't a terrible place. But I knew better than to underestimate this woman, not only was she a Nascent Soul Cultivator, she was part of a large organization.

She was wearing a mask of a dragon so one couldn't see her face. And just like mine, it was an artifact so even cultivators wouldn't be able to know what was behind the mask.

"Sir Fox, you have been a member of our pavilion for several months already, buying several of our most luxurious products. And although we don't keep check of people's purchases, I wouldn't be surprised if you are our biggest customer, so for what have you requested a private meeting with me".

"I wanted a private meeting because I wanted to make a deal with you". I smiled, sitting before her. No matter how impressive this woman was, I was still Li Wei, the Patriarch Of The Li Clan.

"What do you wish to buy"? The woman inquired curiously, she knew that someone like her wasn't interested in buying a small quantity of things.

"I want to buy every slave you have". I smile, leaning on my desk, discussing a highly illegal deal with the woman in front of me.


Hello, Author-Chan here. I hope this is a good cliffhanger, or at least makes you curious about the future.

I want this to be a small arc where we have some fun with the Mc, maybe introduce some new side characters that will be important later and just explore the structures of QingFeng Prefecture more.

Also, collecting this novel would be appreciated, Power Stones would be very nice and a review would just be cool.

Thanks for reading, till the next time.