
Book 1: Records of Magus Killer – Chapter 9 - The November of the Fifth (2)

Several Hours Later, The National Diet

Currently, it was already noon, and the sun was shining brightly, even though it was cold outside.

A lot of cars were parked in front of the National Diet of Japan, as a lot of senators were in attendance at this meeting, and not only them but also all of the members of Government and even a few members of the Imperial Family, as today would be a discussion about new laws that would be passing about the status of magicians in the country.

In the building across from the National Diet, in a specific room, several people were observing the building from a distance. All of them wore military uniforms, while some, on top of that, were wearing crests of Ten Master Clans of the Yotsuba Clan.

"When will they arrive?"

Asked a military man in his sixties, with a decorated uniform, as he looked at the person bearing the Yotsuba Clan crest.

"Soon, in ten minutes, maybe. We have manipulated them the entire way here and even planted some amateur-made bombs into National Diet to secure the success."

Answered back Yotsuba Clan branch family member.

"Good. After the National Diet is destroyed, inform all squads across the country to carry out the mission."

The elderly man stated calmly.

"Yes, General!"

Saluted Yotsuba Clan branch family member.

"Also, General... what should we do with survivors of the bomb attack?"

Questioned Yotsuba Clan's branch family member as he looked back at the building of the National Diet.

"What survivors? All of them died during the explosion, and some died due to their injuries."

Grinned the General with a vicious smile.

Hidden interpretation, kill everyone that survives; we don't need survivors.

Thus they watched the National Diet until they finally saw their signal.

The signal itself was pretty simple, as it was a message through the phone from one of their hidden agents between the Great Asian Union fanatics attacking the Nation Diet. They had successfully managed to enter the National Diet building with a little help from inside and were already planting some explosives throughout the place.

To have bigger insurance, some operatives from the side of Ten Master Clans have hidden several homemade explosives under the National Diet building to be sure.

Ten minutes later, a huge explosion was heard, one after another.

Seeing this, troops of the National Defense Forces and Ten Master Clans in the surroundings started revealing themselves and securing the area around the ruins of the National Diet Building. It was apparent that the terrorist attack was successful.

Soon enough, even a large amount of soldiers with a mechanized brigade arrived approximately around ten minutes after the first explosion was heard, and they completely locked down an entire block of the city where the National Diet building was.

After the entire area was locked down, the commando started searching through the ruins of the National Diet Building. Fortunately, most of the politicians and personnel died in the terrorist attack.

However, some of them still survived, but they were killed soon enough after being found out.

In the other part of the city, several people were watching the National Diet from a distance, one of them being Magus Killer Emiya Kiritsugu. A dangerous glint burned in his eyes after he saw the smoke coming out from that part of the city, and several explosions were heard.

As Commander of Squad Yotsuba, he would be leading his future clansmen to complete the mission.

"We are going. Also, be as fast as possible with killing. We need to reach the Imperial Palace as soon as possible and also try to take some valuables from the Imperial Palace before the Squad Ichijou arrives."

Commanded Kiritsugu as he looked at the squad of the Yotsuba clansmen he was leading.

"Squad Dragon isn't that much threat in this regard, but Ichijou Clan is also eyeing the library of the Imperial Palace. So, I will kill the Emperor and try to enter the hidden library and vault first to take the most valuable things from there."

All of the people thus departed from their hideout and went to the Imperial Palace.

All of the Yotsuba Clansmen participating in this mission were of the Tactical-Order of various stages, so they were elites among elites. Soon they finally arrived at their destination.

Tokyo Imperial Palace was located in the Chiyoda district of the Chiyoda Ward of Tokyo. It was a park-like area built upon the castle's foundation from the Edo period and was a vast palace, but it was stunning and had a peaceful atmosphere around it.

"Let the operation commence."

Whispered Kiritsugu as all of the Yotsuba Clansmen used their magic to conceal themselves to sneak up into the Imperial Palace. Due to the explosions at the building of the National Diet, the guards were running here and there to protect the Imperial Family.

Truth to be told, there weren't many people guarding the Imperial Palace and the Imperial Family. However, still, there were some magicians and even a few Tactical-Order magicians assigned there by the Ministry of Defense.


Yotsuba Clansmen slowly crossed the walls of the Imperial Palace and entered the area while silently killing the guards here and there. They weren't using Magic in this operation, just old-school assassination skills, as those cannot be tracked. In contrast, with Magic, there could always be a way to tell which spell was used to kill the target.

Kiritsugu, contrary to others, went directly to the inner parts of the castle as he was searching for the Emperor; more precisely, he wanted a key to the hidden library.

The secret library apparently hid many precious books about ancient Magic and many other forms of Magic. Some would prove to be very useful for Yotsuba, while some not be that users could be traded to others who would pay a generous price for them.

And, of course, part of those books would be gifted to the Genryūsai-dono as a sign of goodwill.

He was walking through the corridors of the castle while somehow admiring the noble atmosphere that was there. Many art centuries old were decorating the walls of the Imperial Palace while it was almost empty.

Apparently, guards responsible for the protection of the Emperor were already moving him to the underground shelter, so he sped up so he could intercept them.

Fortunately, they were not in the shelter, and he managed to find them before they entered one of those hidden passages, and that would be a pain in the ass to find them again.

Around the Emperor, there were more than ten guards, of whose five were magicians, and the other five were genetically enhanced humans.

'Hmm... troublesome. Still, thanks to the Mental Interference Magic from Yotsuba, they didn't notice me, so I can still ambush them.'

Thought Kiritsugu as he observed those bodyguards and soldiers escorting the Emperor while listening to some occasional sounds of the fight from inside the castle. Apparently, the rest of his squad has also found their targets.

'Time Acceleration: Quadruple Accel'

Kiritsugu cast his spell to his utmost limits in regard to acceleration type, as he grasped two combat knives in his hands as he rushed at those bodyguards.

They were his targets, as Emperor was only a feeble middle-aged man without Magic or even combat training, so he wasn't that threat compared to magicians and genetically enhanced soldiers here.

He was dancing between the bodyguards while slicing through their necks, and within several seconds he killed nine of them while throwing one of those combat knives at the last of them, piercing his head.

As the Magic ended, he was a bit tired, as higher tiers of acceleration or deceleration magic took a severe toll on his stamina and body. His psion reserves were almost depleted for prolonged use of high-tier time acceleration spells.

After he quickly killed the Emperor, he took the key to the hidden library of the Imperial Palace and quickly went to the location. He passed through several rooms and even killed some people that were in his way, mostly personnel working in the Imperial Palace; as orders were clear, there were no survivors.

After five minutes, he finally arrived at the place and entered the hidden library. It was a small room behind the actual Imperial Library, and there weren't many books stored there. He started browsing through them and soon found the first one about Ancient Rituals.

Then he found around ten books that were describing some experimental magic that could strengthen the human body or even increase psion reserves... pretty precious things.

It was understandable as the Imperial Family existed for more than 1,500 years; while not interfering with the government of Japan for most of that time, they still collected a huge amount of resources and precious magic books.

After securing the position, two of the Yotsuba Clansmen came and started helping Kiritsugu transport those magic books. They were putting them onto a moving transportable vault that was created for the transportation of precious things for short distances.

Hundreds of magic books were in the hidden vault, but most were not that important.

They only took those about Ancient Magic, Psions reserves, enhancement rituals, or forbidden Magic. Mainly because they could not move all of them, and as mentioned, most of them were rather useless.

"Everything clean. Let's go. How is the situation out there?"

Kiritsugu asked as they were leaving the hidden library.

"We have killed our targets inside the palace. Squad Dragon secured the perimeter and managed to kill some people that attempted to escape. At the same time, Squad Ichijou started clearing hidden spots in the area."

One of the Yotsuba Clansmen reported to him the situation.

"Good. Go through the entire Imperial Palace once more, afterward light it on fire, be sure the entire place is destroyed."

He ordered as he looked at the transportation vault filled with magic books. As one would say, knowledge was power.

Most of these books would come in handy, especially those about rituals, as there was research going on about strengthening the human body.

Their mission here was now complete, with the death of their last target.

Right now, they only needed to transport their loot to a safe location back to the clan, and everything was done. Rest would be done by the army and Ten Master Clan forces that were currently taking over Tokyo and the rest of the strategic places across Japan that weren't under their immediate control.

In Tokyo, the entire city was in a state of panic and chaos. As soon as the building of the National Diet exploded, the National Defense Forces and forces of the Ten Master Clans and the rest of the Number Family System entered Tokyo and practically locked down the entire city.

The district where the parliament was located was under the heaviest lockdown. There wasn't any official announcement towards the country as a whole, as nobody had time for that.

Approximately one hour after the terrorist attack on the parliament, another thing happened that shook the entire society was another terrorist attack on the Imperial Palace, which was under fire.

When National Defense Forces got there, it was already late as all members of the Imperial Family, including the Emperor, were killed; not even servants and other personnel survived.

Across the country, similar incidents occasionally happened as some people were too assassinated or met with lamentable accidents.

Only after one day later, the situation was already under control, but with the entire parliament dead and also the whole government deceased, there was a massive power vacuum in the nation.

Because of that, the top brass of the country met on the following day.

That consisted of patriarchs of Ten Master Clans, Commander-in-Chief Marshall Yamamoto Genryūsai Shigekuni, and several other prominent military generals to discuss the situation and establishment of the new nation.

Officially in the news, the Great Asian Union and fanatics of Dahan took the blame for the series of terrorist attacks, which wasn't entirely wrong.

Just they would never get the opportunity if not for the Yotsuba Clan and National Defense Forces allowing them from the shadows to enter the country, but that was, of course, omitted from history as people aware of that could be counted on one hand.

After lengthy discussions, soon enough, the new government was established, and an era of the monarchy in Japan came to an end.

Ten Master Clans and National Defense Forces jointly established a new strong and united government in times of war, and even the name of the state changed to the Japan Imperial Hierarchy. Ironically the one responsible for announcing this news to the nation was Marshall Yamamoto Genryūsai Shigekuni.

A week later, the position of the new government was heavily fortified, and all other countries were just looking from the sidelines that the first pro-magician nation was established on Earth, which created envy from magicians of other countries as most of them were still only used as weapons albeit their privileged they held many responsibilities and heavy restrictions.

This also resulted in the displeasure of many magicians against their respective governments and nations.

On the other side, many nations, especially the USNA, New Soviet Union, and Great Asian Union, were wary of the newly formed Hierarchy and decided to invest more resources into training magicians and increasing their magical population.

As it was the year 2065, more precisely, the year 2065 was coming to an end, and it was apparent that soon enough, World War III would end.

One could say that the establishment of the Japan Imperial Hierarchy was a great signal to stop the war and focus on recovering the lost strength during the war that took almost 20 years.

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