
Record of Time

Kim Han-wool, a genius and a champion in the sports chess dies in a car accident and finds himself inside a novel he had just read. The body he reincarnated as is a cannon fodder who had the same name and surname as him. Knowing the fate of the original owner who will die a miserable death Han-wool decided to change his fate by avoiding the main characters. Little did he know that maybe it might be because of his past life or because of his hobby he suddenly becomes teacher of the main characters…

Ayis002 · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter 18

"You-" Kang Min-Jun wanted to say that they don't even know the group's potential when suddenly he thought 'Could it be- he already knows their potential?'

Thinking of this Kang Min-Jun frowned and suddenly heard me spoke as I said "Oh? What's the matter? Afraid to lose?"

"You-!" Kang Min-Jun was so angry that his face flushed red and I held back my laughter

After some pondering Kang Min-Jun successfully fell for my taunting and I smiled

Reaching out my hand I said "Well then, let's have a good duel"

Kang Min-Jun stared at my hand for a long time before he shook it.

Finally, the game begins.


In the woods where it is also a training area Kang Min-Jun and I separated giving time for us to plan

The game we will be playing is catch the flag where whoever steals the flag from the other team wins

It sounds simple but it is not, it is almost similar to the game chess where your target instead of a flag is the king

Gathering I said "Alright, the plan is actually simple everyone"

Hearing this doubts flashed in their eyes but I smiled and opened my mouth

Hearing what my plan is their eyes widened in disbelief

Suddenly Bin Seo-jun interrupted and said "I- Instructor!"

"Yes?" I looked at him confused and he said "Don't you think the plan sounds so…"

"Simple?" I interrupted him with a smile and he gulped before nodding

Laughing I said "That's the point, that's why you don't need to worry"

"This is definitely--"

"---Our victory"

"Unless…" I closed my eyes and rubbed my chin as I said "You guys have more better idea?"

Gok Won-shik found that tis is the perfect timing for him but found no matter what he thinks of, he can't find any flaws in my plan

"Gok Won-shik!"

Suddenly hearing me scream out his name he was startled and looked at me but instead he saw that I was smiling at him as I said "Don't worry, tomorrow I'll teach you how to plan just like me, and one day, I'll definitely make you the best strategist!"

Hearing this Gok Won-shik found this ridicolous, but, somehow, he feels that if it is me then, maybe it's not impossible

After a long pondering he sighed and stared at me with stern eyes as he said "Understood, I'll definitely bring the victory Instructor!"

Hearing this I nodded and hummed as I said "Well then, everyone, let the game--"



Kang Min-Jun's POV

After saying my plan the everyone agreed readily and one of my students Jang Byung-ho who is the strategist of my team said "I won't let you down instructor"

Satisfied I nodded and looked at the distance as I narrowed my eyes and thought 'Kim Han-wool, just you wait, I'll definitely beat you'


As the game started everyone spread out as Bae Chul and Gok Won-shik were left to defend the flag in my team while Jang Byung-ho and An Dae-jung were left to defend Kang Min-Jun's team flag

Each team has a communication device for each member and Gok Won-shik asked "Do you see any enemies yet?"

"Not yet" Chay Mi Kyong replied as she, Ahn Ju-won, and Lee Mi-Nyeo were together near our flag watching if there are any enemies nearby while Choi Kwan and Bin Seo-jun were together preparing to attack, Jeong Ji-ho and Cha Si-woo are together while Geum Beok-seo went alone top get the flag

Just as the position were set they waited and waited but no enemies appeared, that's when Gok Won-shik felt something was wrong

Closing his eyes he thought 'Think Gok Won-shik, if I were the enemies what would my plan be?'

Activating his ability which is called "99.9% Case" Gok Won-shik saw every possible plan of the enemies until there is one that is 99.9% possible to be correct

That's when he saw it!

Widening his eyes in disbelief he thought 'Now way…!'

Immediately he screamed in the communication device and said "Fall back! Everyone! It's a trap!"

"Too late!" Suddenly I heard a shout coming from above and saw five enemies appear before them!

Geum Beok-seo who heard that something was wrong frowned and quickly went to the base of the enemy only to see one person on it

'What?' He thought that they left two to guard the flag…where's the other

Suddenly An Dae-jung laughed and said while holding his spear "You fool, do you really think we would focus on defense and leave atleast two to three people guarding the flag? Heh!"

Frowning Geum Beok-seo suddenly realized it and he muttered "It couldn't be…you guys focused on offense?"

An Dae-jun laughed and said "You fool finally realized it, bravo!"

Annoyed Geum Beok-seo unsheathed his sword as he walked towards An Dae-jun

"You messed with the wrong person" Geum Beok-seo said as he dashed towards An Dae-jun as he screamed "You're dead!"


Choi Kwan and the others were about to go back to the base but was blocked by some enemies

Two enemies were on Choi Kwan and the other two while the others were faced with two aswell!

One of them said "No one can go back unless you guys pass through us!"


Gok Won-shik bit his lower lip as he thought 'We're screwed'

Suddenly he said "Bae Chul! Please hold them off as long as you can!"

"Understood!" Bae Chul yelled as he raised his shield that is the same size as him

Jang Byung-ho laughed as he said "This is our win"

Gok Won-shik gritted his teeth

Jang Byung-ho smirked and flicked his finger as he said "Get rid of them"

Immediately the other four dashed towards them in an instant!




Meanwhile at the entrance of the woods me and Kang Min-Jun sat down and talked

"Ahh, it's unexpectedly relaxing in this place" I said as I laid down on the grass

Kang Min-Jun raised his eyebrow as he asked "Aren't you too relaxed?"

Confused I asked "What do you mean?"

Kang Min-Jun sneered and said "Aren't you worried about your group? Afterall they probably wouldn't expect my plan--"

"You mean to focus on offense and send four or five people to our base?" Hearing this Kang Min-Jun choked and stared at me with bewildered horrified eyes as if asking how I knew it

I didn't answered and instead sat up with a smile and stared at the sky as I said "You know, in the beginning I was wondering if my decision of being an instructor was a good idea, I thought I would regret it but--"

Looking at Kang Min-Jun who still had scared surprised expression I smiled and said "--I think it's actually quite fun now, don't you think?"

"Kang Min-Jun, I know your hatred for me and the fact that you wanted to beat me so badly but, forgive me but--"

"--It's my win from the beginning"

Actually I already knew Gok Won-shik's ability from the beginning

How you may ask?

Well it's because it was already explained in the novel and all I did was simply used that ability to know Kang Min-Jun's plan from the start

That's when I told them my plan, to bait them into thinking that Gok Won-shik would be the nuisance of the group and that it's an easy win for them

But what they don't know is that the nuisance of the group the whole time is none other than--

Bin Seo-jun!

We didn't need to win the fight, afterall the real objective of this game is the flag isn't it?

Kang Min-Jun, you don't know the potential of this group at all!

You don't know how many tricks we can have up our sleeves


Choi Kwan shouted "Now Bin Seo-jun!"

Bin Seo-jun without hesitation planted his staff on the ground

"What's he doing?!""Stop him!"

Just as they were planning to stop Bin Seo-jun Choi Kwan appeared before them and aimed his sword at them as he said "Oh no you don't!"


As the sound of sword collided Bin Seo-jun already completed his spell and he smiled as he thought 'Do it'


Suddenly Jang Byung-ho saw Gok Won-shik disappeared and he had a bad premonition

He shouted at the communication device "An Dae-jun! The flag!"

He then ran to get the flag but was blocked by Bae Chul!

"Get out of the way!" He shouted angrily but Bae Chul didn't budged and instead his shield grew larger!


That's Bae Chul's ability, to make anything grew bigger or smaller!

Suddenly with a hummed Jang Byung-ho grew smaller and smaller and finally one of them was able to break Bae Chul's shield and was able to stop them from going smaller

Just as he was about to grab the flag the sound of gunshot was heard and they all froze

There is only one moment when the gunshot will be fired, and that is--

When a team already won the match

Gok Won-shik who teleported beside the flag thanks to Bin Seo-jun's magic raised the flag and waved it with a smile as An Dae-jun was pinned to the ground by Geum Beok-seo he shouted in the communication device"Everyone! We won!"