

Born an orphan but blessed with great power Lucryn competes with his twin sister Lucy to see who becomes the strongest spirit master and reach the pinnacle of the spirit master world the level of spirit saint but the journey isn't as easy as he had hoped it to be.

EDIAL · Fantaisie
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7 Chs


Lucryn laid down on his bed thinking of what happened in the morning recalling all that happened over and over again and blushing every time he thought of it whiles in his wonder land Lucy entered the room and walked to his bed, he noticed her and asked. "How are you feeling?" Lucy looked at him then said 

"You idiot you are the one am supposed to be asking that question you've been asleep for a whole month that you missed out on the spirit academy examinations"

Lucryn's happy mood became solemn when he heard what Lucy was he was so confused that he couldn't get what she was saying he knew that [Doom Break] did take a lot of spirit energy but never expected that he would be unconscious for a month. And if he recalled he was not injured in his fight with Black horn so he couldn't get what had caused it.

"But don't worry you can try again next year" Lucy said with a smirk on her face 

"Is that so from the looks of it you seem to have passed the exams and May I know which academy you chose" Lucryn asked showing no sign of frustration. 

"The Gryphon spirit academy" she replied without haste

Lucryn couldn't believe what he heard Lucy had gotten the prestigious Gryphon royal spirit academy and this made him curious to know all that happened whiles he was asleep. He looked at her with a serious expression and just as he was about to ask for a reason Lucy spoke 

"Don't worry am going to tell you all that happened as you were asleep" 


After Lucryn and Lucy arrived in the palace they both unconscious for unknown reasons but Lucy woke up a few days later but Lucryn didn't and this got her thinking but she wasn't that much worried about him ,resting for a few days she began training for the examinations whiles training in the court yard she was being watched by two peculiar individuals it was the king and the man adorned in the dark robes from earlier the stood at a far distance and watched her this continued for a while until one day she was called by the king Faeryn had gone with the maids to escort since over the past week they had bonded and had become friends.

Moments later they had reached the throne room the guards at the entrance bowed down when they saw Faeryn coming in with her and immediately opened the door and announced their arrival the two went in whiles being escorted by the maids. Lucy knelt down to the king when she came close to him whiles Faeryn bowed and went to sit beside him.

"Greetings your majesty am Lucy" she said with courtesy

"Stand up I hear that your brother is still not awake yet" the king said with a worried tone

"There is nothing to worry about your majesty my brother is not weak am hundred percent sure he would wake up very soon" Lucy said without a hint of doubt in her eyes.

The king was shocked to see how much faith Lucy had in Lucryn; he immediately cleared his throat and said

"Alright then let's get down to my reason for calling you here; though your brother may still be asleep you can hear me out and talk it over with him when he wakes up. I would like the two of you to join my army and help me start a new spirit temple but in order to do that you would have to graduate from the spirit academy and join the army and gain merits. And prove that you are the strongest and capable of leading a spirit temple"

This shocked Lucy at first but she kept quiet the whole time the king spoke and was listening to all that he was saying and the moment he was done with his proposal he looked at Lucy waiting patiently for her to digest all he said and get her response but it never came she silent and was deep in thought this made the king lose hope, moments later Lucy was now ready to give her answer but just as she was about to she pondered and said 

"Your majesty if it's okay with you may I know why you want to create a new spirit temple whiles the kingdom still had the seven temples around to help"

The king looked at her and then smiled and in a hyped voice he said 

"Because I want to crush those spirit temples"

His response threw Lucy off a bit but he later said made her understood why he had said that 

"As you may know the spirit temples are each being led by a powerful spirit master and these spirit masters are known as temple master and they do whatever they want they are not under the direct command of the king and are more like self-owned organizations which the temple look to for help and this is troublesome cause they may decide not help the nation in its time of need that's why I want to build a temple that is ready to protect the kingdom in its darkest hour"

Lucy now understood the king's reason but something was still they were total strangers who had just helped his daughter from danger but now he wants to entrust them with a huge task that might cause his downfall but just as she about to ask the king interrupted.

"I know you are wandering why I chose you two, it's just a haunch but don't worry there are other candidates who were also chosen so it's up to you decide and don't worry we won't restrain you, you are free to do whatever you want and we will provide you with everything you need before you go to the royal spirit academy and from there everything would depend on your effort"

When Lucy heard what the king said her lips curled upwards and a smile could be seen and in that moment she went down on one knee and said

"Am willing to accept your offer your majesty and I promise I won't fail you "

The determined look in Lucy's eyes and the unwavering expression that she had made the king more assured of his decision While the whole conversation was going on a familiar figure had sat there without uttering a word the king noticed her reaction and said

"Let me introduce you to Maxwell he is my personal guard and he will be training you from now on"

This was the same person who had calmed the king earlier when he was enraged when he was Black horn, Maxwell was a level 8 spirit master and had the lighting element he was also the captain of the royal guards and the king's friend he had a well-built body and was well known in the spirit continent.

 When Lucy heard this she couldn't be any happier she was then excused by the king and was off to start her training she had trained since that time and when the entrance examination for the Gryphon spirit academy came she took it and with the king's recommendation she got accepted with any hindrance.


Lucy left the room after he told him all that had happened she wanted to give him time to think of the king's proposal this was a huge endeavour he was about to take but somewhere in her heart she believed that he would make the right choice, Lucryn laid down on his bed the whole night thinking of what to do and before he knew he had fallen asleep. Morning came Lucryn was on his way to meet the king he was being escorted by the guards and as they reached the door the soldiers on guard opened it and in that moment a single question was thrown at him.

"Do you have it takes to take on this task young lad though you are strong your light element may hinder you along the way" the king said with a smile on his face

Lucryn didn't say anything at first he only smirked at the king and stood up to his feet suddenly he released his spiritual energy it gushed out of him like a volcano eruption when the others saw this couldn't believe it he then opened his mouth and said.

"Is this enough to prove my worth" he said whiles smiling

"That's more than enough and it's a pleasure to work with you" the king replied. 

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