
Recollection (LN)

A certain boy was living alone in Tokyo and was been traveling in the past to know what's the purpose of his life. he saves his friend from the past and forgot everyone the person he knows.

Charuzu_Amiru · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Volume 2 Chapter 3: Invasion

Since we are bored and don't have things to do, we planned to visit Mori because she got cold 2 days ago.

"Tokiro, Yuzuha, I'll want you guys to the woods."

Alright, do not go off somewhere okay? Just stay in the woods."


My everyday mission to myself is to kill 10 goblins or orcs maximum each day. My total kill right now is 57. Last time, 3 goblins got away because I fell to the waterfalls. Now maybe this time, I can exceed my skills every day.

I was wandering around yesterday and I saw 15 goblins overall near the woods near the cave. That's why I left early to kill them without Yuzuha and Tokiro.

I arrive at the top of the cave and they're still inside. I jump down and make a big impact noise.

I blew the dust towards them and activated my blade that turned on burning.

"Look, you guys have plenty to kill. Alright, let's have fun!"

I planned to finish them in one blow. All of them charge toward me, and when they raise their weapon, I give them an instant attack.

"Sun Art: Spiral Flame!"

Spiral Flame can cut the air by the flame burning the air. It can also cut any hard things such as dragon scales.

I went back to the woods to meet up with Yuzuha and Tokiro. But before that, I went to look for the apples.

"Arisu! Where did you go?"

"Uh… I just look for apples to eat while walking"

"Alright! Let's go!"

We arrive at the sunrise village by 4 of the afternoon. We saw the village was on fire and we ran inside to look what happened.

"What is happening right now? This is bad, might be an invasion—"

My head suddenly hurt and something like memories of mine showed up inside my mind.

The memories are blurred but I saw a burning house inside my head.

"Hey! Arisu! Hey!" Yuzuha keeps calling me"

I went back to my senses and saw that everything was burning.

"Sorry, my memories are coming back to me."

"What? Do you already remember anything? Including your parents?"

"No, just these incidents, it's like I already felt something like this before— that's it, code red. Yuzuha, and Tokiro, evacuate everyone and tell them to leave. This is not just an accident, this is Invasion!"

"Where will you go?"

"I'll join Moritaka-san, I'll catch up with you later!"

Two places where Mori and Moritaka are, both of them always together. I went to the dojo first but it seems they were not there so I went to their house near the center of the village.

My head still hurts and I still don't know what to do during this time. "Should I escape? Should I run away? Should I leave everyone? Will I survive?". I reached the house of moritaka-san and saw them at the front and their home exploded.

"X Demon? Amane, Hide Mori to a safe place."

Understood!" She replied.

Moritaka-san turned to me and he called out my name"

"Tosaki Arisu, I now set you as the Vice-Captain of 5th Division Captain. I will permit you to give orders to our division"


The look on Moritaka-san's eyes was like about to murder someone.

The atmosphere has changed and the power inside his body reaches the highest level more than what I know about magic.

I remember what he said now. Never cross the path where you can't see your friends. I'll face everything here and now even this opponent is the highest cop who is fighting with.

"Arisu! Get back. You still can't fight something like this opponent. It's the demon that any higher cop can even kill. You should evacuate everyone."

"Tokiro and Yuzuha already evacuated everyone. Maybe the two of us are only inside this village."

"Good, just hide for a while."

I do as he said but I hid just to be sure I'm gonna be a help to him.

"Huh! This magic power, isn't this the little Takanashi who escaped at the last invasion? What a lucky am i"

"Blue eye: stage 1!"

The wind blows everywhere coming from Moritaka-san in an instant.

"You have grown stronger, kid!"

Moritaka lifted his hand and pointed to the demon.

"You are… Weak to be part of X Demon"

By lifting his hand, an instant hit, and the demon blew away. It has power that can perfectly control the air at will.

"Arisu, make sure that everyone in this village has escaped. Go now!"

Takanashi Boy!"

Moritaka told me to check the whole village if someone still hasn't escaped.

Yuzuha, Tokiro, and the other people from sunrise village evacuated to the deep forest which is the safest place.

Front the situation at the deep forest. Most of the people here can rest and sleep for a while and some of the cops from division 5 wear their fighting clothes.

Amane has caught up with them with Mori.

"Yuzuha, Tokiro, would you mind taking care of Mori!?"

Mori suddenly stopped and her head hurt.

"Mori! What's wrong?"

"I- I remember everything now—"

Mori's cold temperature went high again, and Tokiro and Yuzuha took care of her. The situation where Yuzuha and Tokiro are located is all fine and safe. Most of the people from sunrise village have managed to rest and sleep somehow even though the situation outside is really bad.

Amane catches up with them while carrying Mori on her back.

At the time Amane puts Mori down, Mori suddenly feels something like her head hurt.

"Are you okay? Mori?"

"I'm fine, my head just aches but it's fine, it's not that worse" Mori said.

"Yuzuha, take care of Mori, I'll help out Moritaka-kun."

"Be careful Amane-san!"

Everything is clear, with no drops of blood and body around. No life has been taken, I should get back now.

An Orange cat went toward me and it had a message box with the cat. The message is from Kaoru and it says "Arisu, Yuzuha, Tokiro, where the hell are you guys? At the time we arrived at 4 in the afternoon, we saw the capital was on fire. Right now, the capital is all destroyed. The commander told us to join forces with the other land. Be careful, X Demon is involved in this invasion.'' That's the message from the capital before we left. This is so unpredictable. None of the higher cops sense. Also, there is another message and it was a letter from the cop's commander. "Choose your best path. The land of wind is a peaceful place where you can live at ease. The land of Nature is the biggest in this country which has so many magic users who guard the whole land. And the last is Royal Land. They are the one who makes a move and fights something like X Demons and helps the other land. Joining Royal land might be dangerous but for those who devoted their hearts to the peace of the world, join with the Royal Land Cops. this is my final message for everyone, please be alive and protect the world.'' That's what our commander said.

I went back to Moritaka-san and 3 demons appeared in front of me. This demon is not the kind of Orc and Goblin. Demon is much stronger than them.

There are many types of demons. First is Normal demons, they don't think and talk, they just rush and eat humans without hesitation. The second is the Abnormal demon. They can extend their bodies but it has a range limit and they can also talk. The third is a pure demon, a demon that learned magic. And the last is Blood Demon. They are parts of demon rankings.

"Vanishing Fire! Sun Art: Spiral Flame!"

They burned out and turned into dust.

I saw Moritaka-san's body blowing like the sky. The whole place was destroyed and it was caused by the fight between Karuko the 11th X demon. Karuko was down and Moritaka-san's magic wasn't still going down.

He once told me that he was once called out to be the next pillar but he refuses. And live a peaceful life just for Mori's bright future.

I sensed a Demon that has a huge amount of magic power. It looks like part of X Demon and higher than the demon earlier.

"Arisu, get back, I'll be more serious this time" Moritaka-san's magic increased higher than I thought. It was incredible, it was the first time that sensing his magic power scared me for the first time.

It was the 5th X Demon Sazuko. He was smaller than Moritaka-san by 2 inches. He has pale skin, white hair, and black eyes and he holds a dark sword.

His eyes glow and the wind suddenly goes down. The wind again appeared in the whole place and it was stronger than before. It blows the fire on my sword.

Amane showed up and Moritaka-san stopped.

"Amane, what are you doing here?"

"I'll help you out Moritaka-kun!"

Karuko still stood up and Amane lured Karuko away while Moritaka-san focused on one enemy.

Moritaka-san moved to his highest stage. He skipped stage 2 and went on stage 3.

The demon chuckled and said "What magic you have there. This kind of magic can't be copied. I guess I have to use my magic power."

Moritaka-san vanishes and appears behind Sazuko. he spins his body to cut Sazuko at the back into pieces with his sword.

"Whirlwind Devastation Slash."

"Damn you brat. You move so fast!"

The demon used magic and trapped Moritaka inside the storm.

"Blacked Eye of the storm!" Sazuko cast magic.

The wind was so strong that I flew away. Moritaka took the damage and he was down on his knees. Moritaka can't see anything because he was inside the storm and Sazuko is about to swing his sword behind Moritaka.

My magic went up and it increased to the highest level. It is caused by using Aura that boosts my magic. My speed has increased and the flame on my blade has gotten thickened. I was able to cut Sazuko's right arm and Sazuko fell back and regenerated his arm but it slowly regenerated.

"Shit! What was that? Huh? My regeneration got slower. What happened!"

"Thanks, Arisu, get back for the second. Time for the final stage"

The final stage is Moritaka-san's ultimate. It was the power that can kill an immortal with its full power.

Moritaka-san lifted his 2 arms and performed a circle on his hand. All the winds are gathering in the middle of Moritaka-san's hand. He clapped his hand and the wind on his hand vanished.

Moritaka vanishes and appears in front of Sazuko. It was like he walked at the speed of light. Moritaka struck his palm toward Sazuko and released the wind that he gathered on his palm.


An enormous amount of wind comes out of Moritaka-san's hand and it destroys half of the forest and reaches the sea.

After Sazuko vanished, Moritaka-san was down on his knees and breathing hard. I went to lend him a drink and told him the message from the commander.

The pressure of the wind knocked us down on the ground and someone talked.

Oh? Did you beat my clone? My imaginary friend vanished. Too bad but you achieve nothing. I am Sozuki, the real 5th X Demon. I have no interest in both of you. I'm here to end you"

"Wind of the Underworld." Suzuki cast magic. A thick backed wind gathers around us like we are inside the sphere.

I use my magic to break through but it doesn't work.

"Hey, Arisu. I'm losing consciousness. I reached my limit here. It's futile for us to escape both. I can send you somewhere but here me out for a second."

"There is no time for that, we need to think to escape here!"

"Protect Mori for me okay? I wanted you to act as her brother. Will you accept my promise?"

"What are you saying Moritaka-san? I'm not good at taking care of someone. Do not ever think about leaving someone in another's care."

"As your Mentor, please protect Mori. I was childish and was stuck on getting revenge on the demon and forgot to take good care of my little sister. But there is something important to Mori. Mori has to be protected no matter what happens. She has the power above me. She inherits the god of wind's power. After all this. Go back to this village and look for my book in our house's basement. You'll find out everything there."

Moritaka cast his final magic power. He created a portal that teleported me somewhere.

I screamed and called his name but I was sucked into the portal.

Moritaka-san starts to close his eyes.

"Amane, I wish you are still alive. Go on living without me. Just protect my little sister, that's all my wish—"

Before I vanished, I didn't know what happened but at the time I saw through the wind, he vanished into nothingness.