
Chapter 2: Lord Sirius Orion Black

Moving from the table and made to the library. It was the only room in the house that no one else had access to, much to Dumbledore's displeasure. He had just had an argument with Molly as to where Harry would be sleeping when he got here. She insisted that Harry should sleep with Ron because he needed to be around his friends.

'Yeah, then he'll need his friends,' the dogman thought with a grimace. 'What about earlier this summer? He really could have used someone then. Stupid Headmaster, and his stupid games. I wonder just what that old barmy man is up to.'

Sirius knew that Harry would be angry about the lack of communication and that he would probably want a room he could go to so he would have a place to unwind. He wouldn't be able to do that if he were bunking with Ron. Regulus's room was vacant and there were plenty of other rooms that no one was using. This house had three floors of bedrooms. To pair up the kids was ridiculous. These were teenagers, after all, and they would need their own space. Well, maybe not the twins.

He marched to the back of the library, to a room that was hidden there. This room was the reason only a Black could come into the library unless allowed. It was a ritual room that only the family could use. Many Dark rituals had taken place here, and he had avoided it like the plague. The room itself was harmless, but the things that had gone on in here had left a taint that made his skin crawl. If he could figure out another way to help his godson, and himself, he wouldn't step foot in here now, but needs must.

The room itself was circular, with grey marble walls. It had a large black marble pedestal in the middle that blended with the grey marble floor. The few torches along the walls did little to lighten it. There was a diagram in the center of the floor that reached into the stone. It was a circle with runes carved along the outside. The pedestal was smack dab in the middle of the circle. It was used to call on demons for knowledge, among, other things. On those grey walls was deep red dried blood from former things done here, that Sirius didn't want to think about. He loathed the Dark Arts that his family loved.

He never wanted to be the Head of House, but if he wanted to protect Harry, and get himself free, he needed the additional power. He entered the room and shuddered; the whole place creeped him out. Still, he needed to do this, so he went to the pedestal.

Slamming down his hand on the small silver spike in the middle of the plinth, he felt the prick that drew blood. The circle changed color as his blood flowed down the inscriptions. The room lit red as magic heeded his call. The smell of the copper was strong. He could feel where the needle still impaled his hand, wanting to remove it, but it was still needed there.

Taking a deep breath he said, "I, Sirius Orion Black, hereby claim the Head of House for the House of Black. Let it be known from this day forth all Blacks will answer to me." Feeling magic wrap around him, judging him, he took another deep breath and waited. His core soon felt the tug of magic, like strings on a windchime.

"I hereby recall all who were cast out to be reinstated, and that they will know the power of the House of Black again," he said, knowing that if the family was to survive he would need those people. "Any Black that kneels to one other than the Head of House is henceforth an Oath Breaker. All rights, privileges, and monies will be claimed as forfeit. As is my right, I hereby claim the forfeit of all oath breakers. May their magic be stripped and distributed to each Black that stayed true to themselves by my discretion."

He felt the magic its into the pedestal and start to fill him, the red light surrounded his body and then it burst out of him and dispersed into the air, feeling, searching, and fulfilling his command. He could feel Andromeda, Tonks, and Harry through the magic, and they were getting stronger. He knew Andromeda and Tonks would know what that meant. Poor Harry would more than likely be scared.

The only reason the boy was getting Black's magic was because of the Godfather oath that Sirius swore when the child was born. Because the Potters died, Sirius was now his guardian, therefore, magic saw him as Sirius' heirthatarry was distantly related to his second cousin twice removed, via marriage, but he didn't hold Black blood. Sirius thought of changing that, but it would be up to Harry.

Putting aside that wonderful thought, the new Head of House wondered how Bellatrix was doing—he could feel the magic leave her, making her a squib. Would she take her own life now? He didn't care. That crazy bitch needed to be put down like the rabid bitch she was. He did like the fact that all her vaults would now be his and no one could enter until he went to Gringotts and claimed them completely. That blight on his family would be gone, finally.

He relished the power for a moment then turned his thoughts back to the others.

Narcissa was getting a small portion of the magic, as was Dracos at his discretion. He did wonder what would happen should they take the Dark Mark, and then brushed those thoughts aside. Some of the more distant cousins, including the Weasleys, not Molly, were getting minute increases as well. It was such a tiny bit; they probably wouldn't even feel it.

"I hereby claim this house to be mine," he uttered steadfastly. "No one will rule but me. It is my duty and privilege to command that it serve me as its Master. All wards will strengthen and listen only to me. All charms placed on this house are mine to command. Any with ill intent upon the House of Black will henceforth be denied access." He needed to have control of the wards so that no one would be able to order him around in his house.