
Chapter 11

I woke up , mentally fustrated . I couldn't truly handle the fact that Thomas had been sick all along and I hardly saw that . What kind of a friend would that make me . What if all this time I thought he was mad over our fight , when the actual fact he had been mad was because he had his own traumatic issues . I could tell my mother was home , as to how amazing the scones aroma filled the my bedroom . I wonder what was the special occasion . I still had two more days to go before I would visit Tropilson.

I walked out my room to the kitchen to find an unexpected visitor . My mother's Aunt , Aunt Thelma.

" Aunt Thelma."I called out .

" My sweet , munchkin Khloe . How big you've grown since I last saw you ." She said that standing from her chair approaching me to kiss my cheek. How old fashioned .

"Don't be so modest come give your favorite Nana a hug." I did , her perfume smelled so out of town it was like smelling sunflowers blown by the breeze , the scent was pleasant ,though i couldn't help but wonder what was she doing here when I was going to visit her two days from now .

" You must be wondering what Aunt Thelma might be doing here so early In the morning ." My mother proposed. "There's actually much to be discussed with you Khloe, and since well there are things I can't seem to give you answers for . I guessed Aunt Thelma might be able to help out ." She added.

" Are you reffering to my nightmares , though they've gotten better mom." I asked.

" I know that . Go prepare yourself for the long trip to Aunt Thelma's place . Then come back down here for breakfast okay ." She reassured.

"Okay. "I reassured too.

The trip to Aunt Thelma was mind easing . I sat at the back of the car while she played on ABBA CD , she used an old Mercedes. At first we drived through a place called Olegua . She suggested we should grab some snack from the petrol station closer . She gave me a couple of coins . While I went in the market she stayed out filling her car's tank with petrol. The store inside looked dilapidated as though it had been long since its been abandoned. Just as I was about to leave the store a very cunning voice behind called out. That truly gave me chills.

" Oi, how may I help." The weird looking young lady said . She wore a torn dress or rather that's how it was designed . Her accent sounded acient too.

"My Nana , who's outside suggested I come grab some snacks though I'll doubt you'll have my favorite snack." I shrieked.

"And why is that if i may ask ?"

"Because this place looks abandoned . When did you last get stock deliveries?" I answered trying to hide the fear I felt .

" Is that so Khloe, and what does an un-abandoned place look like?." She kept intereogating every statement I made.

" How did you know my name.?" Now suddenly everything was much more harder , the air in the store felt less and more less available, I felt unsafe in that instant , my hands began to feel sweaty, my tounge started to taste metallic , my head started spinning. If this was certainly a dream one thing I truly hoped for was for someone to wake me from it right in that instant.

" You're right this isn't a store . Neither is this a dream. Your inner self is crying out for answers to questions you feel are so out of context so young, lady tell me , whatis is it thats bothering you ?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

" Nothing's bothering me , You crazy woman stop reading my thoughts ." I insinuated

" Oh so im the crazy woman. Please tell me you dont think there's something more to Thomas than what the eye meets , tell me have you forgotten about Jennifer, tell me all youve read has no impact on you. Tell me why did it all bother you much the fact that your surname was also included in the diary.Biggest question of all Khloe , why do you think i know so much about you . No its not you , neither do i care much about what you do . What im trying to to make you realise is I am Hugrunar."


"Yes I'm the answer to the unknown, I see things before they become . I speaketh before the thought even comes to being. "

" You're a witch !!"

" No , I'm a rune . Now Khloe ask me the questions your heart had always desired to know . I believe every moment comes with a reason . You certainly didnt summon me to insult me and call me a witch . What is it that you seek ? "

" A question . How many questions to be specific can I ask?"

"As many as you could but the answers should be of great importance for you .Ask Khloe .....

"Khloe " my name echoed repeatedly but each time it became familiar.

"Khloe, wake up . We are here ."

I was puzzled had I been asleep this whole time , so the rune lady was surreal, though it all felt true . And here I was thinking my nightmares had came to stop. I woke up staring at Nana Thelma who just took out her wallet to give me a note, to go buy myself some snacks. "

"Snacks , again ?"

" What do you mean again. You haven't had anything to eat since we left Protea Vlei.Go get yourself some road snack while I fill the tank. " What does she mean , this was all confusing . I really couldnt stand seeing myself go through a store I just went through 5 minutes ago .

" I'm still okay . You can fill up the tank . I'll just wait here."

I was still bemused by the fact that everything that had happened a hour ago was just a dream . I couldn't wait to see myself at Tropilson , I couldn't wait to get to see my cousin's and check up on Thomas. I can't stop thinking about him , I'm wondering what could be wrong with him.

"Done!" Nana exclaimed as she got in the car. "Are you sure you do not want anything to eat ."she asked as though she was trying convince me to grab something . Certainly didn't wanna see myself living a deja vu.

"Yes I'm sure Nana." ,I reassured her.

I spent the entire journey sleeping . I hardly realised that I was exhausted or maybe the long ride had me tired.