
Reborn With The Author System

Xavier was your average orphan whose fate took a twist after encountering a strange crystal that fell from the sky. [ Author Class Selected ] [ Author exclusive skills: Character hack, Character control, Reality change have been added ] Xavier unexpectedly obtained a system and awakened an abnormal class, one that gods and devils envied. [ Level 5 character, President of Red Country hacked ] [ Character now under your control ] [ Level 5 character, War General Luo Feng hacked successfully... ] Using this power, Xavier amassed so much wealth that he became bored. "Having such a powerful system in a world like Earth with these weak characters is becoming too boring," he thought. With this thought, he initiated an exchange with the system creators. Asking for a chance to be reborn in a better world where he could use his system with no restriction. Luckily, his request was accepted and he was reborn. Now in a world with supernatural beings and magic, Xavier set out to explore his Author class to the fullest. ..... "The world is a script written by God. Every character has its own story interwoven in the grand script. But I, Xavier, can hack into this script and edit any character, event, or even the whole world to my satisfaction," ~ Xavier

Sage_X · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Xavier [ VII ]

Carla and others arrived in front of a small cave whose entrance was blocked by a large rock boulder. 

Carla stepped forward and muttered in a strange language. Suddenly, the earth around them shook and the boulder began to roll away on its own. 

As the boulder rolled away from the entrance, dust began to rise from the ground, blocking the view of the two guards whose eyes widened in amazement, watching the display from Carla.

'What is that sound? Is there an earthquake?' Xavier wondered. 

Unfortunately, he couldn't witness this because the blindfold was still covering his eyes, if not he would be stunned beyond description. 

The dust blocking the cave's entrance cleared away slowly, revealing the dark interior of the cave. 

Carla nodded at the guard and they immediately left Xavier and walked away from the area. She then grabbed Xavier's hands and began leading him into the cave. 

Xavier could tell the difference in the hands holding him at once. Unlike the hands of the guards which were rough, this one was gentle and soft. He knew at once that it was Carla. However, he wondered where she was taking him. 

Carla led Xavier into the dark cave. 

Immediately they got in, the rock boulder behind them returned to its normal position. 

Afterwards, several glowing crystals on the walls of the cave began to glow, lighting up the place and revealing a pretty nice interior. 

Outside the cave was rough like a normal cave should be. However, inside was different. 

The walls were neat and white, on it, there were intricate engravings and writings in languages unknown. 

The crystals providing light were also embedded on the wall in nice patterns, adding to the cave's beauty. 

Carla turned to Xavier and took off the blindfold covering his eyes. 

Xavier's vision was immediately greeted with the soft light of the crystal and the beauty of this strange place. 

He looked around him, observing it with curiosity; He noticed that the cave was empty, it doesn't appear like a true laboratory where test are carried out, making him wonder what equipment she would use in taking the test if there is none present in this place. 

As Xavier took note of his surroundings, Carla couldn't help but note down his sane action. It made her even more curious to find out what the result of her test would be. 



She clapped her hands twice. 

Following her claps, the ground in front of them began to open up revealing a very deep, wide hole. 

"This, what's happening?" Xavier voiced out in a low tone, clearly surprised with the scene in front of him. 

"Do not worry, you will find out soon." Carla said, her grip tightening around his hands. She took two steps forward, just enough for both of them to arrive in front of the deep hole. 

"Don't tell me we are going to jump in TH..AHHHH!" 

Before Xavier could complete his statement, Carla dragged him along as she plunged herself into the hole. Xavier couldn't help but let out a blood curdling scream as both of them descended the hole. 

Their body descended at insane speed. With this sort of speed, they would crash on the ground with force and burst into meat paste. 

Xavier shut his eyes, scared of witnessing his own death. The wind blew violently against his face as he drifted down. 

'Damnit, what's she thinking? is she suicidal? I am going to die in this world in less than an hour from falling into a deep hole with an insane woman,' He cussed at Carla in his mind. 

While he was cursing at Carla, the wind beating against his face suddenly ceased and he didn't feel anything strange. He also didn't feel any hands on him anymore. 

'A painless death?' he wondered and opened his eyes. 

He was surrounded by darkness just like the void he passed through before he was reincarnated in this world. 

But the difference was that he wasn't falling down. He was standing! How? He wondered. 

As Xavier was about to come up with another conclusion explaining his situation, an intense glow suddenly flashed straight at his eyes, temporarily blinding him. 

The intensity of the glow began decreasing slowly and Xavier could finally see his surrounding. It was not much different from the cave, the walls were the same and there were engravings and crystals embedded in them. 

However, unlike the cave which was empty, inside here, several devices could be seen. Most of them were unfamiliar to him save for a wooden bed barely two steps beside him. 

'Perhaps, this is where I would lay while she carries out her experiment but where is she,' he pondered. He hasn't seen her since they landed. 

He observed the hall and tilted his head 180° before he found her but she looked particularly strange. 

Standing ten steps behind him, Carla held a wooden bowl and a sharp knife. Her strange eyes fixed on the body of Xavier, sending a chilly feel coursing through him. 

Her image at this moment was straight out of a bloody horror movie. 

Seeing this, Xavier's face couldn't help but lose all its colors as he gulp nervously.

Forgive me for the late update

Sage_Xcreators' thoughts