
reborn with skill authority.

the mc died and was then granted some wishes and sent to a different world. I decided I wanted to use the same power,different rob,and different worlds.

Daoisty4n49c · Autres
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2 Chs

chapter 2

I open my eyes to a boat, thinking I never was on a boat, until the memories rushed in. My skyrim characters life,my past life, and my meeting with rose. I could remember my characters life from being born,to getting captured on a trip to skyrim,I was a hybrid of a traitorous high elve and nord due to a mod. I was going to skyrim to learn some magic and forging yet was caught. I remember every wound and the pain my character had and felt. I could remember a life I did make, so I wonder if it was made true. I then can feel something In my pocket. I look and see I was wearing my wolf fur coat , leather boots,cotton pants and leather armour that I was wearing the last time I played. I then fish out a letter and started reading the contents, and shocked that my in-character name luke viran was written in a letter by the grey beards and ulfric.

Dear,Liam viran,

I ulfric stormcloak and with council from the greybeards have complied with the request of someone from a magic school like yours, to send you over to teach our culture and history in the year of 1991,as our secret society hidden from the world since its creation by the aedra, it was found by a wizard who 'apparated' and was led here by mistake documented somethings about his travel yet when he tried to leave with it many of his notes were wiped with magic and some of his memories. he was a headmaster of the school you will be teaching at. You are only required to teach culture and history and nothing more if you wish, and the contract which was finalised by you and other parties, you will be payed 300 hundred gold coins and free room, and food. you can also teach our magic if you like,

Sincerely, your high king,

Ulfric stormcloak.

As I was reading, I was suprised that my characters past came true. But then I feel more things in my pouch which is another letter.


I taken the liberty to make your characters past true and I did transfer everything to your skyrim system. When you make your own you can move them their.



I then bring my hands to prayer and thanked her. I then saw a port with a sign that said welcome to diagon alley port. Wait, diagon alley had a port, I did not now that. I then see we docked and payed the sailor who happened to be nordic and gave him a gold coin. I then got off and started walking. I see people give me strange looks, that is probably because of my clothes. I then remember my skill authority and I wanted to make a few skills. ' Create raphael,infinite thought acceleration,perfect memory and recall, and universal detect and intergrate the other skills in raphael'. I waited to see if it works and asked 'raphael' R[ hi master what is it that you need]. I was suprised it actually worked. I then reign in my thoughts and asked raphael directions to the leaky couldron. R[ Here master, it should be on charring road, 21st street(I do not know where it is located so I made something up)] 'thank you raphael'. I walk to where raphael said it was and saw the door with the insignia of the leaky couldron. I walk inside and immediately smell some alchohol. I then start watering at the mouth, as I was a good alchohol lover. I then head to the counter. ???: Hi my name is tom what can I get for you?. This was tom well I might ask for two things. Liam: Hey can I get some whiskey and todays paper. Tom: sure I can get you wiskey and I just finished todays paper. I was then handed a glass of fire whiskey and todays paper. I quickly drained the glass and start looking for the date. " Today we celebrate the 9th aniversary of voldemorts defeat by harry potter in 1981 and it is now 1990" So this year is 1990. So I have a year to myself before I have to go to school. But I should introduce myself. As I know had a plan set I decided to go to diagon ally and I saw indents. So I tapped my fingers in the patter with magic in my finger and the brock wall opens. I am assaulted by the wierd looking buildings. I however steel myself and headed to a bookshop, flourish and blotts. I then look around and saw many books. I then think about what books I should get. ' I sbould get all seven grades,theory and runes'. I then get the books I wanted like "standard book of spells 1-7" and some runes. I picked them up and set the large piles over the counter. The person running the counter had a shocked, opened mouth. recepitionist: Is this all sir, if it is it is 800 galleons. I did not have the money so I did something. ' create creation lord ahura mazda'. I then feel the magic being drained, a sign the skill is created. I then quickly with my dense magic, created 800 galleons and put them on the counter, bagged them up with an enchanted sack I had on hand and left. as I was out of sight I put them in my inventory when I saw crystals in them. As I was on one of them, the description is what got me. "wish crystals: leftover wishes the dragon born could use as he had not used all his wishes". I was happy they were their. I then head to many stores, and then at one store cards were floating around. I remember what this was, and sad I completely forgot about it, the skill card ability from skillful lockhart. So as I discovered this I started extracting many cards that dealt with potions,DADA,care of mythical creatures,transfiguration and theory. I gained experience and knowledge of each card i extracted. I then headed to the leaky couldron, rented a room and decided to go through my stuff. As I was rummaging I saw a letter in one of my pouches. I opned it and was shocked at what I read. It was kids,my kids that wrote to me wishing safe travels and such while they are being watched over by brynolf. I immediately wrote a letter back and went to a boat and paid a currier to get it to brynolf. I then started studying and studying and made skills to help me out like perfect recall and memory.

Time skip 12 months

Its been 12 months since I came to great wizarding britain. I learned many things and made new abilities like magicule breeder reactor. It was time to head to hogwarts in three days.

Time skip 3 days.

It was time to go. I put on all my traditional nordic clothes and all my stuff safely stationed away. I hurriedly pay tom a handsome tip as I bought some firewhiskey and moved out.