

In an unknown building we could see several men in black suits dead n few metres away from them we could see a man laying in his own pool of blood but unlike them he's clearly alive though barely, as he lays there just like every other man before his death is in thought about his life n possibly wondering how he ended up here. Maxwell Krius Carlson grew up with his parents although not rich they weren't poor either, he was smarter than most of his peers at young age thus made himself a victim of bullying n loneliness he only found himself in books, Marvel n DC movies everything went well until he was at the age of 15 when he was kidnapped n recruited in an underground organization he learned to to fight n kill all the while bidding his escape he later escaped at the of 25 only to find out that his parents where already killed in order to tie up loose ends, in his rage he started hunting back d organization which made n succeeded only to labelled a wanted criminal by the states it seemed to them he was dangerous n needed to be eliminated so he spent the better half of his life on d run until now that is, as he lay there he wondered wat would have happened if he were never kidnapped if he was allowed to leave with his parents in piece, "no doubt I'd have grown up a looser" he chuckled at dat thought "still it would have been better than this" he sighed as he closed eyes he thought dat finally it was over he'll finally meet his parents again but fate had other plans. In a void we could see an orb appearing, "hmm?, it's been long since a soul has visited my plane, let's see what so special about you" he gently inspects the orb n is momentarily taken aback "no wonder those lazy bums sent u to me it seems even they don't know what to do with u hmm wat to do, u seem interesting ur soul is pure yet u killed innocent before a balance of both good n bad so u can't either go to hell no heaven, well seems to me you'll entertain me for a while hehehe hehehe, let's wake u up shall we" then with a flicker of his hand max became aware of his surrounding "hmmm where am I, y is it quiet well it's definitely not hell but I'm not sure if it's heaven either" as his training kicked in he made a remark about his surroundings "neither" he heard a majestic voice said he looked up to see d face of his dad although the said person carried a majestic aura within him "dad? " he asked although he was sure the person in front of him wasn't "no" his dad look alike said "I'm God well since u can fathom to see my true form I choose one of the peek u trust must for to see" he said "so I'm not going to hell? " max asked "no" he replied again "n neither will u go to heaven either, u see you're a rare case though ur soul darkened it's also pure n both it levels are equal, so in short since u can neither go to heaven nor hell n I can't let u go back to ur earth not that you'll love to go back anyway, I'll grant u 3 wishes n I'll reincarnate u in a world of ur choosing" max was excited he'd read about these types of things when was alive, so he calm down n thought after processing he then said "for my first wish I want the powers of A. M. A Z. O but whoever I took his powers permanently stay with me without it's weakness, for the second I'll like to the intellect of Tony Stark and Lex Luther n lastly I want a system" the God then smiled at his wishes n replied "the first one is granted so is d second one but the is way too OP u're already over powered as it is now I'll make lil bit of a change, the system will be AI level but it'll only check ur stats n others too n it'll give u items n artifacts only not powers" still max was already happy as it so he had no problem with it "so which universe do u wanna reincarnate into" the God ask "Arrow Verse, in Central City few months before the explosion" max replied "Good, then u'll awakened after you'd been hit by particle accelerator now be on ur way" the God replied as he flicked his fingers an Max's soul began to disappear "thank you" Max managed to say b4 disappearing "hehehe hehehe I should be thanking u for giving me an entertainment" the God laughed as flat tv appeared n in it we can see our MC's soul going down "I hope u don't disappoint me child" n so our MC woke up on a bed with a naked woman by his side as he starts to observe the room he is a splitting headache hits him as memories upon memories flowed within him as he starts to remember about this body apparently he's parents are dead here too although surprisingly he has an elder brother though there aren't that close to each other and also apparently his parents were rich though not that high class but enough for him to have a duplex of two bedrooms with bathrooms each, a kitchen, a living room a n nice black Porsche at the garage, though he's smart he's like really smart he tends to play d Playboy which resulted in how ended up with a woman on his bed apparently he met yesterday at a club n one thing led to another, after the sort out he woke up carefully not to alert her n woke downstairs to make breakfast which not long after Jessica (the girl he spent the night with) woke up n met him downstairs after being assaulted by the aroma of egg, while eating n making light conversations with Jessica n turning on the TV he began thinking when they particle accelerator should explode when as if the universe had heard he could her the voice of Harrison Wells stating that they'll open the accelerator by next month n Jessica rolled her eyes besides him n began saying "wouldn't be surprised if they blowed the whole thing up" be raised his brow at her comment while inwardly saying 'oh if you'd only know how right u are' a while after they both shower up n he dropped Jessica at her supposed place he drove up to have a view of the city, he only saw it in d movies n his memories but he wanted to experience first wat Central City the hometown of The Flash in all its glory b4 the explosion dat is, "Well this is gonna be fun he taught to himself as drives through the city while thinking of days to come n grin spread across his face.