
Prologue : How it all began

Click! The key slots in and I open the door. To my dismay, I see that it was all true but I still don't want to leave. She was my life, my heart, and my whole world.

I still stand there in the doorway of our bedroom and I know that I should have seen it coming. All of it. The flirtatious glances at him, the secret messaging but I WAS BLIND!!! Frozen there - I begin to reminisce our lives and my past. My childhood at the orphanage and the social exclusion all throughout school and university.

Suddenly, I realise that I have never known true love; of any sort. And that is probably why it was the way it was.

Turning around, I leave - thankful that it has ended sooner rather than later. Feeling calmer and more stable, I leave and don't ever look back. But if I had... it may have changed everything.

Going down the stairs from the apartment, I get into my car and begin to drive away. Disregarding all my senses and emotions I drive deliriously through traffic. Unconsciously speeding up as I raced through the traffic light. Only to be hit in the side by a large truck.

My vision fades as I succumb to the darkness around me, hoping that it would ease my pain from all the turmoil that wreaked havoc throughout my entire life. Closing my eyes, only to see a never - ending path.

Tell me what you think ? is the chapter too short??

leon45creators' thoughts