
Reborn: Who's Raising the Cheater's Love Child Now?

In her past life, Yun Chu supported her husband, raised his illegitimate son, and helped the Xie family reach the pinnacle of success. In the end, her entire Yun family, over a hundred people, were executed, and she was poisoned by the child she had raised herself! As the poison took effect, she suddenly opened her eyes and found herself back at the age of twenty. The children of the Xie family stood before her, each affectionately calling her "mother." She vowed not to spare any of them, the culprits behind her family's annihilation. If the eldest son liked studying, she would block his path to a civil career; if the second son was keen on martial arts, she would ensure he never joined the military; if the eldest daughter coveted power, she would marry her into nobility where she would be widowed; if the youngest son was as useless as a bump on a log, she would let him fend for himself. Yun Chu was relentless on her path of vengeance. Yet— "Mother!" "You are our mother!" Two sticky rice dumplings clung to her, nuzzling into her embrace. A man stood before her: "I have raised them for four years, now it's your turn."

Daoist3lhgbj · Urbain
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110 Chs

Chapter 32: Keeping you overnight

 "My lord."


 The maids of the Shoju curtsied.


 Xie Jingyu was all tired.


Today, above the court, he was impeached by the imperial historian, and he was expected to be promoted to the fifth grade, but now he is completely out of any chance.


 If the rumors in the streets intensify, he is afraid that he will have to be demoted ...


Originally, there was the Yun family, the in-laws did not move for his backing, but this time the Yun family did not give the Xie family the slightest bit of face, and he had no one to show solidarity with in the imperial court.


He dismayed down the court, once again boarded the door of the Yu residence, but this time Lord Yu did not even allow him to enter the door, he waited at the door of the Yu residence for several hours, and finally convinced that Lord Yu completely gave up on him, and only then returned to the Xie residence as if he were a bereaved dog.


He stood at the door of the Sheng Residence and looked at Hearing Frost, "Is your wife feeling better?"


Hearing Frost lowered her eyebrows and said, "Madam looks like she's getting better, but in reality she's sick at heart and can't lift her spirits to do anything."


 Xie Jingyu removed his official hat.


 How could he not know that Yunchu was sick at heart?


But the child is dead and properly buried, so let bygones be bygones, and why bother to remember.


 When she was sick, she made the whole Xie family uneasy.


He had never known that the influence of the lady of the house on a family could be so great.


 He spoke, "Is the lady asleep?"


"The Lady went to bed a quarter of an hour ago." Hearing Frost returned, "If your lordship has anything to do, he can come early tomorrow."


 Xie Jingyu didn't say anything else and turned around to walk away.


 Walking out of the Pithouse, he saw Xie Shi'an on the path.


Xie Shian was obviously waiting for him, arching his hand, he said, "Father, the rumors in the city have spread to the academy, and I'm sure they've also spread to the court, has father been impeached by someone with a heart of gold when he went to court today?"


 Xie Jingyu looked at his eldest son with a face full of appreciation.


This son is only two points in the Xie family academy, but can guess the situation in the court, really heavenly talent.


 He spoke, "What do you have in mind?"


"Outsiders are talking about two main points, one is the burial of the twins in the Xie House four years ago, this matter has been finalized, the Xie House can only remain silent." Xie Shi An slowly said, "Secondly, the matter of mother's illness is being rumored more and more outrageously, next soon the old lady's birthday banquet, so that mother attends the birthday banquet, the rumors about the Xie House's uneasiness in the back of the house will not be broken."


 Xie Jingyu nodded, "Then do you think that your mother will attend the birthday banquet?"


 Xie Shi'an was silent.


His mother had just gone through a huge shock, would she cooperate with the Xie family to clear the rumors outside, he was not sure.


 Xie Jingyu sighed and spoke, "You have to try even if you're not sure."


 Father and son talked and drifted away.


 It was only after the sound of talking was completely far away that Yun Chou breathed a sigh of relief.


 She looked to the child nestled under the covers, "Come on, I'll take you out of the house first."


 "I'm not leaving!"


Chu Hongyu suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned his head against her chest in a playful manner.


Yunchu advised, "Young Shizi, if you're not at home on a big night, you'll soon be found out, can you withstand the Pingxi King's wrath?"


She thought that the child would be afraid, who would have thought that the little one raised his eyebrows proudly, "This evening, my father was ordered to go to fight against bandits, and will not be in the capital for the next few days, and I even found a child as old as me to pretend to be me to stay in the royal residence, so don't worry, no one will find out that I've disappeared."


 Yunchu: "..."


 She was at a complete loss for words.


 At that moment, there was a sudden light knock on the window.


Before Yun Chou could get up to see what was going on, she saw a scream coming from outside the window.


 "Where did the thieves come from, how dare they sneak around outside our lady's window!"


 It was Akito's voice.


Yun Chou glanced at the little one on the bed, and saw the child anxiously crawling under the bed, trying to push the window open.


As soon as she scooped up the child and threw him into the bed tent, she spoke in a loud voice, "Qiutong, tie up the thieves outside and send them to the government."


"No, no!" Chu Hong Yu was sweating anxiously, "He's not a thief, he's my guard, his name is Ah Mao, don't send him to the officials."


Yun Chou deliberately made a stern face and said, "The thieves on the southeast side of the Xie Mansion just now, they were also your guards, right?"


The little guy drooped his face, "There have been people patrolling the entrance of Xie's house walking around all the time, I really had no choice but to let Ah Mao pretend to be a thief to lure those people away, Ah Mao really didn't do anything bad."


 When he showed this look, Yun Chou's heart instantly softened.


 She looked out the window and said, "Qiutong, bring in the people outside."


She got out of bed and put on her shoes, put on her outer shirt, and pulled the little one out of the inner room with her.


Qiutong and Hearing Frost came in together with that guard, and when they saw that a child had actually emerged from the house, the eyes of the two of them went wide.


Especially Qiutong, who knew kung fu, she was surprised that she didn't notice that there was an extra person in Madam's bedroom.


 Yunchu made a gesture, and Hearing Frost hurriedly closed the door.




 The guard's mouth was gagged and he kept making noises.


Chu Hongyu hurriedly pounced over and ripped the rotten cloth out of his mouth, "Ah Mao, are you alright."


"My subordinate is fine." Ah Mao looked his master up and down, and said with fear, "Young World Son, are you alright?"


 Qiutong was shocked to the core: "Madam, what is going on here?"


Hearing Frost, however, had already recognized the child and was also shocked beyond measure: "How could the young son of the Pingxi King be in the middle of Madame's bedroom?"


"While it's dark and the mansion is in chaos, Qiu Tong, you send these two out." Yun Chu spoke, "Don't let anyone find out."


If Xie Jingyu knew that King Pingxi's youngest son had come to the Xie family, she was afraid that she would try to use this child to get close to King Pingxi, and she was unwilling to have a child become a tool for Xie Jingyu to level the playing field.


"I said I'm not leaving, I'm not leaving!" Chu Hongyu got on all fours and crawled onto Yunchu, "I'm going to stay here, if I don't leave, I won't leave!"


Qiutong stepped forward, grabbed the child's back collar and picked him up, "Little Shizi, although you're a child, you're also considered an outsider male, staying here in our lady's place is unreasonable, the slave girl sends you back to the royal residence."


"Oooooooo, I'm not leaving!" The little guy's legs kicked around in the air, "It's hard for me to find a chance to sneak out of the royal palace, it's hard for me to blend into the Xie family, how can you kick me out so quickly, I don't want to like you anymore, damn it, oooooooooo..."


Ah Mao helped: "a few days ago, the little son heard that Mrs. Xie sick, then began to eat and sleep poorly, lost several pounds, it is not easy to wait for the king out of the house, the little son of this only to find the opportunity to mix out, our little son of the little son of the little mother from childhood, Mrs. Xie as a pity for the pity of our little son of the right ... "


 Yun Chou's heart choked.


 She scooped up the child who was kicking about in the air.


She knew that the youngest son of the Pingxi Royal House was four years old, but his body bones were too thin compared to Xie Shiyun who was the same age, and he felt like a three year old.


She whispered, "Then I'll allow you to stay here for the night, and you'll have to leave at first light, okay?"


 The little one broke into tears and zipped into her arms.