
Reborn: To Save My Students

My class got transported into another world however I watched as my students died by those that summoned us. My name is Ryan and I was their teacher back in our world. They had their whole lives ahead of them but they died due to my incompetence. Somehow I was given a second chance and was reborn back into the world, back to the very platform they summoned us on. I will have my revenge and save my students because I AM THEIR TEACHER. Follow a teacher who died and reborn to do one thing and one thing only, to save his students. Join his journey as he takes upon himself to give what his students had given him... hope. Please note that this story is filled with mature content. An interesting story with complicated topics. I'll try to upload whenever I can. If you like this story please vote through power stone and add this book. I will also have others stories up soon to. Leave a review and let me know what you think. Don’t forget to vote, vote, vote! You can add and follow me on facebook - @GuanKitAuthorAu Current works Amazon/Kindle Pride within the Firestorm Webnovel Reborn: To Save My Students King's World Note: I'm new to writing and make mistakes but know that I will try my hardest to fix any of them and make my stories a fun adventure to be immersed in. Disclaimer: The cover art is not mine. It's rights goes to the owner and not me. If your the owner, notify me for removal.

GuanKit · Fantaisie
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97 Chs

You’re My Only Family (Tavish) part 1

I sipped on my mug of Korr Fruit ale as I looked out the window. It's raining. I sighed as I took another sip. How the fuck am I going to handle tomorrow?

Faron is the most cunning bastard I've ever met. That's saying something as the second only to him is my ex wife. I took another sip.

The cool fizzy liquid had some what of a calming effect and thankfully it's doing it's magic since my thoughts have been far less than a moment ago.

I sighed again and looked down at the liquid sloshing around the rim of the mug. I took another… I think I'm addicted to this stuff.

Even though I'm a bit buzzed and tomorrow will be a nightmare, I still have a shining light of good news. Boss has accepted my daughter into Baihu.

My daughter is currently a guard in training but is full of potential and spirit. I was sadden to hear the news when she had failed to join the Silver Hawks but that was to be expected as only the best of the best female warriors could join.

I took another sip but this time savoured the sourly notes. I was going to take another sip when a knock pulled me away from taking it.

"Who could this be? This late at night…" I mumbled to myself.

I set my mug down on the table and slowly got out of my chair. I walked to the door and opened it.

"Well hello there. Is that Kore fruit ale I smell?" I instantly froze.

Why is Faron here?

"What are you doing here?"

"Can't I visit you? We will be partners in the investigation tomorrow after all."

I couldn't see his eyes as his cowl covered most of his face.

"Goodnight Faron. I'll see you in the morning."

"How cold. I thought we were friends. I'm not your enemy, Tavish. Not yet anyways. The reason I've come is to tell you that you should meet me at the front of the magic association building, seven O'Clock sharp. You should go to bed early, after all, tomorrow is going to be a busy day and I hate waiting."

As soon as he came, he disappeared in a blink of an eye. Fucking bastard.

"Dad? What's wrong?"

I blinked a few times before I saw my daughter standing right in front of me.

"Honey, why are you here this late at night?"

"I'll get to that in a sec. Dad, why were you spacing out? You opened the door and just looked at me, unresponsive, like you were in a trance."


"Faron? He's here?" Valah whispered before she gasped.

"He was. But then he left."

"Well I'm glad his gone. Anyways can I come in dad?"

"Oh. Of course. Come in sweetheart."

Valah slowly walked into my room and as she did, I noticed an envelope in her left hand. Her eyes were also red.

"Valah? What's wrong?"

I've never seen my daughter like this before. She walked over to my table, grabbed my mug of Korr fruit ale and downed it. As she finished, she let's out a little burp.

"Valah? Talk to me honey."

"Dad, some duke's wrote me a letter today, saying that some women claiming to be my mother had offered my hand in marriage to him."


"I don't have a mother. How could some women offer my hand? The only one that can do that is you, dad."

Valah had never called my ex wife, her mother, once, since she left. It's like in her mind, she doesn't exist after the day she abandoned her.

"Honey, show me the letter."

Valah handed me the letter before she poured herself another cup full of Korr fruit ale.

"Careful with that."

"Dad, I can handle my liquor better than you."

"Oh really?"

"You could barely finish one before you go all tipsy drunk."

"Just one more and then you're going to take a bath and go to bed."

"I'm staying here tonight?"

I nodded.

"Perfect." She lifted her drink and took a sip before sitting down on the chair I was sitting on a few moments ago. She then put one leg over the other and stared out the window.

I walked over and pulled out the chair opposite of hers and sat down. I opened the envelope and pulled out the letter and read it.

[Dear Miss Valah,

I'm writing to you today because I've just gotten word from your mother that she has given her blessing for us to wed. I am a son of an Earl and my family's business is one of the largest in the kingdom. You might have heard of us, the Endeavours. The largest gear store for the top adventurers. Tomorrow, come to the fountain at town square so we can meet. One O'Clock would be ideal. Don't be late.

Love, your soon to be husband,

Lord Lanson Tarok]

I placed the letter down and look at my daughter.

"So…. Do you want to marry this man?"

She turned her head away from the window, looked directly into my eyes and calmly said, "Fuck no."

I just had to smile at that. My daughter never was one to mince words. She just says whatever's on her mind.

"Do you have someone else on your mind?"

"Dad…" Her face instantly reddened.

"Who is he?"

"I only saw him today but the way he used the rapier in the duel with the new recruit, made my heart beat wildly. He's the teacher that the king had summoned a few days ago."

"Did you like what you see?"

"Yes!" She nearly jumped out of her seat as she planted both of her hands down onto the table. The mug shook ever so lightly.

"Good because he's going to be your new boss. Well big boss since I will be the boss of our team. All you have to do is pledge your loyalty and you'll be in Baihu."

"How wonderful!"

"It's good to have you on my team, honey bun."

"Who else is in Baihu? Are all the King's guards in it? Gunther? Harlo? Jemina? Bron? Jask?"

"Yes, all of them are in Baihu," I laughed, "And so is Gunther's older sister Lavira. The head Librarian."

"Big sis Lavi too? Oh my god! Yay!"

"Okay, I think it's time for you to take a bath and go to bed. I'll come with you tomorrow and settle this thing and than we'll go see boss. How does that sound?"


She jump out of the chair and started taking her gear off as she walked towards the bathroom. And as any father, I walked behind her and picked up the clothing she dropped.

I took all her clothing and folded them neatly and placed them at the helm of the bed. I then laid her sword, belt and other items on the table. Afterwards, I walked to the closet and pulled out a shirt and pants, I haven't worn yet, for her to use as sleep wear.

I could hear her humming to herself in the bathroom as the sound of splashing water mixed in with the sound of the pouring rain outside.

I had already taken a bath so I just sat back on my chair and poured myself another mug of Korr fruit ale.

As I took a sip of the delicious brew, I chuckled to myself at the carefreeness she has become.

Lord Lanson Tarok aye? I glanced over to the battle axe that hung on my wall. Isn't it a father's job to protect his daughter from all unworthy suitors? I would so love to chop his head off.

{"Don't worry, your daughter will be safe. We are here with you."} Curlin said as he emerged from my shadow.

"Thank you."

{"Your daughter is very outspoken and unfiltered."}

I just had to chuckle at that.

"Dad! Are you drunk already?" Valah called out from the bathroom.

"No! I only took a sip!"

"Okay dad!" And I heard her started to hum again.

I answered Curlin in a much softer voice. I didn't want my daughter to think I'm actually drunk. I'm not that weak with alcohol…

"Yes she is. I just don't understand why would carma sell her daughter out. I understand if she didn't want to have anything to do with us. To start fresh but doing something like this, I'm beyond pissed."

{"Like I said, we're with you brother. And also, she will be one of us soon too."}

"Yes she will." And with that I took another sip…


Not a moment longer I felt my heart raced a bit faster… hmm… I think I had enough for one night, I looked down and there were still half the cup of the golden brew left. I sighed as I watched the rain drum on the window.

Once Valah finished her bath, she got dressed and hopped into bed. I set the halfway empty mug down and walked to the other side of where she had hopped in.

"Scoot over, this bed will barely fit both of us."

"Well if you weren't so much of a fatty, both of us will fit in quite comfortably."

"Says you. Wait… your hair is still damp!"

I reached over and grabbed the towel that had been draped over the helm of the bed and started to dry her hair. I patted down her wavy disorganised hair. Her hair is naturally curly but when wet it just looks disorganised. As soon as the hair was dry, it slowly started to form back into curls.


"Thank you dad." She said as she snuggled into me. Her head rested on my arm.

"Silly girl."

"Hey dad?"


"I'm coming with you tomorrow."

"You coming with me?"

"Yes, you're going to meet with Faron tomorrow, aren't ya?"

"How did yo…"

"How did I know? Uncle Jask told me."

"Ah… that big mouth…"

"I'm going be in Baihu soon, I will be a member of your team. Can't I come?"

"But it'll be dangerous."

"And your the captain of Baihu."

"Silly girl…"

"And besides, have some faith in your daughter. I am your daughter, aren't I? I may have failed to join the Silver Hawks but I am still the top student in my class."

"Okay… okay… you can come. It seems like my little girl is all grown up." I smiled at her and patted her head.

"Dad… I am all grown up."





Valah hastily grabbed the blanket and pulled it over her head.

"Looks like my little 'all grown up' is still afraid of thunder." I teased.

"I am!" I heard her yell from underneath the blanket and felt a fist softly hitting my chest.

"There, there." I rubbed her back. "If your coming with me tomorrow then it's time to sleep. We have to wake up early."

"Why? Can't we just make him wait?"

"I would love to see his face but then he would just tell the king…"

"Fine… we won't be late…" Valah conceded.

"That's a good girl."

"Night dad, I love you."

"Night sweetheart, love you too."

I felt her heart beat slowed down as she hugged me tightly like with Mr Teddles. A teddy bear she still has since she was five. It seems like I'm it's replacement for tonight.

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4…

As my daughter snored softly beside me, I slowly counted myself to sleep.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this cozy little chapter.

Thanks and happy reading!

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