
Reborn to fantasy world

Learning_towrite · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

High Elf

What's High elf ?

They are beings with high magical and supernatural powers. They are stronger than elves , they are like royalty among elves.

They are protectors of elves from outer dangers.

oh! so is she stronger than me? 

In terms of magic power yes but not strength. 

But you are also stronger than most dragons so I don't think so. 

So , What happened to her ?

Looks like she was ambushed by strong humans from her wounds there are mana and aura remains of strong human warriors.

Heal her.

Yes master.

Master she is waking up !

Who? who are you ?

I am just a traveler passing by.

you are you are not human ?

No I'm not.

So what are you?

You don't need to know!

Just think of me as mage.

So who hurt you ?

It was an ambush orchestrated by human mages and sword master.

I was able to escape by overpowering them but I got gravely injured due to high class magic.

Why did they want to hurt you ?

High elves have strong magic and elemental powers so they wanted to find out the secret behind that by experimenting on me.

That's why they lured me into a trap by kidnapping my brethren to do that. I was only able to save them but i got ambushed in the end so if not for my artifact i would have died there. 

That's why they try to hunt dragons to but dragons are far stronger than them and dragons get absorbed by earth after dying so they targeted us.

Thanks for information . You can go now. 

Mister mage .

Don't call me mister mage call me Blaze .

What kind of name is that ?

That's cool name. 

is it ?

Ivy why do you care about that.?

Mr. Blaze .

Yes ?

Would you like to come with me to my village it's nearby so I'd like to express my gratitude.

Yes ! yes?

master control your expressions.

What ? we have been wandering this forest for days !

Thanks for accepting my request .


But why did you trust me ? I could be bad person.

Sheer amount of mana you are exuding tells me you are strong enough to kill me.

I'm not that strong.


you are humble to.


Looks like she is misunderstanding something!

Let's go after you have rested a bit.