
Reborn to Be the Lord

Lucas, a young teenaged boy led a happy and opulent life. His life was flawless. He fell in love with a girl named Astrid who later was found dead by him in her apartment, along with her sister. Lucas broke down into pieces. He put an end to his life and wished to God to give him one more chance so that he can undo his mistakes. When he woke up after a long sleep, he found himself in another world where they worship the ones from the skies and below. In the world, where he will face a cruel destiny since he gets called as the Lord.

Benami_Sarder · Fantaisie
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142 Chs

Chapter 23: Happy Birthday!

After the family's long negotiation about what to do, they got on their works. The house was decorated with flowers since balloon wasn't a thing in that world. Hilda made a poster for her brother. Her writing wasn't neat yet her creativity and her heartfelt wish made it stand out.

"Well, isn't my birthday party gonna start at six O'clock or something?" said Erland.

"Yep." said Hilda.

"Then why are you decorating these now? It's still afternoon."

"There are a lot of other things to do."


"Oh please. I spent all my allowance money on this."

"(Wait a minute...She gets fifty deben from dad, fifty deben from mom, ten deben from Randi and grandma Ase sometimes comes over and gives me, Randi and her a hundred deben or something. She started getting allowance eight years ago. Judging by the amount of thing she buys...Wow...We could renovate the balcony with this thrice. This was too much...)" Erland was shocked.

"Huh? Why that face?"

"Uh...no-nothing. When will we renovate the balcony though?" Erland scratched his head.

"Oh I asked daddy about that. He'll do it tomorrow. He's saved up enough money for that."

"Oh. Why is my fourth birthday so fancy though? Is it like a day of Heim or something?"

Hilda answered Erland with a beam on her face, "Nope. It's just that you made a lots of friends this time. Some of the boys from the field will come as well. Oh and some caretaker of the orphanage will bring Tove, Heba and another girl. Besides that, a Hierius from the central Naos will come as well. I got an invitation request from him. I couldn't say no to him. His words seemed really gentle."

Hearing that, Gunhild chocked on her drink. She started coughing. In no time, she suited herself and asked,

"Please take permission before you accept someone's request. I'm not talking about the Hierius-" In the middle of Gunhild's words, Erland said in his mind, "(You are talking about him.)"

"-I was just shocked because you have accepted so many requests without even thinking." Gunhild has finished her words, looking calm.

"But, dad said that it was okay to accept them. I mean, he at least asked, unlike that moustache guy." Hilda smiled. "And also, he seemed like a really caring man."

"(Welp. I will call him moustache guy from now then.)" Erland smirked.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

Erik got up and opened the door and saw three familiar figures. 

"We're letting ourselves in." said Svend. 

There were Frida, Svend and Frode in sight. Frode rushed towards  Erland with the gift in his hand and spoke with a bright smile and eyes sparkling with joy,

"Heyyy! I'm three now! Sorry I couldn't play with you that day, mommy and daddy were in good mood so they wanted me to go with them. We went to the flower park!"

"I wanted to study that day so good for you anyway." said Erland and smiled back.

"Studying is playing too!" Frode seemed to speak as if he's stating a fact.

"(My bro really is a nerd...)"

"Happy birthday!-" Before Frode could finish his words, Frida snatched it away gently and said,

"You give presents during the party Frode."

"S-sorry." Frode blushed because of the embarrassment.

Svend sighed and took a seat along with Frida. As they sat down, Erik walked towards the couch to sit down as well.

"So, how has everything-" Alas, the Lords haven't permitted him to sit yet. Another knock could be heard.

He once again got up and opened the door.

"Hello, sir. May we come in? We came here to have a day with our bud Erland." said the elite of the game Erland played in the field.

"Hey there elite!" said Erland with a raised hand, waving at the elite.

The boy laughed sheepishly. "Hey, don't call me that. It's embarrassing. I have a name, Halfdan. You can call me brother Dan in short."

"I don't know how it's short but okay!"

Halfdan and the other four boys got in. Randi brought them some chairs and nodded her head to greet them with her ice cold face, silent. As the boys looked at her, it seemed as if the atmosphere was getting cold as well.

"She is scary..."


The boys were somewhat terrified by her glance.

Erik once again was about to take a seat.

"So, when did you meet my son?-"

There was a knock on the door once again.

"Damn it-" Erik went to open the door with an annoyed frown. The person standing in front of him was Ceol.

"Hello, Mr.-" Ceol held his hand forward to offer a handshake.

Erik interrupted. "Call me uncle Erik from now. Come in, my boy." said Erik and then finally sat down, refusing to accept the fate the Lords have written for him.

Ceol became startled but quickly got back to his usual calm and charming self. "I would love to. Hey Erland. Happy birthday."

"Heyo!" Erland yelled out.

"Erland be polite." said Randi.

Ceol gave a short laugh. "I am fine with however he speaks."

"It's great to see you. I haven't seen you in AGES!" Erland went towards to Ceol and looked up to see his face.

They both smiled at each other gently.

"How have you been?-" Another knock on the door could be heard. In his mind, it seemed like a revenge from the Lords because of him sitting down too early. But once again, he refused his fate. 

"I'm not going this time." said Erik as he kept himself seated, not moving an inch and crossing his arms.

"I'm going." said Randi and went to open the door. Finally the Lords have given up to the power of Erik's sitting abilities. 

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Arne. She couldn't realize if it was a Hierius so she asked,

"How can we help?"

"Oh, my mistake. Greetings. I am Arne Gothi, the head Hierius of central Naos. I am not wearing our uniform now, so it was almost impossible for you to guess who I am, I can understand." said Arne with a faint grin.

"I apologize. Please come in."

Arne walked in. This time, he was just wearing a plain white shirt made of fine fabric. "Greetings everyone."

"Wa-wait!" said Halfdan. He stared at Arne in disbelief.

"Is there anything wrong my- ahem, my friend?"

"I think that I saw you somewhere. Are you a Hierius?"

"Yes I am indeed but please don't spread words about this. I have been issued a permit to leave my work early just for this day. I wish that no one ruins it."

"We understand. Hey, you all hear that? Don't bother him." said Halfdan to his fellows. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yes?" Arne nodded with his usual calm smile.

"Is your life really action filled?"

"No, not really, even though I have to handle dangerous missions sometimes as someone who is in the government's district as well as under the Naos..."

"Okay, that was all the questions I had to ask. You are really humble Sir. Please enjoy this day." Halfdan spoke rather sheepishly as if he's demeanor of an elite has been gone.

"I appreciate your appreciation. I pray you get rewarded for having a bold heart."

"(Is praying that easy for them?...) Oh, Arne. You should sit down. You've been standing there for a long time." said Erland as he gestured towards an empty seat.

Arne kneeled down to Erland's level. "Thank you and happy birthday. I wish you a wonderful time along your way. May every single second of your life benefits you." 

In all of a sudden, Randi opened the door. The people behind the door were Tove, a caretaker and Tove's cat Heba. Tove screamed out because of the way Randi opened the door.

"AAAH!" Tove closed her eyes and screamed.

"It's fine. I think that this big sis knew that we were going to come." said the caretaker.

"I saw you three from the window so I thought I should keep the door open early." said Randi.

"H-huh? Oh, it's big sis Randi! Heyy!!! Oh, Erland, happy birthday!!! I brought you dog food." said Tove and walked towards him.

"Dog food? Thanks anyway." said Erland and took the food from Tove's hand.

Tove pouted, disappointed in Erland's braincells. "Dummy, it isn't yours to eat." Tove smiled. "You said that you will get a puppy soon so I bought this for your dog. If your dog's happy, you'll be happy too!"


"Um...Tove, you have to give him the present during the party not now." said the caretaker.

"Okay!" said Tove and snatched the dog food away from Erland's hands. She then walked away.

Seeing the door open, Ase allowed herself in. She brought a large bag. No one knew what was inside.

"I am coming in! Happy birthday, my little bean." said Ase, looking cheerful as usual.

Erland rushed towards Ase. "Great granny Ase! Please come in-" Erland looked behind and realized that the house was filled with people.

"I have a request. If you guys don't mind, please help us out with the decoration." said Hilda and got up from the chair.

"Let's get on work then. Hurry up boys and...well, everyone." said Halfdan and got up from his seat. He spoke boldly once again as if he's commanding his teammates.

The young ones got up and asked what they had to do.

"We have to decorate the backyard and the frontside of the house. I'll split the works apart for everyone. Please give me some time.

In a short time, they were close to finish their work. The house was decorated with lamps, flowers and artworks. The wooden house changed into a party house in no time only if they don't look at the balcony.

"Um...there was another person to come by now." said Erland. He sat beside Arne who was resting at the time, crossing his legs and drinking wine.

"Hm? Who is it?" said Arne.

"It's a weird moustache guy and his family."

"Oh I see. Well, I have accidently pushed some guy with a moustache as well and he fell on some mud. To save him, his wife slipped on the mud and fell as well. Luckily, the baby was in the boy's hands and they stood far away from them, so they were saved from the mud bath." Arne smirked as he swirled his wine.

"Wh-why are you smirking?"

Arne grinned. "The plot here is that I did it on purpose."

"(Well...that was obvious.) Why?"

"Your family is my family. I have gotten some words about them. About how eager they are to take Hilda and you. It was a just a mere attempt to stop them being close to you two."

"Th-thanks I guess. But, is it okay for someone like you to do that? I mean, you are a beacon of peace."

"And?" Arne tilted his head as he looked down at Erland who was standing in the left side, beside him.

"A beacon of justice."

"Exactly...That's why I did it." He took a sip of his wine as he looked at the evening sky.

"(Welp. That doesn't sound like justice to me but anyway, it won't hurt to do things like these sometimes eh? I mean he isn't in his job mode now so things should be fine. What those moustache family got was well deserved thinking how pushy they were according to Randi.)" Erland looked at Arne in the eyes and noticed how Arne has been looking at him the whole time as if he's spectating him thoroughly, not missing even a single step.

Erland whimpered quietly and backed away, looking slightly frightened.

"Oh, my poor little child. Did I startle you? I'm really sorry. I was just curious about your thought. It's okay if you don't want to tell me, everyone needs a little privacy."

"(Says the one who peeks through my window everyday) I will go there to call some neighbor friends of mine. Even though their parents hate us, they don't."

"I will wait for you."

He went outside to call them. None of their parents agreed to let them out of their house. Instead he got mocked by them. Having no choice he returned, rather disgusted to know how quick people's mask can fall off.

"Did you go there to call them?" said Randi.

"Yeah." Erland looked gloomy. He looked away to hide his gloomy face.

"Don't lose heart. Look, there are more people here who loves you. They came here just because of you, so that they can see you smile. You needn't waste your worries about people who don't even care about you." Randi spoke rather warmly.

"It's rare for you to say such things...Thanks." Erland smiled faintly.

The party finally started. Gunhild kept a large cake on the table. There were various kind of foods, spicy, sour and sweet, both simple and seemingly exquisite for a simple family like Erland's. All were Erland's favorite.

Ceol played his flute as Hilda watched him. Some danced with the beat but for the sake of Ceol, Hilda didn't dance. Thanks to Erland, they later made some time to talk outside, alone under the moonlight.

The boys who came along with Halfdan were about to leave with him. Right at the moment they were about to head off, Erland asked,

"Dan! Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead." said Halfdan as he smiled.

"Um...What is the ball thingie game called again?"

"It's called bloodtrace."

"Wow what a name...Why is it called bloodtrace though?"

"It is a game that is played between two teams. It doesn't always have to be the draug and the Hierius it just has to be something that represents the opposite of each other. Like cats versus dogs or lion versus tiger. The game was inspired by a story where two groups of people has a blood shedding fight and someone says, 'let's leave our bloodtrace here'. That's why it's called bloodtrace."

"Woah. What a story." Erland clapped with an obviously fake smile. "(Isn't 'blood' a bit too much for the name?...)"

"That is it for now then. We will hold a spring tournament. You can't play it but I hope that you watch. Night!" Halfdan walked backwards while waving at Erland. 

"Good night." Erland waved.

Erland closed the door and looked behind with a smile.

"Let's go play games now!" said Erland.

"Yeah!" said Frode and Tove.

"Mr. bard, please come and play with us." said Tove and pulled Ceol.

"Sure. But I'm afraid I have to go midway." said Ceol.

"No problem. We'd be happy to just have you, right?" Tove looked at Erland and Frode, expecting them to agree.

"Yep!" said Frode and Erland.

"Big sis, can you two play with us? Please..." said Tove and rushed towards Hilda and Randi. She stared at them with puppy eyes, expecting another 'yes'. 

"I'm afraid we can't. We have a lot to do-" said Hilda as she was washing the dishes. Suddenly, Tove pulled her dress tight and said,

"Come on! Take some rest, you two. Please come with us."

"No, I can't-"

"You kids should go and have some fun. There are grown up men to help us right?" said Frida.

"Well of course." said Erik.

"(Why did you have to say that...)" Svend frowned.

"Can I join too?" said Arne, sitting down, crossing his legs while propping his face up with his elbow resting on the arm of the chair, elegantly. 

"U-Um...Sure!" Erland pulled him to his room. Because of the lack of space on the bed, they had to sit on the floor mat.

"What should we play?" said Frode.

"Let's play 'family'!" said Tove with a wide smile.

"There are boys here as well you know. And also what kind of game is that?" said Erland with a calm voice.

"Then what?"

"Um...singing game?" said Ceol with his thumb touching his lips.

"I don't have a choice. Whatever you all decide." said Hilda.

"Can we play a game that came into my mind out of nowhere?" said Erland.

Everyone asked with a "Yes?"

"Well, you know. We just randomly spin something. If the pointy thing goes to me and the back goes to the other one, then the one who got the back has to ask me whether I wanna do something brave or if I wanna tell them a truth."

"When did you think of this game?" said Hilda.

"Yesterday when I brought destruction over every single book." said Erland proudly.


"What if someone lies?" said Ceol.

"Well we have a Hierius here. He must be an expert on knowing the truth or lies."

Arne smiled away as if he's agreeing.

"Woah..." Everyone looked at Erland as if he has done something great.

They took a pen and spun it. It didn't go very well so they tried with a bottle which went well so the rules were set that they had to use a bottle to play the game.

"Oh, I got the back of it. And Erland got the front. So, do you wish to do something brave or do you wish to tell the truth?" said Arne.

Randi frowned and spoke casually as if she's talking to an old friend but with the same sternness. "No no wait wait wait. It sounds cringe. It sounds cool coming from you but for someone else, it would sound cringe. We have to think of something else." Randi stroked her chin.

"How about...um...uh..." Ceol hesitated.

Everyone stared at him with hope.

"How about truth or dare? He finally came to a conclusion.

"(Yay, he got it right.) Well then, its decided." said Erland.

"Truth or dare?" said Arne.


"It was to be expected. Tell me the whom you've lied to last."

"I lied to mommy about the wine. I took a sip when they looked away once again because uncle Svend was saying that it's the best wine he has ever tasted. Turns out all the wines taste like trash."

"So you have tried wine before? Interesting..."

Erland was smiling at first but then he saw Randi staring daggers and his smile faded into nothingness. "(Crap...)"

They spun the bottle again. Once again, Arne was the one to ask him something.

"Truth or dare?"

"(Is this his doing?...Even if it isn't, he clearly didn't come here without any intention. I have to know why he came.) Dare."

"Oh? How daring of you. I dare you to have an hour long chat with me all alone, after the game is over."

"Sure!" Erland smiled. But deep inside he was cautious.

The game finished after two hours with various incidents such as Ceol getting a dare to kiss Hilda from Tove and Randi staring daggers at him, seeing how he handles it. In the end, Ceol gave an indirect kiss to Hilda, making her drink water from the same side of the glass.

Svend, Gunhild, Frida and Ase joined them midway and from that moment on, the questions as well as the dares were more appropriate.

When it was time for the guests to go home, Erland went to the gate to say goodbye to them.

"Hierius, it's getting late." said Gunhild.

"Well I do know of that ma'am. Thank you for worrying but I'm afraid that the game isn't over yet. Erland and I were supposed to have a conversation all alone after the game with them was over." said Arne and giggled.

"I see." Gunhild frowned slightly.

"(Mom can't say anything because he's a priest. Poor mom...) I'll be fine mommy, don't worry. I know him!" said Erland to comfort his mother. But it worried her more instead.

Erland and his brother went to the nearby bridge. It was still crowded with people at the time. The bridge was over a canal. The moon reflected its beauty on the canal. But no matter how much of a beauty the moon held, there was a cautious air between the brothers, filled with disbelief.

"Well then. I will be waiting on the bench of the stall. Please make it fast...You're the Hierius who saved my son. I trust you..." said Erik even though he seemed to hesitate.

"I can't possibly make an hour long conversation fast in any way but I will try." Arne chuckled.

Erik left with hesitation all over his face as if he is about to go back and snatch his son back. He left his son to the priest not knowing anything what Gunhild knows or speculates. 

Okay so, first of all, thank you for reading my novel. I appreciate it a lot. If you like it, please add it to your library. If you think that I need improvments in anything, please tell me in a friendly way. It'd be awesome to get recognition and gifts through my own work. And also, I am not quiet used to the whole webnovel thing yet so I have once stupidly deleted a comment and I stay up at night for that. So yeah, feel free to tell me what you think I lack but in a friendly way for the sake of my mental state :)

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