
Mother might know her friend

"Norma cut me some apples; father asked her. Hearing her name being called Norma came out from her thoughts. "Yes dad, how can I help you" she asked

Sensing that she was lost in her own world father called her to sit with him. Norma nodded and sat on the sofa alongside her father.

"I have been noticing you from the start, you have been staring at me. Do you have something to tell me? father asked her staring at her.

After some hesitation She asked father, "how is your work going in the company? Are you facing problems, Did you have signed any documents recently?

"Hey girl, focus on your studies. Father will handle his work on his own," mother came shouting from the kitchen with peeled apples on plates in her hand.

"Why do you ask?" Father questioned her. Then in the moment of crisis she started to mutter nonsense; "Umm It's because my friend's father didn't discuss anything with their family members and signed on some paper then his partner betrayed her father and made them pay for the debt. So she has been crying all day at school saying she will not be able to come to school and will start working".

"I don't believe in your brother. Moreover, his woman is also clever so you need to discuss things like this if it happens with you in the future, I don't want my children to suffer; mother declare her statement in a sharp tone. Then father nodded in agreement.

Mother started gossiping about uncle and auntie changing their attitude towards them after being successful and scolded father to be aware of uncle.

Hearing these words from her mother Norma secretly give thumbs up to her mother in her head. Her mother was soo good at taking hints.

"Aiiya! Tell me about the girl. If she is your friend then I might know her, mother questioned Norma.

Norma, who was admiring her mother for taking her hints correctly, lost the color of her face. Beads of sweat started to form on her palm.

She was again in dilemma about what to say so after a long pause, she made up another story saying that her mother might not know her that friend as she is not from her class. She is her friend's friend.

From her mother's facial expression she thought her mom seems to buy her excuse. Next her mother handed her some talisman and told her to keep it inside her pocket every time and not to loose it.

Then she excused herself saying she had still homework to do and flew towards her room quickly.

Just as she entered the room she saw Annie was snoring while sitting on the study table in uncomfortable position and her message tab was open on the computer. So she asked Annie to go sleep in bed.

After logging out her account Annie went to bed and started snoring again.Norma thought, Is she demon, how can she sleep so fast?

Norma sat in front of the computer and searched some company names and went to her bed to sleep.