
Key chain

When she woke up next morning, she didn't know at what time she went to deep sleep yesterday night as she was remembering her own past life.

Then after doing her morning chores, she help woke up Annie. She went to the kitchen after tidying their bed while Annie went to the bathroom to do her morning routine.

"Good morning mom and dad", She greeted her mother who was in the kitchen and her father who was sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper. Good morning both replied in unison.

"Did you wake Anne?" Mother asked her. "Yes, she is awake", Norma replied.

Then she started to plate the dining table while mother bought freshly cooked steamed buns. After the table was filled with the aroma of bun with omelet and congee.

Everybody gathered around the table to have breakfast. After having breakfast Jeffrey went out with his father while the mother went to do her chores. Similarly, Norma and Annie went to school.

After Annie and Norma reached school both went to their respective classes. Then Norma kept her backpack on her usual seat. It was early so students were coming and going out of class. She grabbed a book that was given to her by Jeffrey and started to read it. Whenever she would find new words and interesting facts, she would write it down in her notebook.

"Hey, look what I bought yesterday. Isn't this cool? Here take this for you. As I am your only friend so that's why I am not angry with you for yesterday otherwise I wouldn't think of buying this for you so thank me" Aster said and handed her a small teddy bear keychain which she had also put on the chain of her bag. Norma thanked Aster and she did too put it on her bag chain.

Soon the bell rang and the homeroom teacher entered so she kept her book in bag and took out her curriculum book.

During lunch break Norma and Aster were having their lunch in the canteen then Sandara came towards them.

" Norma, there's a meeting of our club and as a member of the club you should come too". Sandara said. "Umm sure, I will be there after I finish ", Norma replied to her.

"When did you join this club?You didn't even tell me. When I asked you to join the basketball club I remember you saying you don't want to join any school club and want to spend your time staying home rather than doing club activities", Aster started interrogating Norma.

Then Norma told her about yesterday's incident. " Do you want to join their study session? It's good, '' Norma asked Aster.

"You go join God who will join those classes this early. Just because winter vacation is over doesn't mean we don't have time to study. There is still time for final exams to come. Even if I want to study, I will study during summer vacation before final exams", Aster said.

Then after finishing their lunch they each headed towards their respective direction.