
Her past miseries

With a loud voice she exclaimed "What" then she realized after her death she was reborn 10 years back when she was 17 years old. Due to her loud voice, her sister; Annie got startled and woke up not only her sister but also brother; Jeffrey who was looking for mother to serve him breakfast. All the members present there started to scold her for being too loud in the morning. She said " sorry" for being loud and went to the bathroom quickly.

When both sisters reached school, Norma was finding it hard to digest the fact that she was reborn. She was sitting on a bench in the classroom and thinking about the past.

In her past life her family was middle class family and were happy with their condition but later due to financial problem in home, her all sibling had to work day and night to pay the debt which was basically because of their uncle who made her family to pay his debt and had to loose their home at the process of it. Later father also got bedridden and was unable to earn money as a result both brother and sisters had to work letting their dream die.

She remembered her brother wanted to study abroad along with his friends but he didn't say anything and started earning money to help father while her sister wanted to be a renowned chef but had to work as sales woman in store. On the other side Norma worked as a receptionist in her friend uncle's company.

Similarly their mother also used to sell home made woolen clothes as she was not that educated and young enough to do labor work but due to continuous stitching and weaving her hand started to tremble and the time when father suffer from mental problems due to overwork and tension, he got seriously ill was admitted to mental hospital but they didn't have enough money to admit him to day care then mother stopped weaving and started to take care of father in home.

Now she won't let that happen again, she will make sure that they won't suffer more and will live a happy life. While she was in her world, her best friend shuddered her and asked "are you thinking about him huh". She turned around and saw her best friend Aster, who will in future become the wife of her crush.