

Norma was holding hands with her two little nieces to cross the road as it was a children's holiday and she wanted to take them to an amusement park.

Both the children, one 7 years old and the other 6 years old, were smiling brightly seeing their Aunty taking initiative to take them to have fun as the whole family knew that their Aunty was hardworking and worked even on weekends or keeps herself busy either reading or writing fictional novels to earn money.

Norma was telling the kids not to lose their grip on her hand but in excitement, her small niece frees herself from her hand to reach another side of the road quickly. Seeing this Norma rush towards to stop her however seeing a truck coming to her way, Norma pushes her niece to the other side of the road not to let any mishap happen with them.

But she was late.

After some time she realized she was flying in the air far from the truck and landed with a thud sound on the ground.

Next, she felt a sharp pain in her head and her whole body seemed to feel like being broken into pieces.

Though she was going to die with so many regrets because she couldn't be with her family anymore. At the last stage, she only wished her parents to live a happy life with no more misery and pain.

Seeing such a tragic accident people started to gather around. Some started to gossip looking at the girl all covered with blood."Tsk, she looks so young, look god is so unfair to get this young girl to die so early". "Ohh god whose child can be this to have face such bad luck?"

Though all were talking about her but nobody dared to have the courage to go near her. Soon traffic police came and an ambulance arrived. Police were interrogating two children their address and parent's phone number but both the kids were crying from the scene in front of them.

While on Norma's side her eyes were becoming heavy. She started to feel the pain slowly radiating with high intensity on her body. And before she could be taken to hospital, on the way to the hospital she slowly closed her eyes spilling some tears from the side of canthi, this life was only given to her just to suffer. And then pitch black darkness surround her vision drifting her to a long sleep.