
Reborn: The Taekwondo Prodigy's Second Chance

Lee Jae-Hoon, a promising Taekwondo athlete, is murdered by his childhood friend. He awakens in his 10-year-old body with a mysterious Taekwondo System. [Welcome to the Taekwondo Mastery System!] Now at Seonghwa High, Jae-Hoon leads the underdog Taekwondo team. He aims for the Elite 8, facing old rivals and new challenges. Can Jae-Hoon rewrite his destiny and achieve his dreams in this second chance at life?

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13 Chs

Chapter 9: Old Legends

The team murmured in agreement, but Jae-Hoon could sense a mix of excitement and apprehension in their voices.

Yoon-Seo raised her hand, her eyes bright with determination.

"Jun-ho, I have an idea," she said. "What if we pair up and each focus on observing a specific aspect of Daehan High's techniques? That way, we can cover more ground and share our observations later."

Jun-ho's face lit up. "That's brilliant, Yoon-Seo. Let's do that. We'll focus on five key areas: footwork, kicking techniques, punching combinations, defensive maneuvers, and overall strategy"

He paused, considering the team members.

"Alright, here's how we'll pair up:

Yoon-Seo and Hye-Rin, you'll focus on footwork. Pay attention to their stance switches, weight distribution, and how they set up their attacks.

Dong-Wook and Jae-Hoon, you're on kicking techniques. Watch for any unique combinations or setups they use for their kicks.

Jin-Woo and Tae-hyun, observe their punching combinations. Look for how they integrate punches with their kicks and any patterns in their attack sequences.

Min-seo and Ji-soo, you'll study their defensive maneuvers. Note how they block, dodge, and counter-attack.

Seo-yeon and I will analyze their overall strategy. We'll watch for how they adapt to different opponents and situations."

The team listened intently, some nodding, others jotting down notes.

"Alright, team," Jun-ho said, wrapping up the meeting. "Remember, this is our chance to learn from the best.

Stay focused, be respectful, and most importantly, support each other. We're in this together."

Jun-ho's words hung in the air as the team exchanged glances.

Yoon-Seo's eyes sparkled with determination, while Dong-Wook fidgeted with the collar of his school uniform.

Jae-Hoon felt his heart race, a mix of anticipation and nervousness coursing through him.

As the meeting wrapped up, the team filed out of the club room. Jae-Hoon lingered behind, his gaze sweeping over the familiar faces of his teammates.

The crisp white shirts and navy blazers of their school uniforms stood out in stark contrast to the worn mats and training equipment lining the walls.

Dong-Wook fell into step beside Jae-Hoon, his shoulders hunched slightly. He tugged at his silver tie, loosening it a bit as he leaned in.

"Hey," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "You've got experience with this kind of thing, right? Any tips for... you know... not making a fool of myself?"

Jae-Hoon's eyes softened as he looked at Dong-Wook's nervous fidgeting. The sight brought back memories of his own struggles.

He remembered the pressure, the fear of failure that had once threatened to overwhelm him.

"Hey," Jae-Hoon said, his voice low and steady. He placed a hand on Dong-Wook's shoulder, feeling the tension there.

"Just breathe, okay? In through your nose, out through your mouth."

Dong-Wook nodded, following Jae-Hoon's instructions. His shoulders relaxed slightly as he exhaled.

"That's it," Jae-Hoon encouraged. "And remember, we're all in this together. You're not alone out there."

A small smile tugged at Dong-Wook's lips.

"Thanks, man. I needed that."

As they walked to their first class, Jae-Hoon felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

He pulled it out, his heart skipping a beat when he saw a notification from the Taekwondo app.

His thumb hovered over the screen, temptation gnawing at him.

"Everything okay?" Dong-Wook asked, eyeing the phone.

Jae-Hoon quickly swiped the notification away.

"Yeah, just... nothing important," he lied, forcing a smile. Later, he promised himself. There would be time for that later.

The school day seemed to stretch on forever, each tick of the clock reverberating in Jae-Hoon's skull.

By the time his literature class rolled around, he was practically bouncing in his seat.

"For your next assignment," the teacher announced, her voice cutting through Jae-Hoon's restlessness, "you'll be reading a non-fiction book and writing a report."

Jae-Hoon's mind immediately raced to Taekwondo. Maybe this was a chance to combine his schoolwork with his passion?

As soon as the bell rang, Jae-Hoon bolted from his seat, nearly knocking over Yoon-Seo in his haste.

"Whoa, where's the fire?" she laughed, steadying herself.

"Sorry," Jae-Hoon mumbled, already halfway out the door. "Library. Got an idea for the assignment."

The library's hushed atmosphere and the scent of old books washed over him as he entered.

He made a beeline for the sports section, his eyes scanning the shelves until—there.

"The History and Culture of Taekwondo in Korea."

Jae-Hoon's fingers trembled slightly as he pulled the book from the shelf. Finding a quiet corner, he began to read, losing himself in the pages.

One passage in particular made his breath catch:

"Taekwondo is widely respected as a traditional Korean martial art and Olympic sport.

It's seen as an important part of Korean cultural heritage, similar to how Judo is viewed in Japan.

Many schools offer Taekwondo as an extracurricular activity or even as part of physical education.

Some schools are known for their strong Taekwondo programs, attracting students interested in the sport."

Jae-Hoon's mind raced. Could Seonghwa High become one of those schools?

Could they build a program strong enough to attract talented students, to compete with the likes of Daehan High?

He closed his eyes, imagining it. The gym filled with dedicated students, trophies lining the walls, scouts from top universities attending their matches.

It seemed impossible now, but maybe…

"Hey, Jae-Hoon," a voice whispered, startling him from his reverie.

He looked up to see Yoon-Seo standing over him, a curious smile on her face. "Found something good for the assignment?"

Jae-Hoon nodded, his excitement bubbling over. "Yeah, I think I did. Want to take a look?"

Yoon-Seo's eyes lit up with interest as she slid into the chair next to Jae-Hoon. "Sure, what've you got?"

Jae-Hoon angled the book towards her, his finger tracing the lines he'd just read. "It's about Taekwondo's place in Korean culture. Did you know some schools are famous just for their Taekwondo programs?"

Yoon-Seo leaned in, her shoulder brushing against Jae-Hoon's as she peered at the page. "Really? That's pretty cool. Imagine if Seonghwa could be like that someday."

Jae-Hoon's heart skipped a beat. It was as if she'd read his mind. "That's exactly what I was thinking! I mean, we're not there yet, but..."

"But we could be," Yoon-Seo finished, a determined glint in her eye. "With enough hard work and the right people."

Their eyes met, and for a moment. He cleared his throat, suddenly aware of how close they were sitting.

"So, uh, what are you thinking of doing for your assignment?"

Yoon-Seo sat back, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I was considering something on the history of women in sports, actually. Taekwondo's got some interesting stories there."

"That sounds great," Jae-Hoon said, genuinely impressed. "Maybe we could help each other out? Compare notes and stuff?"

Yoon-Seo's smile widened. "I'd like that. It's always better to study with someone else, right?"

"Right," he agreed, pushing away the complicated feelings. "We'll tackle this assignment like we tackle our training."

Yoon-Seo laughed softly, mindful of the library's quiet atmosphere. "With lots of sweat and the occasional bruise?"

Jae-Hoon grinned, feeling more at ease.

"Hopefully with fewer bruises. But definitely with the same intensity."

As they bent their heads together over the book. he came across a section about high school competitions:

"The pinnacle of high school Taekwondo in Korea is the Elite 8—the top high school Taekwondo practitioners for each weight class.

This prestigious position changes annually, determined through rigorous tournaments and competitions."

Jae-Hoon's heart raced as he read about the Elite 8. He made a mental note to look up more information about the tournament structure later.

Turning the page, he found a chapter dedicated to the legendary masters of Taekwondo. The book described several individuals whose mastery of the art had become the stuff of legend:

Master Jae-Sung Kim: A revered figure in Asia. Despite his age, his movements were deliberate and precise, never wasted. At 62, he continues to inspire with his exceptional skills and dedication.

Master Alejandra Rodriguez: Hailing from South America, her warm hazel eyes and muscular lower body were her trademarks.

Her kicks were renowned throughout the Taekwondo world. At 58, she remains active and a formidable presence in the sport.

Sensei Akira Tanaka: Based in North America, his slender but toned physique moved with a quiet, cat-like grace.

At 65, he continues to teach and inspire students with his profound understanding of Taekwondo.

Master Mei Ling Chen: A petite yet powerful master from Europe. At 35, she is one of the youngest but most respected masters, known for her unparalleled mastery of Taekwondo forms.

These descriptions captivated Jae-Hoon, each master representing the pinnacle of Taekwondo with seemingly superhuman skills.

"Wow," Jae-Hoon breathed, his eyes wide. "Can you imagine being that good?"

Yoon-seo leaned over, peering at the page. "Which one impresses you the most?"

Jae-Hoon hesitated, then pointed to Master Jae-Sung Kim. "Him, I think. The precision of his movements, even at 62... that's incredible."

Yoon-seo nodded, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I'm more drawn to Master Mei Ling Chen. To be so respected at just 35... that's the kind of career I'd want."

"You could do it," Jae-Hoon said, surprising himself with his certainty.

Yoon-seo's eyes brightened, a mix of surprise and determination crossing her face.

"You really think I could?" She paused, then shook her head with a soft laugh. "Well, no time like the present to start working towards it, right?"

She glanced at her watch and started gathering her things. "I'm heading to the gym to get some extra practice in before the others arrive. You coming?"

Jae-Hoon hesitated for a moment, torn between joining her and staying to research more. "I'll catch up with you in a bit. Just want to finish up here first."

Yoon-seo nodded, slinging her bag over her shoulder. "Alright, see you there. Don't get too lost in those books!"

The gym doors creaked as he pushed them open, a wave of familiar scents washing over him - sweat, leather, and the faint tang of disinfectant.

His teammates were scattered across the mats, their movements a mix of nervous energy and focused preparation.

Dong-Wook's leg snapped out in a high kick, wobbling slightly as he struggled to maintain his balance.

Yoon-Seo's eyes were closed, her lips moving silently as she visualized her forms.

Jin-Woo bounced on the balls of his feet, unable to stay still.

As Jae-Hoon made his way to an empty spot to start his warm-up, he noticed the absence of Seo-yeon's clipboard and critical gaze.

He caught Jun-ho's eye and raised an eyebrow, tilting his head towards the empty space where their manager usually stood.

Jun-ho's lips quirked into a knowing smile. He leaned in close, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Coach's orders. She's out gathering intel on other teams. Probably blending into the shadows as we speak."

A low whistle escaped Jae-Hoon's lips, impressed. He pictured Seo-yeon, notebook in hand, her sharp eyes catching every detail of their rivals' training sessions.

The gym doors swung open again, this time revealing Coach Kim. His presence seemed to fill the room, silencing the nervous chatter and focusing everyone's attention. He stood at the center of the mats, his gaze sweeping over the team.

"Daehan High will be here any minute," he said, his voice steady and firm. "Remember what we discussed. Watch. Learn. Respect."

Jae-Hoon's eyes met Yoon-Seo's across the room. Her chin lifted slightly, a silent challenge in her gaze.

Jin-Woo's fingers had weakened their tapping, now clenched into tight fists at his sides.

Hye-Rin's eyes remained closed, but her breathing had quickened, betraying her nerves.

The tension in the air was almost palpable as they waited for their rivals to arrive.

The gym doors swung open with a creak. A hush fell over the Seonghwa team as a group of students entered, their presence commanding attention.

The Daehan High team wore crisp white doboks, each uniform adorned with a deep crimson trim along the collar and sleeves.

On the back of each dobok, an intricately embroidered Daehan High logo stood out in stark contrast to the white fabric.

Jae-Hoon glanced down at his own plain white dobok, the fabric slightly faded from repeated washes.

Around him, his teammates shifted uncomfortably, their uniforms a patchwork of different shades of white, some with visible mending.

The stark difference between the two teams' appearances was impossible to ignore.

Leading the Daehan group was a tall, imposing man, his own dobok bearing additional markings that identified him as their coach.

The Daehan High team moved with a practiced grace, their matching uniforms creating an intimidating visual unity.

Coach Kim stepped forward to greet the Daehan coach, his voice carrying across the suddenly quiet gym.

"Welcome to Seonghwa High. We're honored to have you join us for this practice session."

As the two teams began to mingle, Jae-Hoon couldn't help but notice the way Yong-soo carried himself, confidence evident in every movement.

Their eyes met briefly, and Jae-Hoon felt a mix of emotions surge through him - nostalgia, apprehension, and a fierce determination.

Beside him, Dong-Wook whispered, "Man, their uniforms probably cost more than our entire team budget."

Yoon-Seo elbowed him gently. "Focus on their techniques, not their clothes," she murmured, but Jae-Hoon could hear the slight tremor in her voice.

Jae-Hoon clenched his fists, they might not have fancy uniforms or expensive equipment, but they had heart and determination. He was ready to show Daehan High that true skill wasn't about appearances.

As the teams began to warm up, Jae-Hoon kept stealing glances at Yong-soo. His former friend moved with a fluid grace that spoke of countless hours of training.

Jae-Hoon felt a familiar ache in his chest, remembering the bond they once shared in another life.

Coach Kim's voice cut through his thoughts. "Alright, let's pair up for some light sparring. Seonghwa, choose your partners from Daehan."

A moment of hesitation rippled through the Seonghwa team. Jae-Hoon saw his teammates eyeing the Daehan students nervously, intimidated by their polished appearance and confident demeanor.

Before anyone else could react, Jun-ho stepped forward. "I'll pair with Yong-soo," he said, his voice steady

Yong-soo's eyebrows raised slightly, a flicker of surprise crossing his face before it settled back into a mask of cool indifference. He nodded, moving to the center of the mat.

Before anyone else could react, Jun-ho stepped forward. "I'll pair with Yong-soo," he said, his voice steady

"Charyeot!" The Daehan coach called out, signaling for the competitors to face each other. 

"Kyeongye!" Jun-ho and Yong-soo bowed respectfully.

The coach then explained the rules: "This will be a two-minute round. Clean hits to the body protector or head gear will score points. No strikes below the belt or to the back. I expect a fair and honorable match from both of you."

He looked at both fighters. "Joonbi!" Jun-ho and Yong-soo assumed their fighting stances.

As they faced each other and bowed, Jae-Hoon felt a mix of relief and disappointment. He had wanted to face Yong-soo himself, but he knew Jun-ho, as the team captain, was probably the best choice to represent Seonghwa High.

As he observed, Jae-Hoon's eyes were drawn to two other Daehan High students standing at the edge of the mat.

He recognized them immediately from the national rankings - Ryu Hiro and Lin Mei-Ling, both members of the Elite 8.

Their presence added an extra layer of pressure to the already tense atmosphere.

Ryu Hiro, known for his powerful kicks and strategic approach, watched the match with a critical eye.

Lin Mei-Ling, famous for her lightning-fast combinations and innovative techniques, stood with her arms crossed, her expression unreadable.