
Reborn: The Lady Dominates

Kit's father, a relentless alcoholic, often subjected her and her mother, Mary, to bouts of violence and verbal abuse. The constant poverty and daily torment became unbearable for Mary, leading her to seduce John, Anna's father, and secure a place in his affluent household. Anna, fiercely opposed to her father's remarriage, harbored a deep resentment towards Kit and Mary. In a bid to drive them out, she perfected the art of playing the innocent in front of her father. With calculated precision, Anna would slander and scheme against Kit and Mary, weaving lies and deceit, hoping to poison her father's mind and prompt him to divorce Mary.

Karl_K · Urbain
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31 Chs

Chapter 3: Class F

### Chapter 3: Class F

At the principal's office of Qijiang First High School.

An elderly man, impeccably dressed in a traditional Chinese tunic suit, sat behind his desk. When he heard a knock on the door, his eyes, sharp behind his glasses, did not lift from the document he was reading.

A fashionably dressed woman entered, her conspicuous jewelry and high-end clothing announcing her wealth.

"Principal, you called for me?" The woman's voice showed no sign of deference to authority.

This was Laura, the homeroom teacher of Class A in the second year. She had only been at First High for three years but had already produced many outstanding students.

Principal David set down his document and glanced at Kit, who was lounging lazily on the sofa. He introduced Kit to Laura and expressed his desire to place her in Class A.

Laura took Kit's file and glanced over her previous grades, not a single subject was passing. Her eyes flickered with realization.

"With these grades, putting her in Class A won't convince anyone, least of all me. Forcing her into Class A would only drag the class down," Laura firmly refused to accept the student.

"So you're certain you won't take her?" Principal David asked, frowning.

"Absolutely not," Laura responded adamantly.

"Ms. Laura, could you reconsider?" Although David was unhappy with Laura's attitude, he still wanted to try once more.

"I won't go to Class A. I'll go to Class F," Kit said decisively, seeing that Principal David was about to humble himself to negotiate with Laura. She showed indifference towards which class she was assigned to, but her rebellious demeanor hinted at her displeasure.

"Heh, that suits her better," Laura, accustomed to being fawned over, felt slighted by the young girl's dismissal. She couldn't resist a sarcastic remark when hearing Kit wanted to join the class filled with all the failing students.

"Ms. Laura, watch your language!" Principal David reprimanded her.

Laura shrugged, showing no care. She wanted to see what kind of grades Kit would achieve in Class F.

"Well, if there's nothing else, I'll take my leave. I have to prepare for my next class," Laura, buoyed by the adoration of Class A's parents in recent years, felt secure in her position and showed less respect towards the principal.

"Alright, I'll make the arrangements," Principal David said, dialing a number. Shortly after, the homeroom teacher of Class F arrived.

Mike, a middle-aged man, wore a polo shirt with a slightly faded collar and clean but old pants.

"Don't worry, Kit. The students in Class F might not have the best grades, but they're easy to get along with," Mike reassured Kit on the way to Class F, fearing she might be nervous.

Kit watched Mike prattle on ahead, her eyes darkening.

"Everyone, quiet down! This is Kit, our new transfer student. Let's give her a warm welcome!" Mike encouraged Kit to introduce herself.

"Kit," she said simply.

Scattered applause greeted her, showing a modest welcome.

"She's so pretty!" The boys in the class unanimously welcomed the arrival of a beautiful new classmate, finding her presence pleasing to the eye.

Even Terrence looked up from his sleep.

Jenny turned around to gauge Terrence's reaction. Seeing the usually indifferent Terrence also raise his head, she clenched her fist under the desk.

"What's so pretty about her? Anna is way prettier!" Jenny muttered.

The classroom had no other available seats except the one next to Terrence. Seeing that Mike was about to assign Kit there, Jenny exclaimed, "Kit just got here, sitting at the back isn't good for her learning. Let her sit here, and I'll take the back seat!"

Mike considered it. Knowing Kit's poor academic record, sitting at the front might help her focus more, and the teacher could easily monitor her progress. He was about to agree when Kit walked straight to the empty seat. Terrence showed no objection.

"Well, then let's go with that," Mike said, accepting Kit's choice as Terrence didn't protest.

Jenny was even more infuriated. Kit had just arrived, and already all eyes were on her. Even Terrence allowed her to sit beside him.