
Reborn: The Lady Dominates

Kit's father, a relentless alcoholic, often subjected her and her mother, Mary, to bouts of violence and verbal abuse. The constant poverty and daily torment became unbearable for Mary, leading her to seduce John, Anna's father, and secure a place in his affluent household. Anna, fiercely opposed to her father's remarriage, harbored a deep resentment towards Kit and Mary. In a bid to drive them out, she perfected the art of playing the innocent in front of her father. With calculated precision, Anna would slander and scheme against Kit and Mary, weaving lies and deceit, hoping to poison her father's mind and prompt him to divorce Mary.

Karl_K · Urbain
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31 Chs

Chapter 2: School

Chapter 2: School

For convenience, John arranged for Kit and Anna to attend the same high school. During dinner, he informed Kit that she would need to wake up early the next morning to go to school with Anna.

"Master's arrangements are always so thorough. I was worried about how to handle this situation," Mary said gently, looking at John.

"Yes, sister, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I'll do my best to help you," Anna said sensibly. "But going to school might be tough for you, so don't hesitate to come to me if you have any difficulties."

Despite Anna's seemingly kind and considerate demeanor, Kit could see the disdain and contempt in her eyes.

"Ha, indeed," Mary's smile was a bit stiff. She had learned when she went to Kit's village that Kit often skipped classes and had never passed an exam.

"I'm full. I'm going to leave now," Kit broke the silence, stood up, and walked toward the door with her backpack.

"Wait, sister! Wait for me!" Anna quickly put down her bread and hurried to catch up.

"Anna, don't rush! Finish eating first," Mary said, feeling a bit heartbroken as she looked at the barely-touched bread on Anna's plate. Anna usually finished her breakfast elegantly before heading out, but seeing her daughter take only a few bites, she quickly stuffed a sandwich into Anna's hand. "Take this and eat it on the way. Be careful not to fall."

Mary, despite her attentiveness, failed to notice that Kit was allergic to eggs. Kit had only had milk for breakfast.

In the Car

"Sister, don't worry. The classmates are easy to get along with. They probably won't mind your poor grades as long as you get along well with them," Anna pretended to be considerate.

"Don't worry about me. At school, you and I have nothing to do with each other," Kit replied, having seen through her little act but not bothering to expose her.

"Who is she? She's so pretty," a classmate said as soon as Kit got out of the car, drawing everyone's attention. Even in her simple attire back in her village, Kit's cold and elegant aura was undeniable.

Now, in the prestigious school's uniform, her aura was unmatched. Her beauty radiated a cold, pristine air, as pure and captivating as ice and snow. Her deep, mysterious eyes resembled a cold pool, drawing people in yet sending chills down their spines. Her pale, flawless face mirrored the winter landscape, making people want to approach but afraid to touch. Her lips, faintly tinted, were as cold as snow, and her slight smile sent a shiver like a winter breeze. Her hair, black as night, shimmered with a dark, mysterious glow, showcasing nature's wondrous creation. She exuded a cool, untouchable aura that commanded respect and drew people irresistibly close.

"Looks like the girls at our school have a new rival!" a boy whistled.

Anna stepped out of the car, hearing this, and clenched her hands at her sides, her nails digging deep into her palms. She took a deep breath, maintaining her ladylike smile, and greeted the other students.

"Look! It's Anna, the goddess. How come they're together?"

"Sister, wait for me!" Anna stumbled as she ran toward Kit.

Kit walked silently through the school corridor, her black uniform accentuating her cold demeanor. Her clear, deep eyes showed no emotion, like a hidden lake, impossible to read. Her face was icy and expressionless, indifferent to the world's commotion.

Her steps were light and graceful, yet steady, each movement precise and deliberate, like a snow fairy dancing through the cold. Her hair, black as night, flowed elegantly, reminiscent of a shining star in the dark, drawing admiration. Her lips carried a perpetual cold smile, observing the surroundings with a detached calm.

Her noble, aloof posture resembled a solitary ice lotus, blooming alone on a frozen plain. She didn't speak much, yet her presence was impossible to ignore, making people hesitant to approach or touch her. Her charm lay not in outward glamour but in her mysterious and distant demeanor.

Even in conversation, her tone was cold and detached, as if she were in her own world, indifferent to earthly warmth. Her words were sharp and concise, devoid of emotion, as if her heart had long been frozen, unfeeling toward the world's warmth.

People gradually kept their distance, treating her like a towering ice sculpture—beautiful and noble, yet untouchable. Her cold aloofness set her apart, making her unforgettable.

"Ah!" Anna seemed to trip over something, her eyes teary as she watched Kit continue walking ahead.

"Anna! Are you okay? Did you get hurt? Who is she? How could she do this?" a nearby female student couldn't bear to watch any longer. Anna, known for her gentle nature, didn't deserve such treatment.

"I'm fine..." Anna looked at her slightly scratched palm, tears almost falling from the pain.

"Oh no! Anna, your hand! We have to go!" Everyone knew Anna's hands were precious for playing the piano, and they couldn't afford any injuries.

"I'm okay. Don't blame my sister. She didn't mean it," Anna said pitifully.

"Anna, you're too kind! She treated you like this," the female student helped Anna to the school clinic, voicing her indignation the entire way.

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