
Chapter 1678: Ex-Girlfriend

"It is none of your business." Yi Lishan responded.

"Seeing your reaction, she must be your new girlfriend." The woman looked straight at Yu Qi.

Yu Qi did not say anything since it was not her place to say anything. She just watched the situation.

"Like I said before, it is none of your business." Yi Lishan stated. Then he turned to Yu Qi. "Let's go. My mom and Little San are waiting for you." 

"Hmm..." Yu Qi nodded.

The woman heard what Yi Lishan said to Yu Qi. 'So, he also brings this woman to meet his family. Meaning he is serious with this woman.' 

No. She could not let others to have him. He just needed to be hers. Without thinking, she rushed to chase Yi Lishan and Yu Qi.

"Listen, please wait for me." The woman said.

Yi Lishan and Yu Qi were just about to arrive at Yi Lishan's car and they heard the shout. Yi Lishan frowned.