
Chapter 16

After the Balton family left.

The Elwood family instantly stopped faking.

Jason said in a cold voice, "Today I am so annoyed by Ann that bitch!"

Chris didn't say anything. He had to admit that what Ann did today really annoys him!

"Didn't you say that Ann has always been under your control? Why does she change into another person now?" Squinting at her son, Lina couldn't help but ask, "Today, we are completely under her control!"

"I don't know either." Chris was also confused. "I'm with Ann almost every day, and when I'm not with her, we'll talk on the phone. I didn't notice that she suddenly changed, but today she really behaved weirdly."

"I don't think it's a problem of Ann." "It should be that cunning Carney," said Jason.

"Dad, do you mean that Carney asked Ann to say that on purpose?"