
Reborn: Revenge of Time

Vincent Hundelson spent his whole life trying to get his father's love and attention even if his father didn't even care to attend all of his important event but all of it fell down into nothing when his younger brother, Tristan Hundelson was born. He was accused by the fiance of the monarchy prince and was sentenced to death but his father didn't even try to help him or even try to look at him for the last time so he has no other regret than loving his father whom never loved him in the first place. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself reborn as the third imperial prince of the hidden northern emperor named [Izeck Shawn Bravesfield]. Now that he has given a second chance as Izeck then he swore to get revenge on those who made him suffered even if it meant for him to destroy his whole reputation.....

Walker_65 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

It almost been two weeks since I came here and I was already getting used to this place that I currently lived in.

Based on my research I am reborn again back in the past but in the body of the current third emperial prince named Izeck Shawn Bravesfield.

Izeck has golden blond hair and deep ruby eyes like the hair color and eye color of the current Emperor and I can say that Izeck seems to be a solid copy of the emperor both in face and personality so it's no doubt he is really his son.

The current first and second emperial prince are twins, Edric was the oldest while Nicolas was the youngest of the two, but even if they are twins they are both different from each other. Edric is considered to be like a moon that has a deep dark hair and has a cold and serious personality while Nicolas is like a sun that is very cheerful, very energetic and very friendly.

From what I can see the twins appearance is just a combination of the current emperor and empress, Edric having the same hair color of the empress but the same eye color of the emperor while Nicolas has the lighter color of the hair color of the emperor but having the same but darker eye color of the empress.

Edric is much more considered to be active and fitting for the throne due to him having a lot of achievement at the young age while Nicolas is considered to be more fitting to be a knight due to him having a great skill in swordmanship at a young age.

Before I forgot I also seems to have a older sister named Felicia but we just call her felly.

Felicia is just three years older than me and two years younger than the twins but out of the three she is the most kindest but if you looked at her or even spend more time with her you might uncover that out of the three she is the most dangerous. At the young age of two she had manage to kill some assasins with her fire magic.

I been walking around here asking information and question not also about the current situation of this empire but also the Adelion Kingdom where I was born and was executed in the past.

Since I am back in the past then that means that my past self is also alive in this time so I might have to help my other self so that even if I am not currently in my own body I can take revenge upon my father and those who betray me in the past and also so that I can let my original body and Tristan live a better life.

But since now I am an emperial prince then that means that I am much more superior from the family of Richard and the King themselves so this is my only advantage for my plan to get revenge.

The problem now is that I am now still a baby that doesn't even know how talk or crawl yet.

I was busy with my thoughts when I sense someone coming inside my room so I hurriedly looked back towards the sound of the door opening and I saw the current emeperor heading inside my room with a smile on his face.

This is the current emperor of the Northern empire, Emperor Leonis Eden Bravesfield. At first when you saw the face of the emperor you can have the thought that he is a strict and cold parent but if you really know him, he is really just a dotting and loving parent.

"There's my boy!"

The Emperor suddenly run towards me and he gently held me by his hand, when everytime he hold me I can feel the warmth and care of this person that now I called my dad.

I always wanted to have a dad like this so even if I am happy I still felt very wary since I don't know if this person will be like my dad that slowly changed in the means of time.

"Your majesty, it's great to see you spending more time with your family..."

I looked back towards the source of this sound and I saw a very young man who could be in his mid fourties standing at the door, this is person is none other than Duke Daniel Fou Yorindell and he is a close friend of the current Emperor.

"Didn't I always told you to stop calling me majesty Danny?"

The Emperor sneered as Daniel can only laughed a little while changing his sight towards me as he smiled and touch my head.

"Well would you look at that he is just a solid copy of you...To bad he just look like you Leon."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Oh nothing."

Daniel laugh while my father only sneered trying to hold his urge to punch his dearest friend.

This two beside them being already an adult they act like they are only children.

"So why are you here anyway?"

My father only sigh as he only kept himself together and put up his serious and cold appearance making anyone not suspect that he had that kind of attitude that he had just now.

"I had some urgent business I want to talk to you about."


My father looked at me with full of disappointment for our father and son bonding time will be cut in short because of this urgent matter.

Daniel looked towards my father who was already putting me back inside my crib as they walked outside my room and head themselves towards my father's office with me being left alone in my crib.


-----Leonis POV------

Both me and Daniel went inside my office as I was also a bit disappointed that my visits to my youngest child has been cut short because of my work.

"So what are the sudden things that you want to talk about?"

I looked coldly towards Daniel as he only chuckled a little and went back to his serious mask appearance.

"It's about ths current situation of our neighboring kingdom."

"The Adelion Kingdom again?"


I can only sigh since this is the fifth times that something had happened to the Adelion Kingdom that can be said to be pointless and sometimes dangerous that they had made....I just think that the Adelion Kingdom current King might have something in his head for doing some careless actions and decision.

"I just want to inform you that crown prince of the Adelion."

"So what?"

I asked casually...I didn't really like about being part of the emperial and monarchy stuff but because of me being the only child of the former emperor I had no other choice but to accept the throne without my will.

"Now that they have the heir many people suspected that the King now change his testament on who will succeed the throne."

"Is that so?"

Now that I think about it, both the current king and Duke Hundelson are both brothers so that means that Duke Hundelson will be the next king if the King didn't have any heir to inherit the throne but now that the crown prince is born then that means that the Duke will have no chance upon having the throne.

"I also heard that the Duke Hundelson now have a son that was also born on the same day your son Izeck was born."


"What you just heard was true, now that Duke Hundelson has also have a son then that means the child of the Duke will have the chance upon inheriting the throne themselves."

"Is that also written in the new testament of the King?"

"From what I heard, it is said that the King want either his or his brother child will inherit the throne themselves so we might expect a great battle to throne between the two in the future."

The future and the current situation of the Adelion Kingdom might become a little bit rocky since from what I have know Duke Hundelson will not let anyone defeat him even if it means war.

"It is only possible that we might have a war in future between the King and the Duke themselves if both children end up causing each other ruckus and battle."


That's true since the King will not tolerate anyone who will harm his child and base on his manipulated and toxic personality it will possible if in the future he will try his best to kill of the competition of his son when he sense that his own son will lose also the Duke seems to be having not the great relationship between him and his brother , The King.

I also heard that the Duke hated their surname so when he married up to Duchess Hundelson he take up her surname and tried erasing his connection with his family but failed due to his own brother being the king have the same surname.

"So what are the name of the children competiting for the throne in the future."

"I heard that the Crown Prince name was Richard Ian Courtess and the son of the duke named Vincent Hundelson."

"Mhmm so they are the two that will compete into the throne of the Adelion Kingdom."

I sneered as I stand up from my chair and looked towards the window looking down to three of my children playing outside.

"I wonder if they are qualified enough to defeat them."


Daniel looked towards me with full of curiousity and doubt about my current statement but I only smirked a little that Daniel can't see through my cold face.

Between Richard and Vincent I wonder who would win the throne.....A battle between blood imagining it made me entertain upon seeing two person with the same blood fighting for a useless position just for power.

"The future seems to be getting a lot interesting but dangerously."


"Daniel I want you to hire many people secretly to watch over the following movements of both the Duke son and the prince as they grow old enough to fight for the throne."


I looked towards Daniel seriously and sneered.

"Whoever I find interesting enough will get my support and don't let anyone know about this."

"You mean..?"

Daniel was surprise since this is the first time that the Northern Empire will help and support some low rank nobles other than other Empire.

Daniel was still doubting Leonis decision but when he looked towards that meaningful eyes of Leonis that was filled with intention, he finally realize what would Leonis wanted to do in the future.

Daniel accepted my order and he quickly went outside to follow my order to him.


----Izeck POV-----

i don't know what are the things that both my father and Duke Daniel had talk about but many minutes later after they went inside my father's office room, I saw Duke Daniel hurriedly went and ran outside.

I wanted to know what Duke Daniel was talking about to his head butler but because of my baby legs I can't walk or even crawl yet.

Luckily the guards seems to talking near my room so I can hear a little bit what they are talking about.

"The Emperor said that we have to watch over the Duke son of the Adelion Kingdom."

Duke of Adelion?

But the there are five Dukedom in that Kingdom and that are the Hundelson Dukedom, Pelemis Dukedom, Axionel Dukedom, Vincue Dukedom, and lastly Welious Dukedom.

Which one of this Duke's is the Duke son that the Emperor was talking about...

"So what is the name of the son of the Duke we are tasked to watch over for?"

"Hey Jacob what is the name of that Duke again?"

"I think his name is Duke Hundelson...I think?"


My father?

What does the Emperor wants for my original body father....Wait watch over?...But during this time I am the only son of the Duke...then that means....

"I think we are going to watcher over the Duke son named Vincent Hundelson..."

The Emperor wants to have someone watch me over....


What the hell does the Emperor want to do with my original body anyway?!?!