
Reborn Professor

======== Haaa.. So this is the end *Cough* *Cough* As I sat there with two bullets in my body I was slowly dying. The world slowly turned dark and I finally took my last breath. ______ Huh? Where am I? Wait a minute am I inside a novel? But wait isn’t this 10 years before the plot starts. Let’s go! Now I won’t have to deal with the crazy plot as a weakling. I’m going to make sure that I am strong enough to survive and who knows I might even teach the Main Characters. ========= This is my first attempt at making a story. So keep in mind that this might not be the best at the beginning or even throughout the story. The main character will be OP but he won’t be the only one. As the story goes on I’ll introduce other characters but very few will actually be able to touch our main characters.

Unknownducky · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Wedding Ch.14

(Luna POV)

For the past couple weeks, I have been preparing for my wedding and I had to say that being rich and well know can really help you out.

Wedding usually takes months of planning ahead like find a place or getting getting food and stuff like that. But just throw some money at it and a few months can turn into a couple of weeks.

The wedding is 2 days before the tournament which is great since we can also invite the other races leader to our wedding.

Me and Bruce agreed to a private and small wedding since Bruce doesn't know a lot of people and my family would use it to get connections and stuff like that. So under 100 or so people are coming.

My parents are coming to my wedding because Bruce convinced me even though I was against the idea. He said that I should give them a chance or else they might use this against her and try to ruin her reputation.

Even though I didn't care about my reputation, I didn't want to bring Bruce's reputation down too. So I agreed. So now just my main family members are coming, 5 of the SS rankers, a camera crew, the service staff, the chiefs, the people that are participating in the tournament, including the other races and humans, and the important officials of their races.

This includes the Elven Queen, Orc Champion aka the ruler of the orcs, Dwarf King, and Beast Monarch. Also their guards but their just their for show since the rulers are the strongest of their race.

Now the preparation for the wedding have been finished. I had to say it looked amazing and stunning. It was inside a palace that the academy was build around. The inside was perfectly furnished. Not to much, but not to little.

I still wanted to do a little something to make it more special. So I used my magic and created a starry night where it wasn't dark but just perfectly lit up.

I was ready for the wedding. I was ready to marry Bruce and enjoy the rest of my life with him.

Ever since she meet him at the academy, she had developed feels for him. It started off as an interested as he didn't look at her with greed, lust, or even interest.

He was just doing his own thing so I didn't pay attention to him anymore. Then one day the students started to call another student a monster. I heard it was because he beat up his whole class at once in a combat train without using his skills or sword, just pure hands.

This peaked my interest and to since I was considered the only true genius in my generation. To my surprise it was him. The boy that wasn't even looking at me with interest.

I asked him what his name was he said it was Bruce. I asked if he had a last name. He said no. I asked why he didn't have a last name. He told me he just named himself because he didn't have his memory's.

Then I asked about his relatives. He said they all are dead. Then it was an awkward silence since I didn't expect that answer. Then the directors came and broke the awkward tone, thankfully.

They asked what are we up to since it was rare for me and Bruce to talk, much less to each other. I told them that I wanted to meet the other prodigy or so called "monster". Then the directors said we should duel which was the reason I came for any ways.

When we started the duel Bruce didn't even pull his sword out. He just appeared in front of me and knocked me down. I was surprised because I couldn't predict of doge his movements.

My skills basically allow me to see the future of anything and control anything in space. Even reality itself can be manipulated by me. But Bruce was different, he couldn't be affected by my skills and even when I stopped time to attack him, he still could doge it.

Even if my attacks hit him, I have never drawn his blood. Over time we started to duel I grew stronger as I never experienced an opponent that I couldn't manipulate to turn into a cat or a puddle of meat. So it got me more creative and advanced my skills to the next level.

Over time we got closer and this interest started to turn into a full blown crush. So I visited him more often with the excuse of dueling but in truth, I just wanted to spend the day with him. I basically bothered him everyday.

But as all things do, it didn't last. We had to graduate early since the academy was meant to teach us how to become the most efficient awakener. And both of went to our separate path.

Bruce earn a reputation that only SS rankers had at the time, even though he was just S rank at the time. He cleared gates after gates. He was known as the solo reaper of gates, since he was a solo team that cleared gates with a 100% efficiency. Then people learn that he was a magic sword men with a fire element. Giving him the name Flaming Reaper.

Now I was just as successful as Bruce just a little less. We both then got called the strongest of our generation. Bruce as the strongest sword men and me as the strongest magician. Then the directors offer to make me an SS ranker but I would have to teach the S class in return until I became one.

I accept, then one day before school started their he was. I don't know if it was fate or he did this on purpose, but I didn't care. I wanted to make sure that I expressed my feelings before he left. Luckily, I convinced him to drink with me since I brought some alcohol because I heard being a teacher is harsh.

I was going to admit my feelings the coward way and uses alcohol to loosen me up and calm my nervousness. But the more time went on the more interesting our conversation was and the more we drank. Then I sort of remembered me kissing him then teleporting us to my house.

Then we had sex because what else were we going to do after I kissed him and brought him home. At the time I wasn't thinking about my family tradition. I might hate my parents but I love my family especially my grandparents.

My grandmother was a kind women that gave amazing advice and saw the best in people. My grandfather is a wise and strong man that was a little judgmental but was still a good man.

They basically raised me as my father was basically trying to get stronger to rule our family with an iron fist. My mother was just enjoying the money and benefits that came with my father become the head of the Stellar family.

I always listen to my grandmother but when she died of natural cause because she wasn't an awakener, I lost my sense of life. Luckily she had expected this and made a video about all the things she loved about me and her regrets that she couldn't see me grow up. My main family besides of my parents gave me support me and getting me through my grandmother death.

This is why I value my family's traditions. That why I was scared when I woke up and remembered what we did last night. I was scared of rejection and started to tear up. He asked what's wrong and I told him.

I expected him to reject me and I was ready for it. But to my surprise he accepted. Nay, he even did the gesture of a proposal. I was glad and decided to give him a kiss.

Now today was our wedding day and I just need to do my hair and put on my dress. Then it would be one of my best days of my life.


(Bruce POV)

There I was inside my room getting ready. Then I was thinking about the past. When I first met Luna back in the academy, she looked beautiful but that was about it.

In the novel she was the main cast teacher. She was a prodigy teacher that taught magical combat. It was mentioned that she had even bigger potential than all the main cast. Which was true, as she started in the academy as the peak of C rank. While the others started at the bottom of C rank.

I didn't pay much attention to her at first because I knew that she was going to be a future SS ranker but would die before she gets to show off her powers.

At the time I knew she was a magician but didn't know what kind she was. To my surprise she was a battle magician that had the elements of Space-Time.

In the novel it claimed that if she were fully grown she would be the strongest magician of all time. Just like Thomas, as he would have been the strongest physical awakener once he fully grown.

In the novel she dies. Her death was pretty heroic. She was just a new SS ranker but at the time the human race was at war. Not with demons or devils but with the dragons.

Dragon are known for the longevity and strength. So most live for a long time giving them the most advantages when awakening as they have time to get to their maximum potential. They even have the most SS rankers.

While we were at war the school was attacked because the dragons were robbed by the main cast. Now any one SS rank dragon would never beat Luna. But there were 4 of them and were the strongest in their whole race. The Four Elder Dragons.

While battling she was able to kill 3 of them while permanently crippling the last one. But she was also taking massive damage as the dragon elder were consider the strongest for no reason. She saved her students and the main cast gets a reminder of what true strength is.

So when I first met her I just looked at her, and didn't care about her because she was going to die eventually so no need to worry about her.

Then we met again but this time she started to talk to me. It was awkward since I made it as awkward as it could be. Then those directors broke that tone and made us duel.

After the duel, I was impressed that she lasted that long against me. Then I left and when on for the rest of my day.

But she changed and so did I. She kept dueling me and kept talking to each other. I at one point had a small interest in her but dismissed that because she was probably being nice or something. That turn out not to be true.

Then the night we slept with each others was interesting as I wanted to stop her from doing something she might regret but she was perfect and I didn't want to stop her.

Then she said we had to get married because of traditions or else she can't have another lover besides me.

I accepted because deep down I knew I loved her. She was the only person I would ever marry. Now I am marrying her.


(3rd Person POV)

The wedding had started and everyone was dressed nicely since they were all provided clothes by Luna and Bruce if they didn't have any.

Luna was wearing a beautiful dress and veil. While Bruce wore a traditional wedding suit but still looked handsome.

It was beautiful and quick. Ava was the wedding officiant and didn't like to play around because she considered weddings very sacred.

After the ceremony was over t was time for the wedding party. The food was delicious and they did all the traditional thing.

The other races were enjoying their times and interacting with each other. Then Bruce and Luna when to talk to the races leaders. He started off with the orcs.

Bruce: Hello Orc Champion , are you enjoying the wedding.

???: Why hello, and of course I'm enjoying it. The foods amazing and you even have delicious booze and call me Nar.

Bruce: Sure, Nar. Anyways I hear that your race is known for their strong body's is that true?

Nar: Of course, not only that but we can also regenerate. Isn't that impressive?

Bruce: Yeah, it looks like you'll have an easier time preparing for matches.

Nar: Yes, but to be fair it still takes time.

Bruce: Yes, but that still amazing.

???: If I may can I intrude in this conversation?

Bruce: Of course, Dwarf King.

???: Just call me Dain.

Nar: Then you can call me Nar.

Bruce: Well i only go by one name, so call me Bruce.

Then after a while we started to talk about stuff. Mostly alcohol since both Nar and Dain are big drinkers.

Then I left the conversation and started one with the beast monarch. He is a pretty chill guy, he even seems a bit lazy.

Bruce: Hello there Beast Monarch.

???: Huh, oh, call me Seth and I don't care about manner and stuff like that.

Bruce: Yeah me neither, so what up and how do you like my wedding.

Seth: I'm good and this weddings food and design are amazing.

Bruce: That good to hear.

After that we started to talk about combat methods and how Beast Humanoids can't use magic and only use mana to strengthen their animal abilities.

They even have a system in the Beast Kingdom that organizes Beast strongest to least. With his being the strongest which is Fenrir.

But they are based on common, rare, unique, then legendary. Common would be like a wolf. Rare would be like a centaur. Unique would be like Harpies. Legendary would be like Fenrir.

There are different between Beast Humanoids and regular beast that can transform into humans.

Beast Humanoids are basically human born with their beast traits. Where as beast that can transform into human are still beast.

So like Seth is a Beast humanoids based on a Fenrir but there still a beast monster named Fenrir and are usually S or higher ranked monsters.

Then I left him so that he can talk to others. Then I when to talk to my now wife.

Bruce: Do you believe it? We're married.

Luna: Yeah, now I'm like what next?

Bruce: Honeymoon but it gonna get delayed because of the tournament so sorry.

Luna: It fined, all I need is you, but that not what I meant.

Bruce: Then what do-

???: If I may can I intrude in this conversation?

Bruce: Sure thing, Elven Queen.

???: Like I told you, you can call me Hazel.

Bruce: Of course Hazel. Have you met my wife yet?

Hazel: Nice to meet you Luna Stellar

Luna: Nice to meet you Elven Queen.

Hazel: You can also call me Hazel.

Luna: Then you can call me Luna.

The atmosphere around the two seem, no, was very awkward as I had slept with the elven Queen before and I had told Luna about it.

She got mad at first but over time she got over it as long as I didn't have feelings for her. I didn't have feelings for her as it was more like a one night stand.

So, to break this atmosphere I decided to do what I always do. It to talk about how amazing I am.

Bruce: So Hazel what do you think of my wife, she amazing isn't she.

Hazel: Must be to have captured your heart.

Luna: Of course, I loved him since our first time we meet.

Bruce: Really? Wow, I must be very handsome then.

Luna: Of course you are, why else would I marry an idiot like you.

Hazel: Haahahha, yes why else would she have.

Bruce: Ooof, so I'm an idiot that doesn't know my place and gets bullied by my wife.

Luna: of course, you might be an idiot but your my idiot.

Hazel: Wow, I can sense total love in those words

For him. Here I thought I still had a chance.

Bruce: Well, not really sorry, but it probably never gonna happen in the first place and it definitely not gonna happen now.

Luna: And I'll make sure of it.

Hazel: Yes, I know. You don't got to add salt to the wound.

We kept talking for a while. Luna and Hazel had more in common then I originally thought since they were both magician they had plenty to talk about.

The wedding went on for a couple of more hours then we left. We even cleaned up so that the clean up crew didn't have much of a mess.

With that only 2 more days until the official tournament.


Name: Nar Waugh


Condition: Healthy

Potential: SSS-


Unique Skill:

Mana Survival(Active)

Skills (4/4):

Mana Coat(Active)

Mana Roar(Active)

Vitality of Survival(Passive/Active)


Arts: Survivor Combat (SS)


Endurance: SS+

Strength: SS+

Mana: SS+

Stamina: SS+

Perception: SS+

Charm: SS-


Name: Dain Tholo


Condition: Healthy

Potential: SSS-


Unique Skill:

Iron Work Building(Active)

Skills (5/5):

Craftsmen Passion (Passive)

Mana Circuit Creation(Active)

Metal Manipulation(Active)

Tinker Workshop(Active)

Crafting Eyes(Active)

Arts: Midas Hands (SS+)


Endurance: SS+

Strength: SS+

Mana: SS+

Stamina: SS+

Perception: SS+

Charm: SS-


Name: Seth Adam


Condition: Healthy

Potential: SSS


Unique Skill:

Fenrir Inheritance(Passive)

Skills (5/5):

Mana Devourer(Passive)

Beast Reactions(Passive)

Wolf Hunt(Active)

Legendary Beast(Passive)

Alpha Beast(Passive)

Arts: Beast Style Fenrir (SS+)


Endurance: SS+

Strength: SS+

Mana: SS+

Stamina: SS+

Perception: SS+

Charm: SS


Name: Hazel Green


Condition: Healthy

Potential: SSS


Unique Skill:

Queen of Spirits(Passive )

Skills (5/5):

Loved by the World(Passive)

Spirit Magic(Active)

Fairy Kiss(Active)

Heroic Spirit(Passive)

Spiritual Presence(Passive)

Arts: Spirit Touch(SS+)


Endurance: SS+

Strength: SS+

Mana: SS+

Stamina: SS+

Perception: SS+

Charm: SS+
