
Reborn of the demon Lord Venesa {Curse betrayal}

Ten million years ago, when the world wasn't civilized enough. The people of Earthly kingdoms seek a ruler and a leader who will lead them into battles and defeat the demons so that they make life in peace. Their prayers were answered as, during the black sun reign, the 16th slave of one of the thousands of slave kingdoms gave birth to two bouncing baby boys, one name was Urus and the other Venesa. Fate wasn't on these two destined children as that day, was the day the demons invaded earth and killed a lot of people capturing some for their food and wine and Venesa happened to be among the victim as his mom was killed trying to protect him. 15 years later, the venerable of the blood sect picked interest on him, when he found out that Venesa was good in swordsmanship and therefore took him in as his son with open arms. 23 years later, Venesa has become a strong man with great wisdom and he didn't forget his people on earth as he used his every strength trying to protect his people, but who knew the humans will repay his kindness with evil and massacre his mothers family and killed his demon father with an immortal sword. Urus who didn't know that he had a brother was brainwashed by his mother's aunt who used him as a pet to serve her sexual means, she even goes as far as saying the demons were responsible for his mother's death. Urus swore that he shall kill all the demons until he dies and if he didn't fulfill it, then his descendant shall continue the vow. He was trained to be fearless and cold-hearted. Thousands of years passed by with the war between humans and demons as the gods closed their eyes on it. The brothers met on the battlefield and one of them has to pay a huge sacrifice to save both sides. But who knew...that the great demon Lord Venesa will be forgotten so soon.

Frost_write · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Demon Lord



July 12, 2056

The heavy rain of July poured down fiercely as the gateway of heaven released its blessings upon those who have been caged into the cave of darkness, despair, sorrow, undying heartbreak, and worst of all hope.

It seems today is the day that marked the remembrance of the great demon Lord Venesa and his historic deeds upon the lands that flourish and bloom like a morning flower.

Ah, yes it is. Today is the day, the birds, whether, lands, grass, water, and even the great sun say it all. As they all morn in their ways to express their gratitude and the unfailing love he gave to them by fighting for them to give them a second chance.

Sigh, it's been 10 million years now and there has been no sign of the demons fighting with the humans, although they are still hiding in the abyss, they couldn't do a thing to the humans because of an oath. The same goes for the humans as well, if any one of them breaks up the oath first...they shall receive the heavenly punishment.

How time flies, the heroes of ancient days are long gone and forgotten, the moon sighed as it watched one of her sons fall from the sky.

One has left the world.

Looking down there was a vast landscape of forest covered in dense fog. The grounds were covered in mud due to the rain.

Moving deeper inside the forest passing through the torn and big trees. A tomb was seen in sight and it was covered with a huge stone.

Looking at it closely, one will notice that some leaves have grown on it and some visible cracks were on it. This stone has witnessed a lot of history but doesn't know who to tell.

The heavy rain, lightning, and the roar of thunder shook the earth as the moon disappear gradually from the sky. The animals ran into hiding, some into their homes, while others are homeless.

The crickets clutch themselves safely to sing the next day their composed song.



Just at this moment, lightning from the sky struck the tomb and the world went silent.

Seconds passed by like it was eternity, then the tomb shook violently and the big stone covering the mouth broke into pieces.

The inside of the tomb was narrowed and dark. A frog jumped inside looking everywhere curiously then it crock and limped inside only to run outside a few minutes later like something was in Its pursuit.

Inside the tomb, rows of stones craved with unknown formations stood strong and emitted a dark aura around a stone in the middle. The stone was the size of a mini house and it was placed on a high pillar.

The noticeable the about this stone was, that there was a chain and a lock on it. It seems what was inside this stone must not be known or released.

Everywhere was dark apart from the ray of light from the sky and the rain that poured heavily inside. Strangely, not a drop of water touched the grave.

"It must be here" A man's voice echoes at the entrance of the gave.

", Are you sure it's here? because I don't see anything unusual" A woman replied

", I'm very sure it's here. come on let's go" The man reassured and walked inside

", Your way," The voice said. Then they walked inside the tomb with their touches on top of their head.



"This place is eerie and gives out a sense of mystery and creepy feelings. wow, look at that ruin over there " The woman exclaimed

", Shh, that talk that loud, don't you know you can put us in danger?" The man is shish and moved deeper.

A few minutes later, they got into the heart of the cave and switch off their touch light.

"This is it. The great tomb of the demon lord venues. How long had it been since we started with our research " The man exclaimed on seeing the stones

"it's here truly.." The woman was speechless

"Yeah, I know. I told you before haha. come on let's examine the source here and see if what that lady said earlier was true" The man took out something from his backpack and walked towards the 12 stones placed around the small stone in the middle.

"It's written in history that these twelve stones placed here represented the 12 great demon generals that fought and conquered many kingdoms and empires with the demon lord venues. They were so loyal to him, even till the end that they were willing to die after him to protect his grave. Sigh, how wonderful" He shook his head, Stretched his right hand, and used the round object to inspect the stones.

Rows of numerical data displayed on the object, he sigh and raised it along with the stones," As expected."

"What are you mumbling about Mark " The lady earlier said. She squatted taking out some things from her heavy bag.

With the way, they dressed up, you will know at one glance that they are researchers who uncovered mysteries and are here for that purpose.

"Nothing, oh, by the way, have you seen any sign of what the lady described for us?" He inquires quickly changing the topic

She shook her head, then answered" No I haven't, but we must be careful. I have this feeling ever since we step foot into this place that something has been following us"

"Same here, I thought I was the only one that felt the pressure. But, as far we didn't attack it first, it won't harm us, and I guess there's a beast placed here as a guardian and I'm sure I will be it" He said

"That's more like it. Anyway, let's hurry up with this thing before it's daybreak " She checked her wristwatch, then said," Crap, we don't have much time left. This is exactly 2:34 am "

"Shit, " He cursed pushing the machine to its limit.

"That woman last time told us that inside here stood a stone caged with chains and when she touched it," He paused

"All her diseases were sucked away and she entered into labor for her last baby" Sara completed it as they both saw the stone in the descriptor. It was so hidden by these giant stones that it was unnoticeable from the outside. Unless you look closely at the center.

"No way" They both exclaimed

"Quick, let's check it out" The man rushed towards it and examined the chains on it. They were chains in the mortal world apart from the glow on the body and some words which they don't understand.

" Is chain looks familiar, but I don't know where I saw it from" said Sara

"Your suspicion is correct, Sara. I have seen this drawing in one of the books in the headquarters library " Mark confirmed

"Ah, yes that's the place I saw it, wow, but what is it doing here " She pondered. "If I remember correctly, I think this is the tomb of, oh no" She widened her eyes and stared at Mark, he too had the same expression on his face. They must have thought of the same thing.

"wait wait, that doesn't make sense. Why should his grave be here at the open and.." Sara said suspiciously

"Why didn't I figure it out earlier, sigh I'm such a fool. The signs were displayed earlier but I didn't notice them. One was the craved symbols on the walls at the entrance, the twelve stones, and the thing that has been watching us. And not to forget the woman's words " Mark slapped his forehead " And I even remembered saying this place was his tomb but then, I wasn't so sure"

"Tsk, calm down " Sara rolled her eyes at him and sigh

"We are in big trouble " She added

"I know " He sat on the floor thinking.

"That thing is already here and I'm scared to look back," Sara said in a shaky voice as she felt her head beating faster.

"Lord, after this.." She bit her lips

"Calm down Sara, it won't hurt us like that. If it's a demon it won't hurt us, humans, unless it wants to die" He reassured

She nodded in response.



Another lightning struck the tomb and the ground shook more violently which affected the trees closer to the have to collapse.

"what's going on!" They panicked






The earth was shaking violently as though a formidable beast was about to come out from its slumber but the world is rejecting it.

"Move away Sara! There's something behind you!" Mark yelled at the top of his voice on seeing something behind the lady. He took out his gun ready to fire but the lightning illuminated the cave for him to see what the figure was.

He dropped his gun with shaky hands and there was terror written in his eyes.

"No, no way, why is a thing here" He stuttered

"Mark help! help me I beg you! please!" Sara screamed for help as she watched her legs getting off the ground and Mark stood rooted on a spot in fear which made her loose courage that something dangerous was at her back.

"Mark! Mark!" She screamed in pain when she felt something pierce her stomach and her blood was sucked away from her.




Another thunder struck the chains on the stone. The earth was unstable as earthquakes were seen everywhere.

The tomb was already collapsing but the people inside were in danger. The unanswered question these researchers weren't able to answer was.

What was inside that stone?

Will they get out of this place alive?